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Astro Boy Toku?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:28 pm
by Bigdog
The 1959 TV Show OP

I've seen a few clips of this and I can see why Osamu Tezuka hated this. It reminds me soo much of the first Godzilla film and the fact his rocket boots before he flies off smoke just look like he's farting.

And don't get me started on this:

It's most likely from the age of the video, but it reminds me more of a creepy horror flick like the Ring before the phone rings and the voice on the other end says: "SEVEN DAYS!!!!" or before a person's death.

It's so unlike Astro Boy and I'm GLAD as hell it never came to America because this is so like the movie "The Last Airbender" with the crippling exception that NO ONE KNEW about the source material prior.

But, be free to discuss this abomination . :astro:

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:43 pm
by Satus
... Wow. The opening confused me so much. xD

This hasn't really aged well, it looks really goofy. Probably the strangest thing I've seen all year, it made me giggle. Also, Astro's hair reminded me more of Uran's hair.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:47 pm
by F-Man
Funny, I started watching this again recently. I'm making my way through the second chapter (13 episodes each). I do get a kick out of seeing how they cast each character.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:59 pm
by Bigdog
"F-Man" wrote:Funny, I started watching this again recently. I'm making my way through the second chapter (13 episodes each). I do get a kick out of seeing how they cast each character.

You have the boxset?

How is the story and the acting for the series really? Is it really horrible or is it ok?

In another vid it had the Gigantor toku with it as well, which it just a complete utter mind**** to be honest. The kick for both of them is they look nothing like their anime and manga counterparts.

@Satus, I just realized that. LOL. I just love the plastic chest and arms it just seems they tried too hard to make Astro Boy robotic while the vid above just makes Gigantor look like Godzilla. and makes anything from Lost In Space look like the best SFX today.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:29 pm
by F-Man
The acting is pretty terrible, though not as bad as the fight scenes. However I really do love the villains. They're over the top in that oldschool James Bond sort of way.

Jeffbert and I each bought the boxset pretty much at the same time.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:48 am
by Bigdog
"F-Man" wrote:The acting is pretty terrible, though not as bad as the fight scenes. However I really do love the villains. They're over the top in that oldschool James Bond sort of way.

Jeffbert and I each bought the boxset pretty much at the same time.

Apparently to this website, they completely alter Astro's look and give him a scarf and a full blown suit. He looks more like a Kamen Rider sans the bug-eyed helmet exchanged for a cloth hair spikes which makes zero sense.

Here's the question: Why did they not just use hair gel on the actor's hair to make it spiky as well as have washable lines for his arms and legs? The acting might have been terrible ,but to completely get off the mark of his design: priceless.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:34 am
by diehard67
boy did they ever miss the mark on that one lol, astro looks ridiculous lol

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:33 am
by AtomXKoisuru
O _ O;; i thought i would never say this... but in that picture he looks gay O _ O;;; (no offence to the gay population)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:07 pm
by teugene50
all right.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:20 pm
by Bigdog
"Koi-suru Atom lover" wrote:O _ O;; i thought i would never say this... but in that picture he looks gay O _ O;;; (no offence to the gay population)

That was what I was thinking.

More than anything the image in the center right here looks like he's posing for Child GQ or a poster for a porno.


They were VERY inconsistent in costume design, apparently the acting sucks and the fighting is worse. It's no wonder why Tezuka-sensei quickly created his own animation company so he could have full control over the series and the guy who created Gigantor/Tetsujin 28-go probably thought the same with that mess of a toku.

If they did it today , it might be far better since :

-SFX everywhere is far more advanced than the 50's. Never understood why they even attempted to do such series at that time period anyways . Perhaps the 70's would've made it better with the advent of Ultraman.

-We have CG. Many of the feats were either impossible or just plain looked ridiculous in the scheme of things at the early Showa period. Mind you that the effects weren't as stellar anyways back in the 50's ,but if Astro appears like a flesh and blood human being albeit lines to symbolize his roboticness and acts like one , then why try to make him suck? Today's effects would be able to accomplish the feats of the anime alongside the mixture of animatronics or realistic props ala Terminator.

- The characters' looks are possible, just that facial makeup and other props could be used to give them a realistic look not unlike Pluto. The robots, however, would just come off as very Kamen Rider-ish if they weren't given human-like revamps for the human-sized ones.

I feel sorry for any effect that ruined the young actor's rep. in getting future roles and I'm not sure if any other actor from it has appeared in anything else from that point. But it's for the best that there isn't one because actors age and die while character designs largely remain the same unless the story allows for it .