Would anyone want to RP on skype?

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Would anyone want to RP on skype?

Postby JadeLiCat » 8 years ago

Hi everyone! Would anyone out there be interested in doing an 2003 Astro Boy rp on skype? Not a group or anything, but more of a one on one thing if that make sense? I've wanted to rp this version of the series for awhile, but finding an RP buddy for it has been easier said than done, lol. For right now, all I ask is that anyone interested has a basic grasp grammar (not a genius, but you know to capitalize names and stuff, lol.) and if I address a concern, that you don't give me the "I won't rp with you anymore" threat. I'm sure we both know dealing with level of maturity is less then fun. ;) But anyway, other than that, I'm a fairly easy going person, so please let me know if you're interested either reply or PM, you're choice!

Edit: Wow, 20 views and no replies, lol. I hope I don't come off as intimidating. :P
Last edited by JadeLiCat on Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Kokoro Robot
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Postby JadeLiCat » 8 years ago

I hope I haven't scared anyone off, lol. I tried to add this part in as well, but I can't seem to get in to edit, so a second message will have to do. But please don't be intimidated to message me. I'd like to meet everyone here if possible. :D

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

You couldn't edit because the time clocked out on the message for you to be able to edit, which is about two and a half days. So no rules broken in regards to the "no double posting" rule as you had no choice.

I would interested in role playing but it has been years since I have done it online, that and I would be a bit worried about how much time I would be able to commit to it.

I know on tumblr there were some people looking for role play partners, but that's tumblr and I am not sure how role playing even works on that site (I guess one lining?).

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Kokoro Robot
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Postby JadeLiCat » 8 years ago

Well, that's good to know. :D I'll try to remember that for future reference. And I understand what you mean about being able to commit, RL does tend to come first and all. I've RPed on tumblr before and it's a bit weird, not so much one liners and brackets or something.

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Postby bigredrobot » 8 years ago

yes i would like to rp with you i like playing a robot QWQ
robots need love to :wub: :blush: :blush: :hyo: :hyo: :astro: :o cha:

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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

Oh, that'd sure be fun Xd I haven't roleplayed for ages but this makes me want to join!

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