Tetsu No Kyojin

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Astro sat next to Hogarth Hughes in the C-38. The General and his aide were were on the other side of the aircraft, and Dr. O'Shay sat in the middle, sort of. The small jet seated eight passengers, and the seats could be swiveled around to face each other, or into the isle. There were also several drop down tables for meal service. The galley and head were toward the rear of the aircraft, and the cockpit up front was separated from the cabin by a small door, which was propped open at the moment to allow the General to see his pilot.

“I've never heard of this Iron Giant” Astro said.

General Hayes opened his mouth to speak, but Hogarth waved him aside.

“I think I can tell the story in the most unbiased way.” he told the General, who nodded.

“I was a nine year old kid living with my mother near the Rockwell Air Force base back in '57” he said. “My dad had been a pilot and had been killed in a stupid accident on the base involving a fuel truck and a taxing jet trainer. I constantly imagined myself as a pilot, or even a spaceman, NASA didn't exist yet, and this was just before the launch of Sputnik, but rockets were the coming thing. I was hooked on science fiction.”

“It was also the heart of the cold war with the soviets.” General Hayes interrupted. “Not to mention the UFO craze. It didn't take much to get the publics imagination going back then.”

“True.” Hogarth said. “So one night this shooting star flashes across the night time sky and a fireball lands off shore in the ocean. The next day, I'm out doing my 'buck rogers' thing with my homemade ray guns. I happened to walk by the power station out in the woods when I came across the giant. He was all wrapped up in the high voltage power lines. I waited till all the fuses blew, and the wires went dead, and I helped him free himself. The big robot followed me home and became my best friend. There was one problem with him, his appetite.”

“Appetite?” Astro asked.

“Yes.” Hogarth laughed. “He had this sweet tooth for steel. He ate junk metal, and even took a few bites out of some parked cars. I made friends with an artist who owned a junk yard. The guy made art out of the junk and sold some of it, the scrap that he couldn't use or sell we fed to the Giant. My mom eventually married the guy. Dean passed away about two decades ago my mom died about a year latter.”

“Why did the government keep the Giant a secret?” Astro asked.

General Hayes grew a very serious look on his face.

“It took a great deal of work to cover up what happened in Rockwell,” the general said. “The fact that there was both an Air Force base, and a Navy yard there helped. We had to cover it up because we could have started WWIII.”

“Astro, what we didn't know was that the Iron Giant must have been built as a weapons system.” Hogarth explained. “In addition to being able to fly, and his great strength, the Giant housed a laser gun and a particle beam cannon. He could have taken out a city with a single shot!”

Astro went pale for a moment. “You do realize that you just described me very accurately, don't you?” the small robot almost whispered.

Hogarth turned and gave the general a dirty look in the eye. “The Air Force shot him down with a missile fired from an F-86 while he was flying with ME. I was knocked out for a while, and when I came to, the Giant thought I was dead and went into attack mode.”

“I can't tell you why the military turned on the Giant in the first place, Astro” General Hayes said. “Someone high up decided to put the nuclear option on the table, and in the fog of military confusion the order was given for the submarine Nautilus to launch a tactical nuclear missile at the Giant. Only problem was, the Giant was now in the heart of Rockwell. We would have nuked ourselves if the missile had been allowed to come down.”

“I'm guessing that the Giant robot did, what I would have done.” Astro said. “He flew up and took out the missile himself while it was still high enough to be detonated harmlessly.”

“You're exactly right, Astro. He did.” Hogarth said.

“Only thing is the Giant wasn't destroyed.” the general explained. “He experienced a nuclear blast, close up and personal, yet he wasn't destroyed. The EMP must have shut his systems down and he came down red hot and ended up under the Langjokull glacier where he lay for nearly a century.”

“Now it looks like he's looking for me.” Hogarth said. “Even if he finds me, he won't recognize me. He's looking for a nine year old boy. I'm in my 80's now!”

The intercom speaker next to the general's seat crackled with the voice of the pilot. General Hayes heard what the flight officer said and repeated it.
“We'll be landing in Rockwell in about fifteen minutes.” the General said. "The Rockwell civilian radar hasn't reported any bogies, but if the Giant is equipped with stealth they might not have been able to see him. The Air Force Base has a special radar that can pick up stealthy aircraft at close range. If the Giant does try to enter Rockwell air space they might see him.”
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

“There's been no unidentified radar returns sir” the radar operator at the Rockwell AFB reported to General Hayes.

“You're sure about that?” The general asked again. “I'm talking about a possibly stealth return, almost invisible. You guys should be able to detect that.”

“Yes we can.” the operator replied. “Nothing of that nature has been seen here General.”

Hogarth sat down in the plush chair reserved for the general. Hayes sat in a less comfortable chair on the other side of the office. Age before rank.

“Are we sure the giant left Iceland, General?” Hogarth asked.

“Pluto was sure that he flew off sir” Astro replied. “He found traces of jet exhaust in the ice and the chemical composition matched the data that you gave him for the giant.”

Dr. O'Shay had been deep in thought. He looked up and posed a question.
“You know, if I had been frozen in ice for nearly a century and suddenly work up I might be a bit discombobulated.” he suggested. “Don't you think it's possible that the giant might have been a bit confused as to his whereabouts and possibly got his bearings a bit confused?”

“You mean that he might have gone off in one direction, but thought he was going in another?” Hogarth asked.

“Exactly” O'Shay said. “Now if we could figure out how he might have been confused, we might be able to come up with a direction that he could have traveled in.”

“Dr. O'Shay, isn't true that the Earth's magnetic field is starting to shift, and the effect is particularly enhanced near the magnetic poles?” Astro asked.

“Yes, my boy. That is correct.” O'Shay answered. “If the Giant tried to navigate using the Earth's magnetic field he might have been thrown off. The Isogonic lines have shifted tremendously in the past 80 years. In some locations this far north, the magnetic axis have actually shifted nearly 180 degrees. His navigation could also be effected by the Aura Borealis as well.”

Astro sat down with his head in his hands. His eyes glazed over as his powerful electronic brain began to perform some calculations.

“I've got it!” Astro said. “I tried to simulate the Iron Giant's navigation sensors after a time lapse of 80 years between readings. He would have been confused and gone the wrong way if he tried to get back to Rockwell Maine. He would probably have flown in the opposite direction.”

“That's amazing!” General Hayes said. “That's why I wanted your help Astro. Having you available is like having a portable super computer! So where do you think the Iron Giant ended up?”

“Well, he'd be looking for familiar landmarks, but flying in the direction that his inertial guidance systems would have been fooled into going, he wouldn't spot anything that looked familiar for some time, as he'd be flying over water.” Astro said. “If he took a great circle route, there is only one place he'd end up eventually.”

“Where is that?” Dr. O'Shay asked.

“You're not going to believe this.” Astro laughed. “Japan.”

“I think maybe you'd better contact Pluto and ask him to return home” Dr. O'Shay said. “He can get there before we will.”

“Maybe I should fly back home by myself as well” Astro said.

“My jet is quite fast, it's not a stock C-38 anymore.” General Hayes said.

“It's not hypersonic is it?” Astro asked. “I am!”

“What is your top speed?” General Hayes asked.

“I've gotten to Mach 6 once.” Astro said.
General Hayes let out a low whistle. “We'll meet you back in Japan then. Keep an eye out for the Giant.”

“He'll probably make himself known as soon as he starts looking for me.” Hogarth said. “He won't mean to cause any damage, but if he gets hungry..”

“Inspector Tawashi is going to start getting reports of parked cars with bites taken out of them.” Astro laughed.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

General Hayes Gulfstream C-38 was re-fulled for the trip to Japan. They took off from Rockwell, and headed west on a great circle route.

“Excuse me General, but this aircraft doesn't have the range to make it all the way to Japan, does it? Where are we going to land to refuel?” Dr. O'Shay asked.

“You read Jane's don't you?” General Hayes asked. “I see you know your aircraft. Well as I said, this plane isn't quite stock. The manufacturer made some special modifications to her before I took delivery. Besides having upgraded engines and larger fuel tanks, she's mid air refuel capable. A KC-46 is going to met us half way.”

“Thank you for the update, Astro” Pluto said. “I'll be waiting for you back home.”

“What makes you think you're going to get there before me?” Astro replied.

“Besides the fact that I have a few hundred miles less to travel than you do,” Pluto said, “I'm faster.”

“I don't think so.” Astro boasted. “Tell you what, we both take off in a minute from now, and the loser has to buy the winer tickets to the next Lions game!”

“Which will cost you more than it will me since you'll have to buy out the entire bleacher section to fit my tush!” Pluto laughed.

“That won't be MY problem!” Astro answered back.

“OK then, you're on!” Pluto returned. “I'll be waiting for you at the Ministry. We leave in one minute from my mark, NOW!”

The old scrap yard about ten miles west of the Ministry of Science had been there for many scores of years. It was one of the few toxic waste dumps left in Japan that hadn't been completely cleaned up. The pollution there was mostly in the form of heavy metals and electronic wastes, but there was still a lot of scrap steel and aluminum left over from the days when Japan was still building most of the automobiles exported to North America. The MOS had contributed its share of the scrap there as well, in the form of primitive robot carcasses.
The giant spotted the scrap yard and the image caused an event to be registered in his brain. This looked familiar to him. The huge robot leveled out in flight and descended vertically to land, feet first in the middle of the scrap yard.
“Hogarth? Dean” he called out in his deep electronic voice, but got no reply. He did feel a bit peckish, so he rummaged through the piles of scrap steel looking for a quick snack. Most of the metal was a bit on the rusty side, which gave it a bit of a sour taste, but having not eaten for some 80 years he didn't mind that too much.

“Right on time” the C-38 pilot called out to the KC-46 pilot.

“We aim to please” came the reply from the aerial tanker.

General Hayes pilot extended the re-fueling probe and docked with the hose target now extended by the tanker's crewman. Lying prone in the tail section of the aircraft, the duty man in charge had to “fly” the refueling hose, manipulating the winglets on the end of the device so it would be accessible to the pilot of the aircraft being refueled. It was a tricky business for the pilots of both aircraft, but a job that had been rehearsed many times.

“Got it!” the C-38 pilot announced as the two aircraft joined up.

“OK, refueling commencing.” the tanker operator replied.

Astro and Pluto took off at the same time. Astro had his course already figured out and quickly climbed through 100,000 feet where the air was thin and the sky an almost inky black. At the edge of space he switched from his jets to rockets using both the arm and leg engines. He quickly accelerated though MACH 6 and gave it a little more omph. It was the fastest he'd every pushed it, but he fully intended to beat Pluto back home.

Pluto's navigational calculations were a bit on the crude side. Astro knew how the giant robot's mind worked, and that his friend was mostly a 2D thinker. That's why Astro knew he would beat Pluto back home, not only was his friend ignorant of the finer points of great circle route calculations, he certainly didn't understand the ballistic arc calculations for vertical distances as well. Sure enough, Pluto plowed through the atmosphere at 40,000 feet like a jet liner and suffered all the atmospheric friction that Astro was now high above. It really wasn't even a contest.

Astro landed in the parking lot of the Ministry of science and looked around and listened. He had been there for about ten minutes when he finally heard the sound of Pluto's jet engines, and his six story tall friend came in for a landing.

“What took you so long, Pluto?” Astro asked.

Pluto looked down at Astro and face palmed. “How the heck …?”

“I'll tell you my secrets later, pal.” Astro laughed. “Mean while, let's see if we can locate that Iron Giant guy.”

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


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Beyond the Stars
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Postby avatargirl » 10 years ago

hi TETSUWAN PENGUIN love your story

Last edited by avatargirl on Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Angel of the Stars
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Postby Angel of the Stars » 10 years ago

I can't wait for more!
I love how you made Astro and Pluto race eachother! :D

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Inspector Tawashi wasn't pleased at all about Skunk Kusai's release from prison. The court had decided that Mr. Kusai's good behavior in prison, plus his turning state's evidence against some of his former employers had earned him an early release.

Kusai's release was done quietly. He wasn't given the chance to contact anybody, so he was all alone at the gate when they let him out. He was given a new suit of civilian clothes, a limited rail pass, and 5000 in yen. “Barely enough for a cab ride” Skunk muttered to himself as he walked away from the lockup. Kusai reached into his pocket and withdrew a pair of dark sunglasses and slipped them on. He wasn't used to the glare of the sun, and the shades gave his eyes some welcome relief.

After a meal of about one short ton of scrap steel and iron, the giant wandered away from the junk yard. He scanned the horizon looking for familiar surroundings, but so far he hadn't spotted anything familiar. The giant now found himself in a wooded area, near a power line. He remembered how he had gotten entangled in one of those before, and how the electric current had hurt him, so he turned away from the steel towers (despite how delicious they looked). The giant walked toward the edge of the trees and sat down about 10 yards from a two land roadway.

Skunk walked along the highway that lead away from the prison, and back to Tokyo. It was a long walk, but he didn't want to spend all of his available money on cab fare. He knew that if he continued along the road he would eventually reach the train station. A large power line ran parallel to the road, and there was a wooded area just up ahead. Skunk kept walking, but his legs were tiring. He spotted a fallen tree by the side of the road and used it as a bench to rest his legs. Skunk turned his head back and forth to look down the road, but he didn't see a single car.

“Damn prison was in the middle of nowhere!” Skunk thought. “I wonder how far from here I have to walk to get to the train station?” Something was bothering him. His years in and out of prison and keeping one step ahead of the law had heightened his senses, and he felt that someone was watching him. He looked around him but but saw nobody. Then he looked up, and stared face to face with the enormous head of the giant.

“Holy Crap!” Skunk yelled out. He got up and slowly walked away, only to have a giant hand drop to the ground in front of him.

“Hogarth?” a deep electronic voice bellowed out.

Skunk turned and faced the robot. There was something in his voice and in his facial expression that didn't sound menacing. Kusai remembered Colossus and how that giant robot had bowed to his will.

“Sorry big fellow, my name is Kusai” Skunk said, introducing himself. “You seem lost, can I help you?”

“Are you a friend?” The giant asked.

“Why yes, I certainly am” Skunk answered.

“Where is Hogarth?” the giant questioned.

“Is that who you are looking for?” Skunk replied. “Well maybe I can help you find him”

“Thank you!” the giant answered in his deep electronic voice.

“You think maybe you can give me a lift to town?” Skunk asked. “I know a place where we can stay and I'll put out some feelers for this friend of yours.”

The giant put his hand on the ground and motioned with his index finger for Skunk to climb into it. Skunk stepped into the giant's hand and was lifted up to his shoulder.

“Which way do we go?” the giant said.

“That way” Skunk pointed “about 20 Klicks, if I remember correctly.”

“Hold on tight” the giant told Skunk as he lifted off and flew in the direction his new friend had pointed out to him.
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Angel of the Stars
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Postby Angel of the Stars » 10 years ago

I wonder if Skunk actually has any good intentions? XD

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Postby avatargirl » 10 years ago



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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

"Angel of the Stars" wrote:Ooohhh!!!
I wonder if Skunk actually has any good intentions? XD

You've got to be kidding!

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Postby avatargirl » 10 years ago


PRAY EVERYONE ETERNAL SALVATION AND safety always with love and friendship from my heart

Love your story TETSUWAN PENGUIN -"TETSU NO KYOJIN"........

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