Who would you be?

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Who would you be?

Postby Photar » 8 years ago

Time for a what if question, which character would you be if ekefun told you could keep your mind and soul but function as a robot in all other ways (now I'm not saying robots don't have those traits - they certainly do - I'm just talking about keeping your own).

Any character (robot/non robot) plus a couple of ,tweaks, is allowed
Only 1980s

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Postby Photar » 8 years ago

Photar - tweak being he should have fired up his energy rod when Bruton latched on

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Postby jeffbert » 8 years ago

Gort! While Gort never speaks, he is awesome. "Gort, klaatu barada nikto!" :lol: O.K., I know Gort is not among those you are considering, Photar, but, I just could not resist that! :p

I guess adult Atlas might be fun, so long as he can mess with little brother Atom. :ninja:

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

This is a tough one, I'll have to think about it carefully. Although I do have my favorites I wouldn't want to BE them. Hmm. Interesting question.

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Tetsuwan Penguin
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

OK, it's obvious that almost everyone is going to say Astro, right away, but ......
So, you're limiting this to the 1980 series, and it can be ANY character, and doesn't have to be a robot.
Two ideas immediately came to my mind, and I'll use the 'ELV' names, since I suspect that's what you had in mind.

I'd choose either Dr. Boyton or Dr. Elefun, since I identify with scientists and engineers.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

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