Atom Fan fiction: Tainted love

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Atom Fan fiction: Tainted love

Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

Chapter 1:

Atom: My dream of peace... and equality... has become a reality, but... i feel this... this... empty void in my heart... its not quite like sorrow, its... a lonely feeling... something's missing.... but what?... i've never felt this way before...
*walking home from school, notices something sticking out of some bushes*
hmmm? * approaches the hedge, peaks over the top of it*
!!! wh-what is... it...? (he wonders to himself)

what seems to be a grey dog suddenly speaks:

???: uuuughh...

Atom: are you... okay?

No reply came from the grey k9, Atom gently picks her up, and flys home to Dr. Oshea's house. When he arrives, he lays her on the couch in the liveing room.

Nora: Ohhh my! what happened to the poor thing?!

Atom: i donno, but i think she's hurt... i found her in a bush while walking home. maybe Oshea should take a look at her...?

Nora: sounds good, in the mean time i'll get a blanket for the poor dear.

Atom nods in acknowledgement, as he go's through the house in search of his father, when suddenly as he was just halfway up the stairs his sister Zouran bumps into him. THUMP! THUD! both tumble downward down the stairs!
Zouran looks around and see's the dog on the couch.


Atom shakes his head a few times.

Atom: No. She's badly injured. and.... WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT PLAYING ON THE STAIRS?!

Zouran: im sorry... i was just... just.... OH nevermind! i came down to tell you that Oshea is at the ministry...

Atom: Thanks! i'll be back soon, with Oshea.

Atom runs out of the house and blasts off twards the ministry. Zouran pets the dog in a comforting way.

Zouran: don't worry, we'll get you all fixed up... promice....

next chapter... soon...
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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

Chapter 2:

As Atom jets through the sky twards the ministery, back home the grey k9 opened her eyes to unfamiliar surroundings, she gets up on her paws and looks around, confused.

???: wh-where am I?

Zouran: you are here, silly.

the dog tilts her head, slightly confused.

???: yes... but where is here..?

Nora: Metro city.... WAIT- D-D-DID IT J-JUST TALK?!!!

Zouran: You... can hear her too? ... so much for my special ability....

Zouran frowns and turns to Nora.

Nora: oh my,my,my this is exciting! I've never talked to an animal before!

???: nor i a robot. glad to meet you. I am Suru, and You are?...

Zouran: Zouran....

Nora: my dear, I am Nora.

Suru smiles faintly and looks around, then peeks out a window.

Suru: So, this... is Metrocity?

Nora: why, yes. have you been?

Suru: ... in a way, yes. i... just never knew it would be... so... so... beautiful...

Zouran: SURU do all animals talk where you come from?

Suru: no, actually, i dont know any animals that speak english. and... my memory... is a blur.... i dont quite remember where im from...

Atom and Oshea walk in through the door, Suru's ears perk up, and she lays on the floor.

Oshea: well, would you look at that!! Dire wolves were beleived to be extinct! What a discovery!

Atom: Extinct? what do you mean?

Oshea walks over to suru's side, and takes a look at her body structure.

Oshea: Extinct: it means, the entire population of that animal, was killed off.

Suru stands up and moves close to Atom. she looks in his eyes, and wags her tail hapily.

Suru: Thankyou.

Atom laughs a bit.

Atom: no problem.

Oshea: ?!!

Zouran: ... guys, this is Suru. Atom, Suru, Suru, Atom.

Suru turns to Oshea, and slightly smiles.

Suru: and who might this be?

Zouran: ooh, that's Dr.Oshea, the head of the ministry of science.

Suru: pleased to meet your aquantince.

Oshea: H-how did you l-learn to do that?!

Suru looks at Oshea awkwardly.

Suru: Do what?...

Oshea: To speak English?

Suru: Momma, Dadda, wolf, ya' kinda pick it up...

Oshea: ...i see, forgive me, but, where are you from?

Suru looks down, and wraps her tail over her paws.

Suru: not sure. can't remember much...

Oshea puts his hand on his chin.

Oshea: I see... odd...

Nora: - if i may interupt, she neds her wounds tended too...

Oshea: !! Right, of course!

Oshea carefully flexes each of her limbs to check for broken bones.
Suru lightly giggles.

Suru: that tickles a bit ^^

Atom: need help Oshea?

Suru: i'm fine guys, really ^^;; just a few cuts and bruses...

Oshea: Cuts and bruses?! your flank is bleeding heavily, and you have many gashes on your chest.

Atom nods, and sits on his knees infront of her.

Atom: zouran? can you get me a pail of water and a wash-cloth?

Zouran: Sure!

Zouran rushes up the stairs, and returns quickly with a bucket and a few wash cloths. Atom grabs a washrag and dips it in water, then rings it out.

Atom: it's a little hot, it may sting a bit.

Atom presses the cloth on Suru's blood-stained chest. Suru flinches slightly, but remains calm as Oshea also grabs a wet-cloth and tends to her flank-wound. Suru looks at both of them.

Suru:... again... thank you... all of you.

All: your welcome.

Nora: have you got a place to stay dear?

Suru: well n-

-Zouran: OOH you could stay with US!

Suru smiles at her.

Suru: i'd like that... very much... your all good people.

Suru turns to look at Oshea, seeking his approval.

Oshea: I don't see why not! welcome home, Suru.

Suru repeats it to herself. ...home...? Atom nods at her and smiles. her tail wags and she smiles brightly back, she wraps her huge paws around Oshea and Atom
. :heart:
Last edited by AtomXKoisuru on Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 12 years ago

Thats a good story, but here is some advice. Try to write more formally and less like your RPing.

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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

trust me, i've tryed ^^;;; but... when i try to wright formally... it ends in confusion... and failure... lol, but thanks for your input i do appreciate it Gotta ^^
Last edited by AtomXKoisuru on Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BlueCore » 12 years ago

Very interesting!
I like how you incorporated zorans powers into it!!!
Way to go! Haha
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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

thank you ^^
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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

Chapter 3

The next morning Suru awoke to a slight chill in the air. As she lift her head off the pillow she was snuggleing with she noticed that she was at the foot of Atom's bed. Atom was still in sleep mode, so she tryed to fall back into her peaceful slumber, but alas, once awoken she never could get comfortable. So attempting to soften the bed she walked in a circle in the place where she was sleeping. But, she's not exactly small like other dogs, her heavy weight and the shift of the bed woke Astro.

Atom: hmmm?

He looked tired as he rubed the sleep from his eyes, and streched his arms.

Atom: morning...

Suru: sorry that i woke you...

Atom: think nothing of it, i needed to get up anyways ^^

Atom opened up part of his chest to check his circutry.

Atom: everything seem's to be in check. tempriture is .2 degrese higher than normal... but, i can fix that.

Atom didn't hesitate, as he presses all sorts off buttions at lightning speed, and in doing so makes alot of beeping noises. Suru looked at him, curious to see how everything works. She shifts her position to move closer to him. Suru watches closely and listions to all of the noises, her ears flicking from time to time.As Atom go's through his sytem checking for anymore abnormalitys.

Suru: how... does it all work...?

Atom looks at her and grins.

Atom: What this?

He points at his "heart" and energy systems.

Suru: yes.

Atom: well, it's hard to explain... but I have what's called Kokoro. this... is the heart of my entire sytem, my programing, my controls, everything I am.

Suru: oooh, i see... and, from what Zouran tells me... you have... powers...? I know you can fly, but what other things can you do?

What, flying not good enough for you? Atom replyed in a sourcastic voice.

Suru giggles a bit and smiles.

Suru: welli guess flying is a nice power, but i thought there was more to "the Mighty Atom"

Suru winks at him in a joking way. Atom just smiles and Slips on his boots.

Atom: well, i have other powers, but i would say flying is the best one. the freedom it gives... and the places you can go... iit's a feeling... like no other...

Atom started to drift off into a day dream, and Suru looked into his eyes at a distance.

Suru's thoughts: (he seems... so human... its unbelievable... and... those eyes... show his full expression... its amazing... how he can express such feelings... even though, he's not truly a living being... free spirited... kind hearted, and true...)

Atom: ...... ...Oh! I'm sorry, i drifted off a bit there, ^^;;

Suru: it's ok ^^

Atom: anyways, my other powers? well, I have what i call, Digibeams; lasers in my fingers. X-Ray vision, 1,000,000 Horsepower strength, rockets in my arms and feet, ooh, and also, a cannon in my arm. And... machine guns... in my... ummmm...... uhhhh....

Atom's face got slightly red. Suru looked at him, her curiosity rising.

Suru: ...go on...

Atom: ...well... i say they're in my hips... but others call them "butt-guns."

Suru looked pleased in that following answer.

Suru: Cool powers, wish i could do even half of those things... that would be awesome... all i can do is... talk and... change my appearance...

Atom: Change... your... appearance...? What do you mean?

Suru: ... I can... do... this...
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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

Chapter 4

Atom had a look of shock and disbelief on his face as Suru somehow shape-shifted into a *Mobian-looking creature. Suru looked at him, and noticed the puzzled expression on his face.

Suru: are you... alright Astro?

Atom: yeah... it's just.... you remind me... of someone else...

Atom started to drift off again, but this time, his eyes showed sadness.

Suru: ... Who would that be...?

Atom closed his eyes for a moment, then turned to look at her. Suru's ear flicked.

Atom: ...**Penelope...

Suru: ...who's Penelope?

Atom: Penelope is a shape shifter... from... the moon, but... to save another... she put her own life at risk. now... i don't know where she is... or... even if She's still alive. Much like me, she couldn't live without a source of power. She obtained strength from what's called "luminite."

Suru: Luminite?

Atom: Mhmmm, It's a rare crystal that was discovered at the dark side of the moon... it's what kept Penelope alive. But the source of luminite was in short supply, The original fortress-like crystal kept dis-appearing, and re-appearing in different locations on the moon.

Suru: I see.

Atom: yeah...

Atom looks down for a split second, then looks back up, a glimpse of hope radiating from his Amber eyes.

Atom: But i have the utmost confidence in her. She's strong, She's alive. I'm sure of it!

Suru looked at him, admiring this bond he must share with his closest friends, and hoping that she could be apart of it. Suru smiles and hugs him lightly.

Suru: I'm sure she is.

Atom hugs her back, and out of the corner of his eye he notices the time on his clock.

Atom: 8:05?!!! I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!!

Suru's ears fall flat.

Suru: I-I'm sorry...

Atom: It's not your fault, I lost track of time.

Suru: but i kept asking questions...
Atom had no time to reply, as he scrambled around looking for his text books.
Suru quickly helped Atom pack up his stuff for school, and as she watched him run out the door, she kept looking at him until he was out of her line of sight.

* Mobian: Sonic character
** Penelope:Referring to Astro boy 2003: episode 34: Shape shifter.
Last edited by AtomXKoisuru on Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: need I say it again?
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Postby AprilSeven » 12 years ago

ooohhh good story! I forgot about Penelope!!

*sighes* So MANY "Astro girls" . . . but who can blame them! XD
Image Sig artwork by Alittleacorn!

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Postby AtomXKoisuru » 12 years ago

lol ikr, but i've watched every episode at least 15 times ^///w///^;;; i totally cried on the last episode... ;///~///;
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