Zircon's Jewel - Final

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Zircon's Jewel - Final

Postby tic_tac_astro » 18 years ago

I'm revising the entire story; although I didn't finish typing it all. :D
I replaced chapter 1; Zircon Reborn, to a different chapter; so that the story could be understood on who Zircon's creator is. I'm going to extend the beginning a bit, so it'll be more understanding and everyone would know where Zircon ended up. Okay, here's chapter one:

Chapter One: The New Idea

Years ago, a scientist, named Sera Yukii, specially designed robots from children to adults, even animals, to act like normal humans and animals. She used her very own kind of technology to make it all work. For every robot, she used electromagnetic energy to bring them to life. When it did, she sent her creations of human robots to companies who would admire her work of useful robots. Companies sent them to orphanages, retirement homes, zoos, and including pet stores for people to adopt and/or take home all over the world. During that time, the rates went straight up, and most of the profits went to Sera.

Unfortunately, the robots started to act differently then what she had hoped after a few months have passed. Whenever the sun sets, or when it’s pitch black, the robots started to malfunction! The reason why they didn’t do so months ago, was because they ran on light fuses that stayed on so the robots wouldn’t malfunction. The most important rule was to replace the fuses every 3 months! Without any buyer realizing it, no one found out how to stop the robots from malfunctioning!

Soon, the rates went down. Everyone had their money returned, and the robots were deactivated and sent to dumps for recycling. From this horror, policemen arrested Sera for not telling buyers about how to keep the robots in motion. She was kept in jail for about 2 years, and soon returned back to her science lab.

After all of what happened to the robots she created, she realized that electromagnetic energy isn’t of good use to people anymore. But still, she wanted to find a better way to make robots that wouldn’t hurt human life. She thought, instead of electromagnetic energy, she could use jewel energy!

Before Sera started on the new project, she first called her boss for his permission. “Operator,” she starts. “Please reach Ben Chihiro. It’s an important call.” The operator responded and reached Ben. Ben soon answered Sera’s call.

“You should be happy that you didn’t last in jail for more than two years,” he said. “Or else the policemen would’ve called me and asked to fire you already.” “I’m sorry, sir,” Sera said. “I should’ve realized that it wasn’t a good idea. But I found a better one that may interest you.” Ben was surprised. “I’m not going to take it,” he says raising his eyebrows. Sera was surprised that her boss didn’t agree to what she was going to say.

“But, sir…” she says. “I thought it all out this time. I just know it won’t fail like before-“ Her boss slammed one of his fists onto his desk. “No!” He yells. “I’ve had enough of this! The idea to you may be worth it, but there’s no way it’ll work! It will all fail!” Sera didn’t think so. “No it will not, Ben!” she yells. “Just because you say that my new idea will fail, doesn’t mean you think it will! Besides, my idea was to try jewel power instead of electromagnetic energy! I know it’ll work!” “Your last idea nearly could’ve killed the city’s people!” Ben yells. “I won’t take it, Sera!” Sera was getting frustrated. “Fine!” she yells once more. “If you won’t take it, why should I bother sharing my ideas to you? I doubt you could do any better!” Her boss’ face was turning red.

“Fine by me!” he yells again. “Your ideas are too crazy for even owning a business! In fact, you’re fired!” Ben slammed the phone back into the phone’s receiver, and Sera hung up as well. *I’ll show him that this idea’s not crazy!* she thought. *I’ll show everyone!*

More will come soon. :)

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby jeffbert » 18 years ago

"electromagnetic energy" is the basis for all of mankind's high-tech creations. From Edison's light bulb to the Cray supercomputer, nothing would work without it. There is a spectrum of energy that runs from radio wave to light to gamma rays.

The electromagnetic spectrum
Note that the lower frequencies are on the right, rather than the left. :astro:

Unless your robots are biological like those in RUR, they will need "electromagnetic energy." In fact, our own nervous systems use it. We are dead without it. I hope this helps, rather than offends you. :astro:

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 18 years ago

Eh..you know what? I have a better idea to this story. I'll keep the original, I'll just make it better for understanding. :p

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 18 years ago

Ok, I did a little revising for the first two chapters:

Chapter One: Zircon Reborn

A few months ago, a scientist named Dr. Tenma, was trying to awaken another robot in his hidden lair. Although, he didn’t create it; it was found deep into the ocean. *Come on!* he thought. *Why won’t it awaken?* Tenma couldn’t see that the robot in the energy capsule couldn’t be awakened without a certain energy source.

He walked over to the capsule and opened it to gaze at the robot. He couldn’t figure out what could revive it. Suddenly, he heard something bounce onto the floor and roll to his feet. When he spotted it, he picked it up. It was a spherical, orange-colored jewel. *Wait,* he thought. *Is this it?* He looked at parts of the robot, and noticed a dent on the robot’s forehead. *Hmm,* he thought again. *This may be the cause of why the robot can’t awaken.* He inserted the jewel into the robot’s forehead, closed the capsule, and starts giving the robot energy.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go out well. Tenma noticed that the robot isn’t the one getting the energy; the jewel is! He was shocked. “What’s going on?” he asks himself. The robot did get some of the energy, but the excess went straight to the jewel. Soon, the robot started to malfunction. The robot awakened, and it started giving off powerful discharges of a chrome-like structure, all around the room. It started to overload the computer; including other systems. The robot capsule was then destroyed by the destruction of the robot’s power. Even early projects he started on were also destroyed. Suddenly, pieces of the ceiling and walls crumble to the ground. A few parts of the ceiling were heavy enough to break through the capsule.

“Wait,” he said to himself. “That jewel…I should’ve known! The energy I gave it was useless! I must escape before I get flattened!” He tries to get through the exit, but parts of the ceiling blocked his exit.

The robot sits up and looked at Tenma. When it noticed what was going on to the lair, it had to save him. The robot quickly flew over to Tenma and grabbed him. It created a force field around itself and Tenma to protect them from the falling pieces of ceiling. They soon found an exit to escape out of. The lair didn’t collapse all the way, for now; Tenma was stuck with a nearly collapsing building with tons of crumbled pieces of wall and ceiling.

Tenma was glad that the robot saved him, but by the time it was about to put him safely on the ground, it was then hit by a piece of the ceiling from Tenma’s lair, causing it to accidentally drop Tenma within two feet, onto the ground. The robot seems to get weaker from all of the power it uses from the jewel if used too much. It then turned to glance at Tenma, gave off a little smile, and started flying off into the woods, feeling tired. Tenma was pretty surprised that the robot could use so much power. *That power…* he thought. *It’s incredible!* He stands up and looks towards the night sky. “With that power, I will rule Metro City!”

Chapter Two: Zircon’s Powers Activate

The robot soon went from flying, to walking, and then to crawling into the woods, getting weaker and losing energy by the minute. It soon reached an unexpected road after crawling out from the woods. Even though its energy was just about out, a car unexpectedly drove out of nowhere, and was head towards the robot. Soon, the robot slowly stood up, and focused its energy on the car. It then used its power once more, and fired a huge power surge of the chrome-like structure, right at the car. The driver tried to slow down, but it was too late. The structure hit the car, and sent it flying high into the sky.

The robot was extremely tired after it used up more of its energy. Weakly, it flew back into the air, and tries to find the nearest city; Metro City, for help. It soon reached Dr. O’shay’s house, and it rested itself on his lawn. The robot then shut down, also leaving some of the chrome-like structure; that covered a few strands of grass and flowers all around its body.

The next morning, Zoran was wide awake. She headed outside to check on the flowers she had planted, and then screamed. Astro and Dr. O’shay heard her scream, and headed outside to see what the problem was. All three of them spotted a robot body on the front lawn. All of them were amazed. “What is it?” Zoran asked. “Looks like a robot to me,” Astro said. “And it’s a girl, too.” Dr. O’shay took a closer look at the robot. “Amazing,” he said. “I believe it created its own surroundings when it shut down.” “And it covered the flowers I just planted yesterday!” Zoran says acting frustrated.

Astro picked up the robot and handed it to Dr. O’shay. “Can you take her to the Ministry of Science, Doctor?” he asked. “Maybe you can try to revive her.” “I’ll do the best I can,” Doctor said. “While I’m at it, Astro, you be on your way to school.” “Yes sir,” Astro said, and runs inside to get dressed. Doctor then turns to Zoran. “Zoran,” he starts. “I need you to do me a favor.” Zoran stopped staring at her frozen flowers and looked at Dr. O’shay. “I’m listening,” she said. “I need to show Inspector Tawashi photos of what happened when to robot landed here. Since I may be late for work, I won’t be able to take pictures of it. Do you mind doing this for me?” Zoran stood in a sergeant’s position, and saluted. “You got it, Doctor! I’ll have Houdini help me!” She then ran inside the house to get a camera, and Doctor put the robot into his car, and drove towards the Ministry.

Zoran grabbed the camera from the kitchen drawer, and headed back outside. Astro also headed outside and noticed Zoran taking a few snapshots of the robot’s crash site. “I hope the robot’s all right,” Astro said, looking down towards the ground. “Yeah, she’s going to pay for ruining my flowers!” Zoran says still frustrated. “Don’t worry about the flowers, Zoran,” Astro said having a sweat drop falling down his face. “You can always plant ones. Anyway, I have to get going. I got to tell my friends about what happened this morning.” “Bye, Astro,” said Zoran. Astro flew off using his jets.

After Zoran took the pictures, she then noticed Houdini land on her arm. “Hi, Houdini!” she says happily. “ Houdini squawked. “Listen, I need you to run a little errand for me. Could you take these pictures to Inspector Tawashi?” She showed the pictures to Houdini. “I’ll give you bird seed once you get back.” Houdini chirped happily, grabbed the pictures from Zoran, and flew off. “Good luck, Houdini!” she said, and then thinks about the robot. “I hope she’s okay, though.”

Thank you, you're too kind.

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Postby tic_tac_astro » 18 years ago

Chapter 4:

Chapter Three: Doctor Revives Zircon

At the Ministry of Science, Dr. O’shay did some research on the robot. He notices the jewel on her forehead. Not other than that, the jewel’s energy was clearly visible on the inside. “Hmm,” he says. “This robot must be mostly powered by this jewel. I’m not sure if it will wake up from the energy I give it, but, I might as well take the risk.” He gave the robot a few ounces of energy. Afterwards, the robot’s eyes were opening; it appeared to have clear green eyes. No malfunctioning occurred. The robot appeared to have gray-colored hair when it shut down, but after it was revived, it turned to a rainbow color.

The robot groaned a bit, but soon started to speak. “Where…am I?” she asked. “You’re in the Ministry of Science,” Doctor said. “I just revived you here.” The robot sits up. She groaned again. “Ouch,” she says. “What happened to me? How come my head hurts?” She starts to rub it for a moment. “By the way,” Doctor starts. “Do you have a name?” The robot looks at Dr. O’shay. “Yes,” she said. “I’m Zircon.” Doctor smiles. “That’s a nice name for a robot,” he says. “Do you know who created you?”

Zircon stops rubbing her head and looks at the floor. “I…” she paused. “I can’t remember. It might’ve been days ago…but…I can’t remember it.” “Don’t worry, Zircon,” Doctor said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You’ll remember soon enough. If you like, you can stay at my house for now.” Zircon looks at him and smiles. “Okay. Thank you for this.” “Oh, my name is Dr. O’shay,” Doctor says. “You’re free to also call me Doctor if you like.” “Okay!” Zircon says, smiling still.

Soon, Doctor acts surprised. “Oh!” he says. “I almost forgot! Now that you’re awake, I can tell Astro and Zoran about you!” Zircon was confused. “Who’s Astro and Zoran?” she asked. “Astro and Zoran are robots that you’ll meet at my house,” Doctor said. He looks at his watch. “Astro should be home from school by now.” “School…” Zircon says quietly. “I…don’t remember ever going there either…” “Don’t worry about that also,” Doctor said. “I’ll be happy to enroll you. But for now, let’s have you meet Astro and Zoran!”

Thank you, you're too kind.

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