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Postby Anime Girl » 10 years ago

Okay, remember the Sailor Moon and YuGiOh crossover I started awhile ago? Well one person who saw it said this.

"To start with a writer has to consider their reader and what interests them. Can you come up with a book idea that will appeal to an 80 year old lady, a fifteen year old boy, a 25-year old girl and a middle aged man all at the same time? Because that is what you need to do, find as wide an audience as possible. Books about left handed, Norwegian badminton players will not enjoy big sales (with apologies to them)

I can't think of a better quote to post telling why you should stop.

I could write a whole thesis telling you what you're doing wrong and why that's longer then everything that you've put up so far. That's how badly you suck at this. And again, someone else already put it better then I could at the moment.

Susannah Breslin wrote:
Just because you can write doesn’t mean you should. Just because you do write doesn’t mean you’re good. You could call yourself an Olympic diver, but that doesn’t mean you are.

Congratulations on penning that poem, posting that blog post, self-publishing that novel, finishing that manuscript, churning out that personal essay that is sitting on your desk, hard-drive, the internet.

But here’s the question you should be asking yourself: Can I write? Not literally. Not physically. Not technically. Anyone can do that. Can you make the words sing? Does your prose have that certain something? Are you gifted at showing not telling, or telling not showing, or creating an entire world that didn’t exist before that is born again when someone else reads your work?

Probably not.

You have no idea what you're doing what so ever. You can't even do a proper first person narration so much so that you feel the need to tell you're would be reader the obvious that your uninspired character would be doing it from that point forth. You don't even explain to your audience why the hell your character is talking to a cat or why she's a princess in the first place. A Yu-Gi-Oh fan would be lost immediately if that person had no idea of what Sailor Moon was. And your Prologue does nothing to mitigate this, which is the entire point of it to begin with! Why are Sailor Moon characters hanging out with Yu-Gi-Oh characters and why should this matter? You tell your readers NOTHING!

Tell your mom to get you these for Christmas. ... e+a+writer ... e+a+writer

And actually read some good literature as well to get a feel of how to do it. ... ds=Hatchet

I have nothing good to say about your work because you've literally done nothing right from the narrow minded and incompatible concept, to the "show nothing and tell nothing" narration, to the uninspired and faceless characters, to even your lack of research on what you're writing such as calling Atem, "Yami". You have broke the bottom of the barrel."

Seriously! WTF!? I don't write these to effing please people, so don't go and tell me I can't write! I was really hurt by this.

And now here's this issue.

For those of you that don't know, YourFavoriteMartian or YFM, was an animated band created by Ray William Johnson of the =3 fame. It stars Puff Puff (lead singer), Benatar (keytar, vocals), Axel (drums), and Dee Jay (turntables). The band would create original songs and song covers, and even had their own webisodes, although due to explicit language, I would only recommend to watch it if you can handle bad words and stuff. It got canceled more than a year ago after a dispute with Ray and Makers Studio (gives Makers Studio the death stare).

Let me start by saying how even though I'm new (ha, more like late) to the Your Favorite Martian fandom, I've watched all the episodes and seen most of the videos and I've grown to love them in the short period of time that I've seen them. The songs are so funny and I just love the main singer Puff Puff. His voice is explosive, energetic, bouncing off the walls, a bit obnoxious, but really awesome, and each thing he sings just captures your attention, and gets your heart pumping with excitement and often roll on the floor with laughter. I love the songs by them. Yeah many of them are pretty explicit, but I just like how they sing songs about almost anything, whether about Road Rage, a night club that causes seizures, stereotypes (you Hetalia fans know the one), it's just very catchy and very funny. They also have songs that some people can relate to, like in Alien, it talks about how kids who are different get bullied and feel, well, alien, or in Friend Zone, when you have a crush on someone, but the other person just wants to be a friend. And their covers they did of other songs were awesome too. I friggen loved their version of Somebody that I Used to Know! YFM was awesome, so what if they were a cartoon band? I found the newest song, the cover of BOOM HEADSHOT, and at the end they said they were releasing an album. I went to subscribe to the channel.

But then as soon as I get there, it says THIS PROJECT IS RETIRED. WTF? I was devastated. It wasn't fair! It just wasn't fair. I read that the studio that makes YFM, Makers Studio, was apparently *****ing Ray for most of his money and trying to take advantage of him and stuff, so he quit. I really don't think YFM deserved to go out that way. It really wasn't fair! It fills me with pure red nerd rage!!!!!!!!!!

But as I was on the YFM wiki, I found this. ... M!?cb=3452 I'm not sure how good this will work, but you never know. I really think they deserve to come back. I do. Please help. If you know any YFM fan, send this link to them. Please help! Planet Earth, Your Favorite Martian needs a friend! (and so do I right now)
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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

I've seen WORSE reviews of fan fiction, really. The reviewer obviously took the time to not lash out horrible reviews such as "You suck, go die in a fire" and just leave it at that. They offered you their honest opinion, but their opinion doesn't mean it's the truth at all about your writing. They also (as harshly as they stated it) offered ways to improve your writing from their point of view.

All writers can improve no matter how many times they have been published.

I haven't even seen your writing so I can't say whether or not they are even the most remote accurate or not. If anything what they said was true, they certainly could have gone about saying it better to avoid making you feel bad.

Finally, this is the internet. People can be extremely mean especially when given the option to be anonymous with absolutely no real way to be responsible for their actions. Even really good writers sometimes get trash by angry fans that leave garbage reviews simply for asinine reasons. One main reason might be you paired two characters together that threatened the existence of their OTP or your opinion is a differing opinion from the mainstream, and that's that. They'll rip and shred it just because they didn't like it.

The only thing I can really say is be prepared for stuff like this (or WORSE such as "you suck go die in a fire") when posting ANYTHING on the internet, so don't take it personal.

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Postby fafner » 10 years ago

"Anime Girl" wrote:To start with a writer has to consider their reader and what interests them.

At this point, I could say you can stop reading. IF you were a professional writer looking to sell books, it would probably matter. But something tells me you write because you like writing, with no intent to sell anything, nor even please anyone in particular except yourself.

So basically you may or may not take advice from this person, but in any case he/she is basically OFF TOPIC :D
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

Hey if someone likes my fan fiction great! If not that's not my problem, so long as I enjoyed writing it.

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Postby diehard67 » 10 years ago

after reading all that stuff that clown said to you, or rather getting an extension in my firefox to read it for me lol, it sounds to me like he is just a bully trying to sound intelligent, delete the comment if you can and of not then just ignore it, his words are meaningless.

as others have mentioned in this thread already, you are writing your fan fics for your enjoyment so keep doing it, if others like them grate, if not then that is there problem not yours.
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Postby Prettywitchiusaka » 10 years ago

I have to say that I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, I agree with everyone on the fact that if you're writing for personal enjoyment, then you should just brush off these comments and move on.

But I also agree with Earthshine that despite the rudeness of the comment, they did at least offer you an honest opinion. And if you ever do consider going into writing as a profession, you have to pick your battles when it comes to criticism. After all, criticism can be essential to making your vision stand out, but I also agree that criticism doesn't always reflect your writing. Sometimes it just affects your story.

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Postby Alittleacorn » 10 years ago

There are three different kinds of things you can get in a review:

1. Praise
2. Constructive criticism
3. Talking like you have a cork up your butt

If anybody bothers to post a review in the third catorgory and be rude about it, then they're really not worth your time, and I would suggest ignoring them.

[also a reminder, if you use there is an option where you can choose if to accept anon reviews or not within a time period. Doesn't help with users, but it's good to have incase someone sends you something nasty. And also you're now able to block certian users on fanfiction too, so if you want to avoid that person in the future from harrassing you, I would do that.]

I haven't read your work, but I'll be honest with you about writing. There are different sorts of writers, with their own styles and the way they tell their stories. You never stop learning, even in my 20's i'm still picking up on things and improving, and with the more experience you get that'll just keep changing for you too.

I'm writing a book right now, the first 2 versions of the introduction chapters I showed to my parents, were terrible, and I felt put off by it, in fact, frustrated, and I kept thinking "what if I'm not good enough to do my own original stuff?". I recently showed them the final version to the beginning of my story, and they loved it. But I didn't need for them to read it to know that by that point, I just felt it in my gut this was what I wanted. And whether they liked it or not, I would've kept writing it.

The point is, you can get all sorts of praise or constructive criticism that'll help you with suggestions and help on improving yoru work, but at the end of it all, it's your choice what you decide to listen to and what do you do.

So, you write whatever you want to write Anime Girl, and choose who you listen to.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Wow. Seriously, He Did that? What a jerk. Hey, I don't think your crossover is bad! It's pretty creative! If I was into writing I would make something like a vocaloid and Black Jack crossover. (and that sounds pretty But I'm more into making comics. Just try to ignore the person they'll leave you alone sooner or later. I used to get picked on at school and had no friends (still don't have any and don't really plan on to.) But when I started to ignore them and give them dirty looks, they stopped. Actually now, a lot of people are afraid of me because I don't talk much and I'm pretty much silent. lol. So Anime Girl, I think you should just ignore people like that and let them slide by. And hey, who knows, maybe they'll get punished for it and learn their lesson someday. Keep on writing! :) !
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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 10 years ago

One other thought. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde “There is only one thing in the world worse than getting bad reviews, and that is not getting any.”

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Postby Fuzzy Pickles! » 10 years ago

"Tetsuwan Penguin" wrote:One other thought. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde “There is only one thing in the world worse than getting bad reviews, and that is not getting any.”

Anime Girl, I would actually like to see your writing.

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