He Astrogirl ! Nice to meet a french girl who like Skunk Kusai
You get some competition, my dear ! (Soooo funny
I really enjoy to read you, and to find another strong fan of Skunk. Do you know, I'm Skunk Kusai fan since I was a kid, around 1986-87...
So Mr. Skunk, I follow you since several years... I prefere your long blond-red hair and your blue skin. When you'll get back this look, come in Canada and take a drink with me, why not ?
A reaaaal fan
(loooooooooove this game
French first words in Frankenstein episode :
- Hé ! C'est pour aujourd'hui ou pour demain ?
- Ça va être pour demain ou après-demain, patron...
I've always love this reply