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Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:12 pm
by avatargirl
hi- cute you calling ASTROBOY a cat super hero girl with no shirt! giggles


Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:56 pm
by toxicXheart
yeah I was a wierd kid, I thought he was a girl because I thought he looked WAY too cute to be a boy and I mistook his pointed locks for cat ears

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:17 am
by SuwaHana
Hilariously enough, I rediscovered Astro Boy through Mega Man. About three years ago, I became really interested in Mega Man (and have only now gotten around to playing two of the games), and that went on for a while. After months of watching cutscenes on YouTube and somehow evading the temptation of Zero's luscious hair, I thought, "Hey, Mega Man was originally supposed to be Astro Boy, right? Let's see what that's all about..." and then wham. I found the HK subs of the 2003 series and fell in love with Atom and his daddy issues. I remembered seeing the 2003 series on Kids WB (specifically the Denkou episode) and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I also remembered watching, and not liking very much, the original series during its syndication on Adult Swim a few years back (I liked Gigantor much better).

Although I still love Atom, I'm now back in my Mega Man phase and burning through its respective fanfiction and Pixiv archives on a daily basis. Go figure.

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:45 am
by toxicXheart
That's an interesting story...i go through phases like that too, one phase is Atom then Kirby, then Zelda it's crazy

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:20 am
by tailz
wow! everyone has such great stories! Astroboy first stepped into my life when I first watched the movie my mother rented for my brothers and I a long time ago. I watched the movie and thought it was ok, but I didn't really care much for it. a couple years later I saw a dvd collection at a game store. I asked how old astroboy is and she said that it was around when she was little. I saw a couple min. of the 2003 series on netflix and then turned it off. after watching the movie a 2nd time,love@1st sight!

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:58 am
by Crazy_Red
For me, I first heard about Osamu Tezuka and Astro Boy when I saw the New Adventure of Kimba the White Lion commercials included on the old Pokemon VHS tapes. I also noticed that the commercial said that Kimba was created by Osamu Tezuka, who made Astro Boy. At the time, I didn’t know what Astro Boy or who Tezuka was, but I assumed that they were something important.

When I was a bit older, I saw an bit of an episode of the 2003 Astro Boy on Kids’ WB (I didn’t have cable at the time). My sister told me that Astro Boy was the first anime but I was little confused because the animation looked new in comparison to the old cartoons we had on VHS. I didn’t have an understanding of what a remake was at that age. However, Astro Boy was removed from the channel, so I didn’t have a chance to watch it again for a long time.

During my high school years, my sister browed Tezuka’s Adolf from the library. This manga sparked my curiosity in Tezuka . I watched some clips of 1960s Astro Boy online. Then I started to watch some of the episodes of 1980s Astro Boy. But then I decided watch episodes from the 1960s and 2003 versions. I also did more research about the series’s history and discovered the forums. I manly lurked on the forums for quite awhile until I joined.

So that’s my story. I also have a story about how I got to know Jetter Mars. However, I don’t want my post to be too long and this thread is about Astro Boy. It might be too off topic.

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:17 am
by tailz
yeah! I remember the pokemon vhs tapes and the kimba commercial after the show. I always used to read it when it said "from the creators of astroboy". I didn't even know about tezuka's anime back then. We used to have a cyborg 009 dvd set but it got lost while moving and we could'nt find the cover or the other dvd. sorry for going off topic.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 1:09 am
by Yushee
Back in like... June 2014, about 3 or 4 months ago, I was a big Mega Man fan. I had Colors 3D on my 3DS, and happened to see this account commenting on my pictures, who had the username, "Astro Boy." I recognised Astro, but I passed him off as some Mega Man-copy and thought he was some crappy character (Someone, slap my past-self with a brick, please.)

One day I was curious as to what this "Astro Boy" really was, so I looked up the first episode of the 1980 anime. I didn't seem to like it, but then the "Tobio's death" scene hit me and Icriedatthatpart. I wasn't all interested, then I watched the movie, LOVED IT, and went back to see what the anime was about. I instantly became an Astro Boy fan ;u;

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:46 pm
by Tetsuwan Penguin
You should check out the original 1963 series which is legally being streamed on YouTube by Manga Entertainment.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:15 pm
by Yushee
A few weeks ago I watched about 7 or 8 episodes of it. I think it's the only black-and-white cartoon that kept me interested for 8+ episodes XD