Fan Creations Forum Rules and Guidelines

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Fan Creations Forum Rules and Guidelines

Postby Fauna » 13 years ago

I realized last night that this board doesn't exactly have its own set of specific rules. Today I'd like to make a few straightforward ones, but I'll definitely look at suggestions any of you might have. So now...

1) Respect the other members.
If you don't necessarily like what someone's posted, be it due to drawing or writing quality or something else, please don't be crude when you reply. If it's really a minor matter, maybe don't reply to it at all. We've had some pretty big arguments over members' work in the past. However, if somebody posts something graphic or inappropriate, tell me or one of the other moderators right away. That brings me to...

2) Avoid posting sensitive material.
Now, we'll allow just about anything, but there's a bit of grey area for some. Like, you may have no problem with a certain thing, but somebody else might have a huge problem with it. I'll just make this list here:
    Violence: Battles are fact, I would probably high-five you for writing an awesome battle. But the moment when you're writing or drawing bloody violence, body horror, rape, murdering/disfiguring characters and depicting suicide, you're in the wrong.
    Sexuality: Do not put up anything more graphic than innuendos. A character advancing on another character is fine, but two characters in a graphic situation is so not fine. Keep this rule in mind: if you wouldn't want your parents or your little siblings to see it, don't post it.
    Same-Sex Couplings: This is fine. However, adhere to the above and don't put any graphic material up.
    Political Commentary: This goes for fictions about thinly-veiled current events or political figures. This usually results in huge fights between two sides of members, and besides, nobody likes the icky feeling of double entendres. There's been a lot of politics in Astro Boy, but if you need to discuss them, don't do them in this directory, and use common sense when discussing with others.
    Racism or Stereotypes: I can't believe I have to tell some people that this is a horrible thing. Basically, don't put anything offensive up about a race or a minority.
    Swearing: Some members, particularly the younger ones, can be very sensitive to swearing. We have an automatic censor on the forum, but some words can slip through. It's really not hard to replace a harsh word with a more harmless one, and I should know...anybody who's been to my site knows my writing to be particularly curse-filled. Basically, tone it down here.
3) If you already made a thread for your work, continue to post your work in that thread.
The only exception to this is if you have separate fan fictions. But still, please don't make a thread for every time you have a picture to show us. It makes it easier to browse the forum, and it keeps all your work in one place.

4) Refer to the Site FAQs if you're unsure about something.
The link to the FAQs page are viewable on the forum's main page, and they can be seen right here. If that doesn't help, you can PM me and ask if you're still unsure about one point we had someone ask if it was okay to have Yuko pregnant in a fan fiction - like, just being there and pregnant - and that was all right.

This isn't to limit your "free speech" or what have's to make sure some poor kid doesn't walk in on a porn post. You don't need to be Care Bears, but don't be Pulp Fiction. If you do get in trouble, we'll probably ask you first to edit your post while you still can, and please comply. All in all, have fun, kids! :D The whole point of this forum is just to have a good time and discuss Astro Boy.
Last edited by Fauna on Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:43 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby avatargirl » 12 years ago

hi- thanks those are pretty good rules- but what is wrong with CARE BEARS?- i love them- they are so adorable and cute to the max!- sweet bears version of ASTROBOY- PRAY EVERYONE THE BEST- HUGS sweetly-

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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago

I didnt know about haveing to put a fan film in the Fanforum so I hope that I am doing this right. I know that the first part of my film Astro Boy at Outcast Sanctuary now im going to put part 2.

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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago

I want to put this test footage that I did some years ago of one of my favorite Astroboy enemy's Marjin Garon. i would really like to make a film with him in it. Here is the test footage, tell me what you think. Tell me what you think

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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago

I n the meantime I am trying to find a film i made with the adult version of Atlas that I made some years ago. I'm not to proud of it but it should be worth putting on the forum if I can find it. I the meantime I want to show you part 1 of Underman vs Mantarman which has a appearance of AstroBoy and Mr. Pompus.

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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago

Here is a picture of a Astroboy figure I made that just did not work. I was going to do a film where Outcast finds a damaged Astoboy but I never made it.[img][IMG][/img][/IMG]

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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago


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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago


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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago


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Postby underm54 » 10 years ago


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