Astro Boy - The Last Day in Robotonia (Fanfiction)

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Astro Boy - The Last Day in Robotonia (Fanfiction)

Postby SonicRainboomsXD » 9 years ago

This fanfiction is a one off set in the English Dubbed, 2003 series. It is a more detailed look into what really happened at the Bomb near Robotonia. It's meant to express how Astro felt at the very time, and the emotions of the ones around him. I hope you enjoy....



"Risking your own life for others can be a kind gesture, but to die from it, the pain that you and many others go through, is something one can never expect until the very end..."
A detailed look into the Bomb at Robotonia...

BOOM. It's that one sound that almost everyone hates. The one sound that signals pain, tears and, sadly, death. Death. Was that what he was experiencing right now? Death? If not, it was a very close replication of it... A very.. painful replication...

Falling from the sky, Astro's senses seemed to pick up everything, strongly, yet weakly. Everything was a complete blur, and yet, it felt as clear as a reflection in a flowing river. To other's, explosions would usually last an amount of a few seconds, but to Astro, it went on forever... Just as Dr. Drake's giant bomb had exploded, Astro felt a huge impulse of pain flow throughout his body. It was so agonising that he felt like screaming in discomfort, but he hadn't the strength to do so; all he could do, was fall. Streaky flashes of electricity struck through his spine and upwards to his robotic brain, making him squeal silently. The growing clouds of smoke almost seemed gritty, like a pixelated photograph, and everything he saw, was slowly fading away; blurring ever so slightly until it was unbearable to even look, so Astro weakly closed his eyes in fright. He was just waiting for someone to come and catch him. Atlas? Epsilon? Even The Blue Knight, it didn't matter who, just someone! Someone please save me.... Please!, he prayed and prayed that somebody would help him, all he wanted right now, was to be back in Metro City with everyone, not frightened to death in this cold, heartless place. Death. That was it wasn't it? It wasn't a replication, this was the real thing, he had just hated to admit it. Sparks of electric strapped around his rockets, making them die out; it wouldn't've mattered if they were still intact, he wouldn't have been able to fly away anyway, not like he usually would... He hadn't the energy. That's it. All the strength Astro had was being replaced by a numbing heartache. It wasn't just that he wouldn't be alive anymore, it would be the fact that he wouldn't be able to see his friends and family again. Zoran, Atlas, Reno, Ken, Doctor O'Shay... He heard all their cries, muddled into one. Their friendly, yet frightened voices, echoed and pounded in his head, leaving a scar of another none-dying pain with him.
The whoosing sound of the air flowing past began to muffle it's way in his ears, with everything else, but it sounded almost completely different, unique, even. Everything around him was mixing together, Astro couldn't tell anything apart from everything else in the world; even those earlier familiar voices were unrecognisable from one another. That was it, the very last of his energy had faded, and the somebody falling from the sky, had changed. It wasn't a "somebody" anymore, but just an empty shell. No heart. No soul. No memories. Just a technical collection of wires and gadgets floating in the air, An exoskeleton with a cover of a boy, one that hardly existed now, and probably wouldn't ever again... The three lives he'd had, and his third, as another being. Himself. Not the one he was programmed to be; he had broken free and changed the world, and now, he was nothing... Softly, he fell to the freezing cold snow beneath. That was the last of the explosion....

Everyone had been watching, and now, their emotions were everywhere. Many were crying, while others kept hope, dearly wishing he'd just get back up with a smile, like usual, and others... They were cackling. This had been what they had hoped for this entire time, ever since the little miscreant Astro, had tried to stop all their evil plans. The people closest to Astro though, had the worst effect. Zoran and Yuko were hugging each other tightly back in the city, sobbing together with Nora beside them. Astro's best friends, Ken, Alejo, Abercrombie, and of course, Reno, were all gasping, their hearts pounding and their pupils shaking quickly. Doctor O'Shay, was just the same, with tears in his eyes, just hoping everything had turned out better than what was expected. Even Detective Tawashi was hurt, despite "disliking robots", he'd actually grown rather fond of Astro, he just would hate to admit it.
Reno, shaken out of his trance, looked over at Doctor O'Shay. He thought that he must have been one of the worst to have been struck with this fate, despite Doctor Tenma being Tobio's father, Doctor O'Shay was the one who was always there for Astro; he had been the one who had saved him from the burning building and revived him, he had taught him everything he'd needed to know and over all, he was just like a father to Astro. To Reno, he thought that this must've been the way that O'Shay had felt the entire time, that Astro was his child, it was just written all over his worried face. All of a sudden, the raspy Reno, took action, and soon, everyone in the arctic began to search for their robot friend, everyone that is, except for Doctor Tenma, who was on his knees, also hoping he'd be fine.

It was taking a while, and it was absolutely freezing cold out, but no-one had stopped looking, he had got to there somewhere. To everyone's surprise, Atlas suddenly called out - He had found his younger brother buried deep in the fluffy snow. A huge orb of doubt was soon lifted from everyone's chests as they walked over to him, maybe everything would be okay....
:hyo: "When are we ever going to stop fighting each other?!" :astro:

:heart: ~~~~~ :heart:
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Postby Reid958 » 9 years ago

Heyyyy!!!!! SonicboomSXD I knew I'll end up saying hello XD

All through I've seen the story on deavanit art. I really love the emotion words you used and the people's feelings including Astro's for he's the main part of the tragic story. I love your fan fiction do keep it up. :-D

Btw did you make that animation (I know that's the 1st part in the worlds greatest robot in 2003 series show)

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Kokoro Robot
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Postby SonicRainboomsXD » 9 years ago

"Reid958" wrote:Heyyyy!!!!! SonicboomSXD I knew I'll end up saying hello XD

All through I've seen the story on deavanit art. I really love the emotion words you used and the people's feelings including Astro's for he's the main part of the tragic story. I love your fan fiction do keep it up. :-D

Btw did you make that animation (I know that's the 1st part in the worlds greatest robot in 2003 series show)

Heya, and thanks! Some people say they would've liked more scenes in that particular part of the episode, so added detail was a must for writing this one :tezuka:

(No actually, I was looking for a 2003 GIF to add to my signature and most of them where either too large, or they were from the other series', which weren't the ones I wanted for my profile; but anyway, I finally found an awesome one after typing on Tetsuwan Atom GIF, or something :D )
:hyo: "When are we ever going to stop fighting each other?!" :astro:

:heart: ~~~~~ :heart:

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