Astro/Atlas Boy: White Out.

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Beyond the Stars
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Postby CommanderEVE » 18 years ago

very cool story i love it! it's so cool! :)
you should have a huge battle of Astro and Atlas at the end, now that would be super cool :lol:

by a very big Astro and Atlas fan :astro:

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Postby dannavy85 » 18 years ago

Well in my series of fan fics with Atlas Boy their relationship is a friendly yet contested rivalry of the Yin/Yang type. Atlas tries to show Astro the error of being too human friendly and Astro tries to teach Atlas the opposite. They have very few angry scraps but when they do they usually beat each other into absurdity and end up gobbling ice cream.

Astro hovered a few hundred feet above the glacier and switched on his multi-spectral surveyor lenses. “What is this thing doing? Digging holes to hide in?”

Astro flew a few yards, looked around, flew a few more yards and looked again. He was starting to get a little frustrated when a snapping sound came from no where and a tentacle whipped around one of his boots!

“Ah hah! Found you! EEEEAAAAHHHHHH!” The tentacle whipped about and crashed Astro into the ice with a shattering cloud of snow!

“Ugh! Hey Atlas?! I found him!” Astro yelled as he started running around the ice being chased by the Nankachomp. “How about some help!!”

“You can handle him can’t you?” Atlas replied almost giggling. “The computer says talk to it by name and it’ll listen to you!”

Astro skipped and jumped over a swinging tentacle and limbo dodged a second. “Alright! What’s the name?!!”

“Uh….” Atlas paused. “Sounds like “Kowinashighashinikoumigawa”!!”

“WHAT!!” Astro screamed as he flipped over the alien animal’s head and tried to pull the explosive warhead from a clawed had. “UGH!! I CAN’T EVEN UNDERSTAND IT!!”

“And I thought you were smart?” Atlas joked.

Astro punched the claw, ripped the warhead out of it and threw it just as the alien animal gripped a leg and slammed Astro into the ice. “UGH!! BAD PET!! BAD PET!! I’M NOT A CHEW TOY!!”

Back at the space ship, Atlas was callously laughing and rolling on the floor as the computer translator’s probe poked him in the shoulder. “Your friend needs help! How can you be so thoughtless?!”

Atlas sat up. “He’s in no danger! Besides, it’ll be a good lesson for the big mouth goody goody. He needs a little toughening around the edges.”

Astro struggled viciously against the tentacles and found himself spinning through the air end over end into another crash against a steep vertical ice face. That was enough…

The boy bot stomped over the glacier floor with the most upset and angry look on his face and stopped to scream so loud that the ice at his feet cracked!


Astro’s eyes blinked with a sudden realization. “Now that was the most stupid thing I could have said.” He said to himself. But it seemed to suddenly work. The Nankachomp whined as loud as a jet and slumped on the ice floor whimpering.

“Awwwww…I didn’t mean it.” Astro said smiling. “You’re not as mean as I thought.”

The Alien Ship

Atlas sat on the floor trying to keep the little alien amused with some sort of gooish looking blob he found in an improvised toy box when Astro called him from the outside. The red boy bot walked out to see Astro sitting on the back of the Nankachomp.
“You tamed him! You’re better than I expected.” Atlas said sarcastically as Astro slipped off the back.

“Just have to tell him who’s the boss that’s all.” Astro said confidently. It didn’t last when the Nanakachomp snatched him up and slammed him back onto the ice again.

“Uh….hello boss?” Atlas said giggling.

“Ugh!!...What about the ship?!” Astro said as he shook his head.

Atlas pointed back. “I fixed it. But I had to pull some parts from my own rocket motors so I can’t fly.”

“A blessing for the rest of us!” Astro replied smirking.

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Beyond the Stars
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Postby CommanderEVE » 18 years ago

ok kool

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Location: Pacific Northwest

Postby dannavy85 » 18 years ago

The little alien came skipping out past the ro-boys and playfully hugged her giant furry companion. She stepped back, tapped it on the head and it suddenly shrank into a small, puffy, raccoon looking thing.

“You mean…all I had to do was tap the head and it would have shrunk?” Astro questioned with a smirk. “That could have saved a couple of dents.”

Atlas walked up to the little alien and bent down to get face to face. “I guess we didn’t need to tell you to go home. Your ship should get you there just fine.”

The little alien wrapped her arms around Atlas and gave him a snuggling hug. “Aww…you’re welcome.”

“Hey! What about me? I brought your pet back?” Astro asked. He got his hug and took the alien inside her ship. “I don’t know if you’ll ever write us but uh….don’t forget us huh?”

She kissed Astro on the nose….”Thank you.” She said with a cute squeak as the ship’s door closed.

The boys watched as the sphere lifted off the ice then shot so fast into the air that it left them standing with their mouth’s agape.

“I so want what they use for power.” Atlas said amazed.

“I’d still beat you in a race.” Astro replied smirking.

“In your dreams Goody Boots.” Atlas snarled.

“Want to eat the ice?” Astro said as he knelt into a race position.

Then…..Atlas clobbered him in the face with an ice ball and took off like a bullet with a cloud of ice tail kicking up behind him.

“I’ll never learn will I?” Astro said as hey lay wiping the snow from his mouth.

The end

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