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Atom Cat Manga

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:45 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Anybody ever seen this manga?

It's a short series that Tezuka did (7 stories) in which he re-creates Astro Boy as a CAT! The story is based around a boy who is bullied at school. His father is a failing inventor (reminds me of the father in 'Honey I shrunk the kids'), his mother is a short overweight woman. One day he finds a black and white kitten in a dumpster that looks just like Astro Boy. He wants to keep the cat but it becomes a nuisance and his father tells him to get on his bicycle and take the cat far away. In route to do this his bicycle is involved in an accident with a car. Only the car is really an alien spaceship and the aliens feel responsible for injuring him and the cat. They've never seen a cat so they read the boys mind to figure out what kind of animal it is. Only the boy is dreaming of the Astro Boy manga so the aliens think that is the cat and rebuild the cat with Astro's powers.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:50 am
by GreenDarthVader

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:39 am
by Tetsuwan Penguin
Available in April, in fact.