Peacekeeper-like boss in DmC, and more!

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Peacekeeper-like boss in DmC, and more!

Postby Alittleacorn » 11 years ago

I’ve spammed this forum about this game in the past. But, this is something I thought you guys needed to see.

Astro Boy movie, for those who have heard or watched it, you must already be aware of the Peacekeeper fight you get in the third act where Astro fights this giant robot that tries a number of creative ways to kill him [a.k.a, get the Blue core.]

Now, keep this thought in mind, remember that fight…and take a look at this.
Mundus Cutscenes/Boss Fight

When I got to the last few missions of DmC [The new devil may cry] this boss came up, and when I saw that red glowing thing in his chest and heard that familiar booming voice that came out of his mouth, I literally burst out laughing.

Mundus, the main villain, merges with the human body that's been his host of. So to protect it, he winds up materialising this giant body, made up of buildings and parts of the city, much like the Peacekeeper and how President Stone was the one controlling it.

Even at one point you have one of the twin brothers, Vergil, get sucked into the red core like centre [like how Astro was dragged in] and Dante has to go in there and get him out.

Here's some other similar things about the boss fight too:

-Both Peacekeeper and Mundus have an arm like cannon.

-Both lose their arms.

-Main character is saved from death by another character.

-Main character must go through the core to defeat the giant


-Both giants have a blind right eye
-Both absorbs parts of the city to grow stronger
-Both abominations are controlled by one man in the centre who happens to fill an anti-ruler role.
-Main character is smashed into/through a building by the giant.

And for fun, here's a couple of things from the game that are a bit similar too :hyo: :

-Main character goes through an origin story where they find their purpose in life by the end.

-Identical twins with not so identical personalities.

-Male protagonist is lead to a base by female protagonist

-Main antagonist wants to main protagonist's 'heart' [and not for lovey dovey reasons.]

-The colors blue representing good and red for evil and a source of power [demonic and angelic abilities.]

-Female protagonist's backstory revealed with a car, phone and with character's theme song present. [warning: discusses sensitive issues that may upset some viewers.]

-Trusted secondary character/2nd male protagonist becomes an antagonist after main protagonist realises he got the wrong end of the stick.

-Main character fights a buzz saw like foe. [warning: swearing involved]

-And once again, the day is saved...and city's a mess.

And for the finale. In a flashback of Dante's past, and again at the end of the game [warning: violence] you see this picture come up of Dante and Vergil as kids sword fighting.

Somebody give the kid some red rocket powered boots o_o he can blend right in the world of Pluto [are they still making the film for that?]

As an Acorn once said, shmoo. [And snooze snooze, I gotta go to bed @_@]
Last edited by Alittleacorn on Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:37 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby spartanx01 » 11 years ago

Whoa, well now I really do have a reason to get the game. Since :astro: had something to do with it.

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Postby Alittleacorn » 11 years ago

"spartanx01" wrote:Whoa, well now I really do have a reason to get the game. Since :astro: had something to do with it.

Lol XD He didn't really, it's more like a game of 'spotting things in comparison.' You can do this with anything if you pick the right series [I did one of DmC with Galerians once, they even had a 'look at the photo' scene too, although a few with the brothers for that one is incorrect because it was before the game's release. games]

But that Mundus fight did make me laugh first time I saw it, defintitely. :lol:

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Postby spartanx01 » 11 years ago

Still, the film did come before DmC.

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Postby Alittleacorn » 11 years ago

"spartanx01" wrote:Still, the film did come before DmC.

I guess, I mean they could've gotten a bit of inspiration from it or it could just be a coincidence. I think they took most inspiration from other things though, like this one film I can't remember the name of, but it had mankind clueless to an alien attack. They had these words that kept popping up in the world, like in the game.

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Postby Toshio » 11 years ago

It's odd for Capcom making such a thing in an DMC game.

Guess they don't care about making anything really expressive for the Rockman series nowadays.

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Postby AprilSeven » 11 years ago

You know, my husband had an idea that might explain the similarity between Peacekeeper and the DmC bot -- maybe CapCom purchased the "bones" of Peacekeeper from Imagi and "tweaked" him to look a little different (and figured it was okay to "borrow" from the AB movie because it wasn't a big success - as in "nobody will notice.")

Good job spotting that, Alittleacorn!

BTW -- uhhhh what's up with Toby and Astro wearing the EXACT SAME OUTFIT? Toby was VAPORIZED - leaving only his MOS hat! And that "blue leisure suit" wasn't like a school uniform . . . so .... isn't that a little ODD that Toby Tenma would wear the same outfit every day? I wonder how many he had?! :rolleyes: :whistling: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Alittleacorn » 11 years ago

"AprilSeven" wrote:You know, my husband had an idea that might explain the similarity between Peacekeeper and the DmC bot -- maybe CapCom purchased the "bones" of Peacekeeper from Imagi and "tweaked" him to look a little different (and figured it was okay to "borrow" from the AB movie because it wasn't a big success - as in "nobody will notice.")

Good job spotting that, Alittleacorn!

BTW -- uhhhh what's up with Toby and Astro wearing the EXACT SAME OUTFIT? Toby was VAPORIZED - leaving only his MOS hat! And that "blue leisure suit" wasn't like a school uniform . . . so .... isn't that a little ODD that Toby Tenma would wear the same outfit every day? I wonder how many he had?! :rolleyes: :whistling: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure. I thought I heard from someone it was similar to another boss battle in the Devil May Cry series, but I've not completed of all those yet, so I've still got some catching up to do to for sure XD I would laugh though if that was gone, though it's unlikely. There were only 10 people from Capcom that worke on it, the rest of them [90] were Ninja Theory, hence the reboot.

Their clothes being th esame...hmmm, an anime thing? Notice anime characters never change their clothes? Poor Ash in Pokemon wore those same clothes for year, in fact he didn't age like Astro. After alll these years and all his pokemon adventures he's still ten. Talk about making a realistic character.

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