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The Deep Space Adventure

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:15 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Here I go starting another Astro crossover story! This time I'm going to let you guess what TV show it is a cross over with. It's an old show that aired before many of our members were even born, so I bet only April7 and Jeffbert will remember it. (Don't worry, I'll give away the secret later). There are enough clues in this first chapter to give it away.

The Deep Space Adventure


Astro and Reno sat next to each other in the front cabin of the small chartered jet. Reno leaned over to stare out of the window as the aircraft flew over the Pacific, he was trying to figure out just where they were heading. Astro looked up at the professor and nudged him in the side with his elbow to get the man's attention.
“Hakase, can you tell me now just what is going on?” Astro asked.

Ochanomizu looked down at Astro and sighed. “Yes I suppose it's safe to talk now.” He answered. “I'm sorry I had to be so secretive, but Commander Zero was quite insistent that our trip be kept secret. The equipment that you and Reno helped me get ready was sent on ahead to Space City so that it could be installed in one of their space ships. I'm not really sure what is going on, but I do know that both Dr. Moss of the Japanese Space Agency, and Dr. Von Wormer of NASA are going to be meeting us there. It seems that whatever is going on requires the attention of the world's three major space agencies to figure out.”

“Just what is Space City, Hakase?” Astro asked. “I've never heard of it?”

“Space city is the head quarters of the World Space Patrol, isn't it?” Reno asked.

“That's correct, Reno.” the Professor replied. “Shortly after Astro returned from his mission to Mars many years ago with the discovery of that Alien menace, it was realized that we needed to keep surveillance of the outer regions of the solar system. The World
Space Patrol was established to perform that task. They also keep a lookout for space pirates in the shipping lanes between Earth, Mars, and the L5 zones.”

“So where is this Space City?” Astro asked.

“It's exact location has been kept secret to the extent that it isn't on any published map.” The professor replied, “But it's well know that it is located somewhere in the south Pacific on a remote island.” Ochanomizu looked briefly at his watch. “Actually, we should be almost there by now. In fact I think I feel our pilot beginning his descent.”
“You're right Hakase.” Astro replied. “My gyro senses indicate that we are on a descending path.”

The aircraft made a slightly bouncy landing and pulled up to the Space City terminal building. Astro, Reno, and the Professor walked down the stairs to the tarmac where a bus was waiting for them. As they pulled away, the aircraft was already being unloaded onto a flatbed truck.

“I hope they don't lose my luggage.” The professor moaned. “That is what always happens to me when I travel.”

The bus dropped them off in the center of the Space City complex, not far from the rotating tower building. They were escorted by several uniformed men into the main complex, and took an elevator upstairs to the commander's office. Professor Ochanomizu immediately recognized Dr. Moss of the JSA, and Dr. Von Wormer from NASA.

“Hello again Astro!” Dr. Moss cried out extending his hand. “I'm very happy that you were able to help us with our little problem.”

“Dr. Moss insisted that you join us.” Commander Zero spoke up. “He couldn't recommend you any more highly, and briefed us on your heroics during the second Mars expedition.”

Astro blushed slightly and bowed his head.

“I'm happy to see you again as well!” Dr. Von Wormer spoke up. “I've tried to bribe the Japanese Science Ministry with quite a sum to get them to lend you to us at NASA, but they keep turning me down!” He laughed.

“Well now that the reunion is over, can we get down to business?” Lieutenant Ninety asked.

“Always a bit impatient, aren't you?” Zero asked rhetorically. “Let me introduce my second in command, this gentleman in Lieutenant Ninety.” Command Zero explained. “Now if everyone will take their seats I will explain what is going on.”

Reno and Astro had wandered over to the windowed wall of the commander's office to look outside at the complex. The building they were in slowly rotated at a rate of about 1 RPM giving them a good view of the entire complex. “Is that the main launching pad down there?” Reno asked.

The commander looked to where Reno was pointing. Several long tracks ran off in the distance, each of them terminated with an uphill section of about 40 degrees aimed skyward. Siting on one of these tracks was a rocket sled, with a giant spacecraft sitting on top of it. The ship had a large wing section in the rear with an equally large rudder. Each section of the wing held a rocket engine, the rear of the ship had and even larger engine. The front of the ship where the cockpit was had a large transparent front section and four small fins toward the back. It was apparent that this front section could separate from the main craft, perhaps for planetary landing, leaving the bulk of the craft in orbit.

“Good eyes son.” the commander replied. “That is our main XL launch complex. The ships launch like an aircraft horizontally propelled by those rocket sleds on a track. When they reach the end of the track they are going fast enough to pull up in a steep climb under their own nutomic rocket power We have over 30 of those ships in the fleet. We are currently prepping #5 for this mission.”

Chapter I (continues)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:54 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Zero reached into his pocket and extracted a remote control pointer. He pressed a button on the device and a large flat screen monitor lowered down out of the ceiling. As soon as the screen was fully lowered it displayed a graphic showing a map of part of the outer region of the solar system. The commander used the device to point to the screen.

“This region of our system, just beyond the orbit of Neptune and extending deep into the Kuiper belt has slowly been getting the same reputation as the old Bermuda Triangle on Earth.” Zero said. “We've had reports of numerous ships disappearing in this region, mostly belonging to wildcat asteroid miners in the Kuiper belt. We've lost contact with two of our patrol ships in that region and a third one is now overdue on contact. At this moment we don't know if we are dealing with a hostile alien threat, some unknown natural phenomenon such a a black hole, or something totally undefined. Part of our problem is the vast distances out there. Even with our nutomic powered rockets we are dealing with trip lengths of many months long.”

“I take it that the equipment you asked me to prepare might have something to do with a solution to that problem.” Professor Ochanomizu spoke up.

“Exactly.” Zero replied. “A Doctor Dillon Schlemiel has been working for us for the past few years perfecting his anti-gravity engine. He is currently working with the maintenance crews to install this device on patrol XL ship #5. The graviton density detector that your science ministry has perfected is the missing bit of technology that Dr. Schlemiel is missing to finish the control systems for his engine.”

“Just how fast will this device enable a spacecraft to travel?” The Professor asked.

“In theory the ultimate velocity is unlimited.” Zero answered.

“Do you mean that it is capable of super-luminal velocity?” Dr. Von Wormer asked.

“That is exactly the implication Dr. Schlemiel has proposed.” Commander Zero answered “We don't know what will happen to the crew of a spacecraft as it approaches and exceeds the speed of light. We can't risk the crew passing out and loosing control of the ship, and we don't have the automated equipment to assume control of the craft in case something goes horribly wrong once the light barrier is breeched.”

“That's where I come in?” Astro asked.

“Exactly!” Zero said, patting Astro on the head. “We need you on board the ship to act as the copilot to take control if the ships human pilot becomes incapacitated.”

“In that case I'm coming along as well!” Reno said standing up. “I'm the only person that could repair Astro should he become damaged.”

“That was the reason I brought him along as well.” Dr. Ochanomizu added. “Plus Reno helped us assemble the prototype graviton density meter that you are now installing on the ship.”

“Very well, Professor.” Zero smiled. “In fact I had expected he was going to come along on this mission and we've made provisions for him on the ship. I should warn both of you that we have no idea what you are going to find out there. The mission will have a dual purpose, firstly to test Dr. Dillon Schlemiel's Graviton Polarity Generator Engine, and to investigate the area where all of the missing ships have been reported. It will be a dangerous task, mostly due to the many unknowns.”

“I'm still up for it.” Reno said, “As long as Astro is.”

“Then it's a go!” Astro replied.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 2:21 am
by avatargirl

Chapter I (continues)

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:39 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
“Well then I think it's time that I introduce you to the crew of XL ship #5” Commander Zero replied. “Astro, Reno, and Professor Ochanomizu, if you will accompany me please.”

The commander and his second in command led their volunteers out into the hallway and into a waiting elevator. The special lift traveled through a pneumatic tube that led from the control tower building directly to the launch complex. By pressing the correct destination button, the commander was able to direct the lift directly to the launch area where the XL ship was berthed. They exited the elevator and entered a long walkway leading through a movable tubeway that was docked against the side of the ship. Lieutenant Ninety entered a code on a keypad on the outside lock to the ship and the door slide open. An elderly man in the ships uniform greeted them at the door. He had wirely hair that sorta resembled Albert Einstein's, and wore thick glasses.

“Hello there! You must be Astro.” he said. “I'm Professor Matt Matic, the ship's engineer. Welcome aboard Fireball XL5!”

“Pleased to meet you sir.” Astro replied, placing his hand on Reno's shoulder. “This is my
friend Reno, who will also be on this mission.”

“Pleased to meet you as well!” Matt answered, “I understand you are an expert on this Graviton density instrumentation that was recently brought aboard. Robert and I are having a bit of a time trying to tie the equipment into the ship's instrumentation.”

“I can help you with that.” Reno answered.

“Great!” Matt answered. “Follow me.”

The engineer led Astro, Reno and the professor into the ship's main computer bay where most of the navigational instrumentation equipment was located.
“Let me introduce you to Robert, my robot.” Matt said. “Robert is my assistant, and he also doubles as the ships automatic co-pilot.”

“H-E-L-L-O!” Robert's synthesized voice said. The transparent skinned robot was about a head taller than Astro. He had simple claw like hands and block feet. “Robert isn't very sophisticated and his A.I. isn't as complex as your's, I'm afraid.” he told Astro. “He's not much of a companion because he has no personality, but he's very devoted to his job and I depend on him.”

“Pleased to meet you Robert.” Astro said.

“T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U” Robert answered.

The forward door into the compartment opened and two more of XL5's crew entered.
“You're just in time Steve.” Matt said. “Our two new crew members just arrived on board. Astro, Reno, let me introduce our commanding officer, Colonel Steve Zodiac, and the ship's medical officer Doctor Venus.”
“Pleased to meet you both.” Astro and Reno replied together.” Reno stared at Venus for a few moments, he was taken back by her appearance.

“Why don't you go ahead with the Colonel and the Doctor Astro, I'll get to work with Robert and Matt.”

“Sure.” Astro replied. He followed the Steve and Venus toward the front of the ship.

“I'll be heading back to the complex with the commander.” Professor Ochanomizu yelled as Astro disappeared though the door. He headed back to the airlock with Commander Zero and Lieutenant Ninety.

Steve led Astro through a second hatchway that led into the front section of the ship.
“This is the cockpit of Fireball XL5.” Zodiac explained. “This section of the ship can detach from the main body and fly on its own. That's usually how we land on other planets, leaving the main part of the ship in orbit. There are two command chairs up front, with identical controls. Either one can be used as the pilot's station, I usually sit on the left hand side and Robert serves as my copilot when he isn't working as Matt's assistant in the engineer section.”

“I guess I'll be sitting in the right seat this trip.” Astro said.

“That's right.” Steve answered. “Robert will be helping Matt and Reno while we are testing the new Anti-Gravity engines. Why don't you get in the right hand seat and get familiar with the ship's controls.”

“Sure.” Astro replied, taking his position as the co-pilot. He scanned the various instruments and controls in front of him and quickly figured most of their operation out.

“So what do you think, can you fly her?” Steve asked.

“No problem.” Astro answered. “Most of her instrumentation and controls are rather standard stuff. I'll read though the ship's equipment manual before takeoff and I'll have the non standard stuff figured out quickly.”

“Quick study, er?” Steve asked rhetorically. He opened a drawer under his seat and pulled out a metallic covered binder. “Here's the manual. Knock yourself out, kid.”

OK have you figured out what TV show this was yet?
Anybody remember Fireball XL5?

Chapter 2

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:46 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
The Deep Space Adventure


Dr. Dillion Schlemiel wasn't your typical scientist – engineer type. He didn't look quite nerdy enough, wasn't absent minded or single purposed, and actually paid attention to his dress and personal hygiene. He looked more like an accountant, or perhaps a lawyer type, didn't wear thick glasses to correct extreme myopia, and was actually rather popular with the ladies. However if you found him at work deep in the engine room of a spaceship working on installing an experimental anti-gravity propulsion unit, you'd swear that was exactly where he belonged, and what he was born to do.

Professor Matic and Reno climbed through the hatchway and down the ladder into the lower level of the rear engine room. Dr. Schlemiel was sitting right behind the huge rear end of the ship's main nutomic rocket engine where he had opened up the main wiring junction box and was busy splicing in the power feed to the Graviton Polarity Generator already mounted right in back of the powerful rocket engine. Compared to the nutomic rocket, the GPG was tiny, barely the size of a refrigerator. Dillion turned around and looked up when he heard Reno and the Professor enter the engine compartment.

“How's it coming?” Matt asked.

“I've almost got the Spindizzy hooked up now.” Dillion said calmly. “I'll have it ready for calibration as soon as you get that density meter interfaced to the systems.”

“I've already finished that.” Reno replied. “Spindizzy?” he asked.

“That's the nickname the guys at the WSP rocket repair depot gave to my invention after I described its theory of operation to them.” Dr. Schlemiel laughed. “A bit colloquially put, but actually an accurate description of what happens at the subatomic level when the Graviton Polarity Generator is in operation. The gizmo operates by interacting with the spin vector of subatomic particles against a magnetic vector which modulates the gravitation forces.”

“I still don't understand it.” Matt said scratching his head, “But I've watched the videos taken of the scale models, and I believe this thing is for real. Still, the real proof is going to be what happens when we try to use it to propel Fireball XL5.”

“Don't worry about that!” Dillon said. “I guarantee I will knock your socks off!”

“The thing is so small!” Reno said with a question in his voice. “Ocean going ship diesel engines are larger than that.”

“Size is deceiving.” Dr. Schlemiel said. “What really matters is the amount of mass that my invention is asked to react with. The larger the mass, the more effect for a given power input. This ship is massive enough to react against the Spindizzy using about as much energy as would be required to power the nutomic rockets at one third power. That's decent efficiency considering the velocity that we will be able to obtain, but it's nothing compared to the device's ultimate potential.”

Now Matt was really curious. “Which is?” He asked.

“Well if you buried a Spindizzy into a fair sized asteroid with a mass of about that of your average sized city,” Dillon started to brag, “you could send the thing across the galaxy at many times the speed of light powered by a bunch of flashlight batteries!”

Chapter 2 (continued)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:26 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
“There!” Dillon remarked as he finished putting the last screw back into the hatch cover on the Spindizzy, “I'm all finished back here.” The scientist-engineer slowly got back on his feet from the crouched down position he had been in for several hours. “That wasn't too good for my back.” he complained. “So let's try the initial calibration, shall we?” he asked Reno.

“Is that safe?” Reno asked. “I thought we weren't going to power this thing up until we were in space?

“Good point, Reno.” Dillon laughed, “but I'm not actually going to be applying any real power to the GPG at this point. I just want to verify that it's functional, and we can do that by measuring the interaction between the device and the earth's gravity when I activate it at its lowest possible idle current.”

For the next half hour Reno and Dr. Schlemiel verified that the system connections were correct and that the graviton density measurements agreed with his calculations. Astro and Colonel Zodiac observed the control panel where Reno had patched in his equipment. When the ship was in space they would be controlling the GPG engine, for now they were observing Dr. Schlemiel and Reno as they checked out the panel.

“Everything looks correct” Dillon finally announced as he powered down the equipment. “We still need to go through the simulation runs some more, I want to make sure that you are certified on this equipment.”

“I've been though the simulations plenty, and achieved a 99% grade on it.” Steve complained. “I'm ready and you know it.”

“What about the robot?” Dillon asked, looking at Astro.

“Don't worry about me.” Astro replied. “I'll plug myself into the simulator computer overnight and run though the exercises a few hundred times. I'll be more than ready when we launch.”

“I don't know ….” Dillon replied.

“We've been over this several times, Dr. Schlemiel,” Steve replied. “Base Commander Zero has refused your request to come along on this mission because of the danger.”

“He's approved a kid to go!” Dillon said pointing at Reno.

“I'm no kid!” Reno yelled, “I'm over 21 years old. I know I look younger, but I'm an adult, and I volunteered.”

“He's got you there.” Steve said. “Your invention is too important for use to loose the inventor if something goes wrong. You've got the base supercomputers at your disposal to analyze any problems we might encounter and come up with a fix at your end. Worst case scenario if we lose XL5, you'll get it working on another ship eventually. We NEED that anti-gravity engine.”

“Well if you put it THAT way...” Dillon answered, “OK. But be careful!”

“Don't worry about that.” Steve answered. “I started out as a test pilot, I know the drill.”

Chapter 2 (continued)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:48 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Steve Zodiac sat at one of the ends of the rectangular table in the ship's conference room. Seated along one of the long ends of the table were Dr. Venus, and Professor Matt Matic. Directly across from them were Astro and Reno. Located just behind the auxiliary bridge in the main section of the ship, it was here that most of the brain work of any mission might take place. The room was large enough to hold the ships normal crew complement of three or four members, plus up to four extra mission specialists that might come on board. Right behind the position where Steve was sitting a large display screen was built into the wall. It could be used as a computer display, ship view screen, an electronic white board, or in several of these modes at once. At the moment it was in teleconference mode connected back to a video intercom with Commander Zero's office in the Space City command center. Dr's Moss and Von Wormer and Professor Ochanomizu were in the commander's office, and all four of them could be seen in the view screen.

“Now that you've helped get the new engine installed and setup in XL #5,” Commander Zero said, “I think it's time for a formal before takeoff mission briefing.”

“Roger that.” Colonel Zodiac replied. “We're all present and accounted for here. Let's get started.”

“OK then,” the commander replied. “As you know we've been out of contact with patrol ships XL-4 and XL-13 for nearly six months now. Their supplies must be running very low at this point, if we don't find them soon all hope for their crews will have run out. Patrol ship XL-7 was chasing after space pirates that were attacking miners in the Saturn ring system when they called in that they had received a weak signal from XL-4 and they headed out past Neptune to investigate. We lost contact with XL-7 just a few days ago.”
The commanders image on the display screen faded out and was replaced by a computer generated map. The command moved a display pointer around on the screen. “Here are the last know positions of all three ships. XL-4's position is what was reported by XL-7 when they picked up her signal. As you can see we seem to have lost contact just beyond Neptune's orbit at a point where the Kuiper belt begins. At the time of the ships disappearance they were not far from the current orbital position of the planet Pluto.”

“Pluto is actually not a planet, it's really a Kuiper Belt object.” Reno spoke up.

“Yes, that is the current definition by the Astronomical board of scientists,” Professor Ochanomizu replied. “Some members of the Kuiper belt are large enough to be planets in their own right, but their origin and orbits do not qualify them as true planets. They are made from material left over from the initial formation of the solar system that didn't get swept clear during the sun's early T-Tara phase.”

“Be that as it may, the Kuiper Belt has never been properly explored.” The commander continued. “There are many planet sized objects, and thousands much smaller whose orbits have never been properly charted. Astronomers have never had a reason to study them more closely, up until recently there hasn't been any reason to. These objects are in stable orbits and there is little danger of any of them entering the inner solar system where they could pose a hazard. However if there are space pirates or alien invaders lurking out there, the Kuiper belt makes a good hiding place.”

“And that's where we come in?” Steve said.

“Exactly.” Zero replied. “Your mission is to verify the operation of the Graviton Polarity Generator and to explore the Kuiper belt in the vicinity of those missing ships. You will proceed out beyond the orbit of Jupiter where you will be clear of all space traffic.” The commander zoomed in the map image and pointed to a region of space just beyond Jupiter's orbit. “Here you will engage the anti-gravity engine and proceed out towards the region of the Kuiper belt where the missing ships are assumed to be. You will make sure that you can control this new engine before going beyond Neptune's orbit. We don't want to risk loosing another XL ship if we can help it.”

Chapter 3

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:58 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
The Deep Space Adventure


Astro and Reno shared a king sized bed in the guest wing of the WSP HQ. Professor Ochanomizu slept on the couch in the other room. He was a little miffed that the WSP couldn't have given him a larger suite with two beds, but he was glad to give up a nights comfort for the boy's sake. They needed their rest with the preparations for the mission and lift of the next day.

When the alarm clock rang at 0700 Astro was already awake and dressed. The Professor rolled over and fell out of the couch at the sound of the alarm clock, bumping his nose on the floor. He made his way over to the bathroom to splash some water onto his face before getting dressed. When he exited from the bathroom Astro was standing in the main room of the suite dressed in the WSP uniform he had been issued.

“Good morning Ochanomizu Hakase,” Atom said.

“Good morning to you Atom.” the Professor replied. “My, you look real spiffy in that uniform, although that cap could be a little larger.”

“I guess so.” Astro said shrugging his shoulders as he looked in the mirror. The uniform fit him perfectly, except for the cap on his head. The two pointy ends of his cowlicks almost poked through the cloth of the cap leaving bulges under its surface.

Reno appeared in the doorway of the bedroom. He yawned for several seconds before silently walking into the bathroom like a zombie, slamming the door behind him.

“Doesn't seem like he got a good night's sleep.” The professor said.

“That wouldn't surprise me at all.” Astro said. “He snored like an elephant trumpeting, and rolled around in his sleep all night. If I was human he would have kept me up. 'Course being a robot I really don't need sleep so he didn't bother me. I just put myself into a low power mode for a few hours.”

After about ten minutes Reno emerged from the bathroom and again walked zombie like back to the bed room. He emerged five minutes later dressed in a similar uniform to the one Astro was wearing. His also fit him well, including the cap.

“Let's get some breakfast,” Reno spoke up, “I'm hungry!”

“That's a good idea.” The Professor answered, looking at his watch. “We were supposed to met Commander Zero and the crew of Fireball XL5 at 0745 in the base mess hall. I think we can still make it if we hurry.”

Chapter 3 (continued)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:44 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Astro, Reno, and the Professor arrived at the base mess hall to find the crew of Fireball XL5 already there. “Good morning.” Doctor Venus said. “We've saved a table for you and Steve has already ordered breakfast, please sit down.”

Colonel Zodiac raised a cup of coffee to his lips and saluted to his guests with it. Reno and Astro sat down together at one end of the table next to Steve and Venus, Ochanomizu took a seat next to Matt.

“Where is the commander?” he asked.

“Commander Zero left me a message that he wouldn't be able to see us off personally,” Colonel Zodiac answered, “He'll probably speak to us before lift off over the ships video phone, as he usually does.”

A robotic waiter arrived at their table holding onto a large tray. The server was a primitive looking robot very similar to Robert, but with metallic skin as opposed to Robert's transparent plastic. The robot set cups of coffee and plates of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of Reno and the Professor, he served Astro a can of light oil. Reno did his best to suppress a giggle, but Astro saw the laughter on his friend's face.

“Thank's for the oil,” Astro said reading the chemical analysis on the can, “It looks exactly like my usual, but you know I DO enjoy a bit of real food now and then.”

“Hey if there is anything you want, just ask.” Steve spoke up. “We were briefed on your needs prior to your arrival, but we really don't know much about your tastes.”

“Yeah, I get that.” Astro said. “I guess I'm not your usual robot.” He stuck two fingers in his mouth and emitted a loud whistle in the direction of the server 'bot who had just started walking away. The robot turned around and looked in Astro's direction.

“I'll have a pepperoni pizza, please!” Astro yelled at him.

Reno and the professor face palmed, and Colonel Zodiac broke into laughter.

“Well, you said to ask if I wanted anything!” Astro said.

I guess I got the idea from Dan that Astro might like pepperoni pizza for breakfast!

Chapter 3 (continued)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:48 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Colonel Zodiac and Doctor Venus took off on their jet mobiles and flew towards the rear hatch on Fireball Jr., the command module of patrol ship XL5. Professor Matt Matic was already on board, he had left the breakfast early to get his things in order on board the ship. Astro and Reno boarded the ship via the motorized walk way that connected to the hatch on the main body of the ship. As Astro entered the command module he found Steve and Robert already seated going though the preflight check list.

“Glad to see you made it on board Astro.” Steve spoke up. “We've added a third seat to the cockpit right behind Robert for you. I'll need you to monitor the navigation and engine instruments during takeoff. Matt usually does that from his station back in the auxiliary bridge on the main body of the ship, but today he and Reno will be running thought he check list on the Spindizzy engine.”

“But I thought that we weren't going to start that thing till we got beyond Jupiter.” Astro said taking his seat.

“Dr. Schlemiel wanted us to power up the Graviton Polarity Generator before takeoff and leave it warming up during the flight and idle setting.” Steve explained. “He said that Reno and Matt would be able to notice any problems with it early on by running some diagnostic programs before we actually commit to using it for propelling the ship.”

“Makes sense.” Astro agreed.

The large heads up view screen mounted above XL5's front window lit up and Commander Zero's face appeared.

“Good luck XL5.” He said. “Sorry I missed your morning breakfast but I was busy with other last minute duties.”

“As usual.” Steve replied. “Thanks, Commander. We've just about finished our preflight checks and are ready to start the countdown.”

Professor Ochanomizu's face appeared in the screen as he leaned past the Commander. “Good luck Astro! You too Reno!”

“Arigatō Hakase” Astro replied.

“Very good Steve.” the commander said. “I'm turning control of your mission over to Lieutenant Ninety now. Have a safe trip!”

The screen went dark and Ninety's voice came over the intercom. “Ready to lock in countdown sequence, XL5?”

“Roger Space City control” Steve answered. “Everyone strapped in back there?”

“All set.” Professor Matic answered. “I'm a go!” Reno added.
“Roger that Steve.” Doctor Venus replied.

“OK, Space City control,” Steve spoke into the microphone. “Lock in our countdown sequence now!”

“T-minus ten minutes!” Ninety's voice came over the intercom. A digital clock on XL5's main control panel lit up and began to count down backwards. Steve and Robert double checked all their instruments. “M-A-I-N S-Y-S-T-E-M-S C-H-E-C-K” Robert said.

“Roger that.” Steve answered.

“Navigation systems on line.” Astro added.

“Check!” Steve replied.

“T-minus 5 minutes!” came Ninety's voice over the intercom.

“Spindizzy boot complete!” Reno reported. “GPG idle OK” he added.

“Roger that!” Steve responded.

“T M-I-N-U S 9-0 S-E-C-O-N-D-S” Robert reported.

“Fireball XL5 you are good to go!” Ninety announced over the intercom.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” Steve read out the countdown clock. “ZERO, fire rocket sled engines!”

The clamps holding XL5 in place on the rails released and the rocket sled engines ignited. The ship started to move, gaining speed rapidly. It roared down the tracks, zooming past the rotating control tower building where Professor Ochanomizu was watching. “Good luck Astro!” he said out loud to himself. The ship approached the end of the track just as the main engines ignited. She leaped upward, clawing her way skyward. The rocket sled fell behind as the ship cleared the end of the launch pad. Her crew felt themselves pushed backwards into their seats as the G forces mounted. Through the front view screen Astro could see the sky turn a dark violet, then an inky black as XL5 left the atmosphere and reached orbit.