What goes bump in the night?

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What goes bump in the night?

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 12 years ago

Okay well since Halloween is coming around I thought I should make a thread like this. What scares you? What part of Halloween do you love? Do you have any not-so-scary ghost stories that young eyes could see? Oh yes and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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Postby Satus » 12 years ago

Well, I'm scared of a lot of things. Mostly my irrational fears of heights and fire (even little candles frighten me). I guess I'm scared of the dark sometimes too, because not being able to see my surroundings makes me very nervous.

I'm also a bit superstitious. Things like never squash a spider on Halloween 'cos it could be a dead relative watching you. But I think superstitions can be fun.

Unfortunately I don't have any ghost stories at all.

Happy Halloween! What are your own feelings towards Halloween?

edit: Oh right, I forgot to add, my favourite part of Halloween is probably the history of Halloween rather than celebrating it.
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Postby AprilSeven » 12 years ago


I grew up in a haunted house, have lived in another and had a haunted office (actually currently work in a haunted office)

I'm convinced that not everyone is sensitive to the presence of ghosts/spirits/whatever you want to call them. My own brother somehow has escaped all the creepy stuff that my mom and other brother experienced. My husband poo-pooed the idea until we rented an office with a very active poltergeist, and we lived in a circa 1830 farmhouse with phantom slamming doors. Best thing about our home: it was built in 2000 and nobody's died in it!!

I have no patience for people who dismiss "ghosts" presence. They also tend to LIKE horror movies, spooky tales and Halloween.

But as one who has SEEN things fly off the wall, dishes break apart on the dinner table, an actual apparition and heard thumps, bumps, bangs, door slams, moans, groans, and gasping sounds and occassionally had them respond to me asking them to LEAVE all I can say is --- I HATE HALLOWEEN and all spooky stuff! I don't know WHAT it is, but it's NOT fun when you really encounter it (especially when alone). Kids dressing up and trick or treat is fine, but it's my least favorite of holidays.

Scares me just THINKIN' about it!! :cry:
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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 12 years ago

@Aprilseven; I believe you in the fact that you can sense these ghost. I don't call them ghost, but more so spirits or souls. Souls and spirits don't make me afraid, no. They make me feel well I don't know how to discribe it. I suppose it is because I have never had a bad incounter with "ghost" like a haunting. I'm not really afraid of much, maybe of hights a little. I love everything about Halloween, especially the "ghost". Okay maybe I'm a freak :whistling: but no changing that :lol:

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Postby Black Rabbit » 12 years ago

Hmmm... I suppose the only thing I like about Halloween is dressing up (or at least, trying to). Oh, and the candy... *w* I'm such a little kid. :lol:

I do not believe in ghosts/spirits/whatever, nor do I believe in any superstitious, uh, stuff. :B My mom taught my siblings and me that ghost and monsters are not real. The only ghost we believe in is the 'holy ghost' (or something like that). I do admit, though, that I have heard some weird thumps and creaks every once in a while, but I discard it as just the wind blowing at our house. Another odd occurrence was when my mom one day claimed that she heard sobbing at night. But, it was most likely just our neighbor's sister, who had been staying with them.

My family does not particularly celebrate Halloween, just every now and then we'd go trick-or-treating, give out candy or go to festivals. My mom doesn't like Halloween much. She doesn't like anything dark, for the matter. She gets quiet whenever we mention Halloween to her, so I've grown use to expecting that we won't go trick-or-treating. But, today we might go to a festival, so we'll see. :3

Happy Halloween, by the way. xD
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Postby Novacain » 12 years ago

Hallowe'en is by far my favorite holiday. I love the costumes, the parties, the candy, and the non-stop horror movies on t.v... What is there not to like?? :lol:

"Gotta Love ASTRO BOY" wrote:I love everything about Halloween, especially the "ghost". Okay maybe I'm a freak :whistling: but no changing that :lol:

Why fix somethin' that isn't broken? :w00t:

I don't scare all that easily and don't really have any phobias (unless bad hair days count) and though I've never myself seen an apparition or witnessed poltergeist activity, I also don't discredit the possibility of their existence. Maybe I am afraid of ghosts and won't know unless I come face to face with one... :eek:

Growing up Hallowe'en was always a big tradition in my family; If I ever have children of my own I would definitely keep the tradition going. :ninja:

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Postby jeffbert » 12 years ago

The film that most upset, that is, rather than scare, made me so uneasy that my stomach was tied in knots, though I had already seen it once, was not a horror film as we know it. It was SPARROWS; I have been terrified of quicksand since childhood, & this film was full of it. Not only Q, but kids trying to escape this evil slave driver through a swamp filled with alligators, snakes, and Quicksand.

Though having already seen it once, I was so uneasy, I simply could not continue it. When I 1st watched it, I had taped it months ago, but was too apprehensive about it, so it just sat there for I cannot remember how long.

It may have been a Tarzan film that first made me aware that the ground itself could swallow me, as recently TCM has been running just about every Tarzan film, & no fewer than four had Q in them. Two of them relieved Tarzan of the necessity of killing the villains via them stepping into it, no, three at least. Several film versions of THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES show people at least foundering in Q, & there was a PBS show shown in elementary school that ended with a boy BOG HOPPING, but not quite leaping far enough. I believe this program was intended to inspire us to read the books. The guy who told the story made several sketches to help intrigue the kids into borrowing these book, etc, & the last one terrified me. :p

I had nightmares about be swallowed by quicksand, even being CHASED by quicksand. :lol: Other that helplessness in general, this scares me more than anything else.

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Postby Ghost » 12 years ago

This might sound a bit funny coming from an Atheist. But the one thing that use to really creep me out was demonic entities and demonic possession mainly. Back in 2005 or 2006 I remember being creeped out by adverts for a movie titled 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose.'

The idea of it to me was terrifying. Having demonic entities take over your body, totally mess with you, hearing voices and causing you to have hallucinations, and overall causing you torture just seemed like a horrible fate. And of course haunted spirits. The thought of living in a haunted house seemed like something that could be traumatizing.

The whole demonic possession is probably one of the main reasons why one of my favorite horror movies is The Exorcist. It was one of the few horror movies that actually scared me. Emily Rose didn't scare me as much but overall I thought it was a good movie; mainly because I thought the lady that played Emily Rose seemed really good in that movie.

It's funny because me personally I find things like this entertaining, but I don't see these things as fact. In order to believe in Ghosts I would have to have an encounter with one. But overall I don't see most things like this being possible, which is probably why I have such lack of religious beliefs which I'd rather not get to deep into publicly since I don't want to start some sort of debacle on here.

But to boil it down. The one thing that really scared me, was the thought of being possessed by a demon. :d evil:

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