My Mary Sue/Gary Stu Test

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Postby Juanita » 10 years ago

Oh I have seen Arrietty. That is a little similar to my story. Maybe there was some Miyazaki influence I didn't notice when I was creating it.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Well, Arriety wasn't just Miyazaki's film. I know I've seen a film made back in either the 80s or 90s, which I think it was called "The Borrowers". I think there's also a book about it and I think it's a folk lore tale if I'm not mistaken.

but that was a good Miyazaki movie. :)
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Windswept Cloak
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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

The Borrowers, by Mary Norton. Wonderful books. :)

I improved Yuuki, got rid of any traits that might make her silly or even Mary-Sueish, and I changed her name to Mikuko Kazama. The names Yuuki and Kawashiro are given to other characters now. So I'm re-doing the test since "Mikuko" is a little different from "Yuuki"
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

Yep, I got a better result, ha-ha. :D
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

I don't think that Nausicaa is a Mary Sue, then again it's been a little while since I've seen the film.

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Postby Fuzzy Pickles! » 10 years ago

Just to keep in mind, there is such a thing as a type of Mary Sue that emphasizes negative traits over negative traits. Like if someone was portrayed as super weak, unintelligent, worthless, poor, etc, it would be a reverse type of Mary Sue and is still poor character development. Anyway, question time! Interpretation of Atom:

1.) What is your character’s sexual attractiveness? How good looking are they?
They cannot get any more sexy and beautiful. (40)
They are very alluring. They turn quite a few heads. (20)
They are fairly good looking, but they wouldn’t win a beauty pageant. (15)
No more sexy or good looking than anyone else. (10)
If they wore ten pounds of makeup then they might be something to see. (5)

2.) How many mistakes has your character made?
A few here and there. (15)
None, they are perfect. (40)
No more than anyone else. (10)
Only one and they will never repeat it. (20)
Tons. (5)

3.) How intelligent is your character?
About average, but they have one or two things in which they excel. (10)
They are no fool. (15)
They are fairly dumb. (5)
They are a genius. (40)
They do have/could have a degree from a prestigious private school (but are not a genius). (20)

4.) What is your character’s social status?
They barely eat. (5)
They are about middleclass; they live and can get some toys. (15)
Not poor, but could use an extra dime here and there. (10)
Filthy rich, they have so much money they could never spend it all. (40)
They live in comfort and can buy most anything, but have limits. (20)

5.) How physically fit are they?
They are out of shape. (5)
Body of the gods. (40)
They have superpowers, but are not god-like (30)
They are athletic. (20)
They could exercise more, but are not too bad. (10)
Fitter than most. (15)

6.) Scenario time! Your character is in a fight, what happens?
They are beaten up, they probably lose. (10)
They destroy all opponents without getting hurt once. (40)
They run away. A fight means death. (5)
They are hit once or twice, it was a lucky shot, but they win. (20)
They win some and lose some. (15)

7.) Your character is in a situation where the probability of death is 99%, do they die?
They are a miracle worker, they live. (20)
They are lucky sometimes. (15)
They die. (5)
There –is- that 1% chance of life… but… it’s very unlikely they live. (10)
They can never die, they live. (40)

8.) How well known is your character in your world/the world they live?
They have quite the reputation. (20)
Almost everyone knows their name. (40)
Their world wouldn’t know or care if they vanished. (5)
They are only well known in one area. (15)
They are an average Joe. But have lots of friends. (10)

9.) Your character just meets the world’s most beautiful person, what happens?
Colors fly and it is love at first sight, they eventually get married. (40)
Nothing unusual or abnormal. Just another meeting. (5)
What are you talking about? They ARE the most beautiful person in the world! (50)

10.) How talented is your character?
They are a blundering oaf. (5)
They are multi talented and/or are well known for one of them. (15)
They can do many things, and they are an expert at all of them. (40)
They have one or two things that they are good at. (10)

11.) Back story! What fits your character the most?
They are the ‘chosen one’/one in a million/cursed one/the special savior/god reincarnate or the elite of all. (40)
They were born nobility/royalty and/or have duties which they must do. (20)
They are a supporter for the common good/bad/whatever. They support! (15)
They were born. But have a fairly active and interesting life. (10)
They eat, sleep, poop, and do their own thing. (5)
Overall, Atom gets a 210. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

Indeed you're right, I was focusing on the power-extreme version of Mary Sues which are more common. The test isn't perfect but it seems to be going okay.

That seems to be a fair score for Atom :3

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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

"Earthshine" wrote:I don't think that Nausicaa is a Mary Sue, then again it's been a little while since I've seen the film.

Actually, she does have a few Sue-ish traits here and there, but so what? I still like her! She's an excellent character. ;)
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

Yuuki Kawashiro is gone, I replaced her with a new character "Mikuko Kazama". I'm doing the test for her right now.
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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Mikuko Kazama Mary Sue Test

Postby Windswept Cloak » 10 years ago

1.) What is your character’s sexual attractiveness? How good looking are they?
They cannot get any more sexy and beautiful. (40)
They are very alluring. They turn quite a few heads. (20)
They are fairly good looking, but they wouldn’t win a beauty pageant. (15)
No more sexy or good looking than anyone else. (10)
If they wore ten pounds of makeup then they might be something to see. (5)

2.) How many mistakes has your character made?
A few here and there. (15)
None, they are perfect. (40)
No more than anyone else. (10)
Only one and they will never repeat it. (20)
Tons. (5)

3.) How intelligent is your character?
About average, but they have one or two things in which they excel. (10)
They are no fool. (15)
They are fairly dumb. (5)
They are a genius. (40)
They do have/could have a degree from a prestigious private school (but are not a genius). (20)

4.) What is your character’s social status?
They barely eat. (5)
They are about middleclass; they live and can get some toys. (15)
Not poor, but could use an extra dime here and there. (10)
Filthy rich, they have so much money they could never spend it all. (40)
They live in comfort and can buy most anything, but have limits. (20)

5.) How physically fit are they?
They are out of shape. (5)
Body of the gods. (40)
They are athletic. (20)
They could exercise more, but are not too bad. (10)
Fitter than most. (15)

6.) Scenario time! Your character is in a fight, what happens?
They are beaten up, they probably lose. (10)
They destroy all opponents without getting hurt once. (40)
They run away. A fight means death. (5)
They are hit once or twice, it was a lucky shot, but they win. (20)
They win some and lose some. (15)

7.) Your character is in a situation where the probability of death is 99%, do they die?
They are a miracle worker, they live. (20)
They are lucky sometimes. (15)
They die. (5)
There –is- that 1% chance of life… but… it’s very unlikely they live. (10)
They can never die, they live. (40)

8.) How well known is your character in your world/the world they live?
They have quite the reputation. (20)
Almost everyone knows their name. (40)
Their world wouldn’t know or care if they vanished. (5)
They are only well known in one area. (15)
They are an average Joe. But have lots of friends. (10)

9.) Your character just meets the world’s most beautiful person, what happens?
Colors fly and it is love at first sight, they eventually get married. (40)
Nothing unusual or abnormal. Just another meeting. (5)
What are you talking about? They ARE the most beautiful person in the world! (50)

10.) How talented is your character?
They are a blundering oaf. (5)
They are multi talented and/or are well known for one of them. (15)
They can do many things, and they are an expert at all of them. (40)
They have one or two things that they are good at. (10)

11.) Back story! What fits your character the most?
They are the ‘chosen one’/one in a million/cursed one/the special savior/god reincarnate or the elite of all. (40)
They were born nobility/royalty and/or have duties which they must do. (20)
They are a supporter for the common good/bad/whatever. They support! (15)
They were born. But have a fairly active and interesting life. (10)
They eat, sleep, poop, and do their own thing. (5)

12.) This is for fan characters only, if your character is not a fan character then skip to question 14! Do they know/have they met the protagonist or any other major character of the world in which they exist?
No. They just live in the same world. (1)
Yes, and they are/were romantically involved with them. (40)
I don’t know. They were in situations where they might have. (5)
Yes, and they met them once or twice/used to know them or worked with them. (20)

13.) Fan characters only. Is your character stronger than the protagonist/strong man of the series? (if this does not apply due to the nature of the world, replace ‘stronger’ with the world’s equivalent suitable descriptive word such as; intelligent, magically advanced, popular, more skilled in _____).
Yes, they are unbeatable; they even gave the protagonist a lesson. (100)
They are about equal in strength. (20)
They are only stronger if in their element/it depends on the situation. (15)
No. (1)
The protagonist killed my character. (5)

14.) For original characters in their own world only, if not a 100% original character skip to question 16. Their world is under siege! What happens?
Your character rushes into battle, brings down the baddie, and returns home. Your character has done this too many times. OR they are the baddie. (40)
They fight valiantly; it depends on who and what they are fighting if they live. (20)
They die or are caught up in that siege. (10)
They cause/try to cause hell for that person. (15)
Nothing/they watch it unfold/other. (5)

15.) Original characters only. A situation came up! They were slipped a roofy/ something equivalent to a heavy sleeping agent and are about to be ravaged. What happens?
What can be done? They are ravaged. (5)
They wake up and kill that person! (100)
It’s happened before, the roofy, the ravaging or both. (10)
The agent has no effect on them. (40)

16.) For everyone again. Does everyone like your character?
Yes, they are very well loved by everyone who knows them. (40)
They have only one enemy/bad relationship. (20)
Most like them. But they have made some bad relations. (15)
They are an asshole; and/or very few like them. (10)
No one knows enough about them to like or dislike them. (5)

17.) They are killed, what happens?
They are already dead…. (10)
They die. (5)
They are just resurrected, they can’t die! (40)
They are killed. But it took a whole lot of work on whoever killed them. (15)

18.) Do they have ‘super powers’ or equivalent?
No. (5)
Yes, many. (40)
Only one. (20)
Probably not. (10)
They are just… abnormal. (15)

19.) Ah blessed old age, how do they fare as a senior citizen?
They will never age so say I. (40)
They fare pretty well actually. Healthy and happy.(5)
They are a robot/elf/Faye/ghost, they can’t age like that. (10)
They don’t do well at all; they get cranky, mean and are ill. (5)
They are normal. (5)

20.) Last question! I’m out of ideas… Have you been answering honestly? 100% honestly?
Yes. (0)
No. (4,000)

She got 150 if I'm correct.
I joined this forum in late 2013 when I was 15 going on 16. Ignore my oldest posts, they embarrass me so much that I've considered permanantly leaving the forum more than once. I've grown out of my fangirling phase over Black Jack, Atom and Uran ages ago but the memories still embarrass me at times... :unsure: Though, I try to be more open-minded about it and accept it as an "interesting stage of my life". :tezuka:

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