What's wrong with my mother?

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What's wrong with my mother?

Postby Alittleacorn » 10 years ago

Since September, she's been having somethig up with her chest. She keeps coughing up mucus, has shortness of breathe and her right lung has been playing her up so bad she can't take a deep breath now. Her faces gets puffy sometimes too, and she sometimes gets pains on her right side of her ribs

Recently she's said the mucus has been coming up with a disgusting taste, and it's such an effort out walking now when we're going up a hill or pushing herself she has to stop for a moment.

What do the doctors say? Complete garbage! They don't do anything! It's only now since she's saying she'd pay private they've bother to take notice and started sucking up to her, meanwhile any other time she's said about wanting a chest x-ray they haven't referred her for anything, or just accused her of being overweight or depressed.

It's a friggin joke, you don't know how many times we've gone up A&E and come home with nothing resolved, and if to make things more pain, the doctor from our clinic [the one who does NOTHING] is up at A&E now. Great luck we're having.

You'd think with all these visits something would come out of it, but it doesn't, and I'm scared, I'm scared she's going to drop dead one of these days, because her lung just keeps getting worse, but they say it's clear, so what is it? Mum thinks it's some fungus she got after going to the barn near that time and wants to get tests for it, but I'm worried it's a blood clog in her lung from Pulmonary Embolism since she mentioned having swelling in her ankle at one point months back and has had a few ops too. But I'm not an expert, I don't know what's wrong for sure.

Please, does anyone have any ideas what up with her? I just want her to get better, but the doctors are a bunch of frauds. They'd leave her to die for all they care, and it's killing us not getting any decent answers.

Please, someone help.
Last edited by Alittleacorn on Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:54 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Man, that sounds serious. :( . Hope your mother gets well soon. Also, I hope this isn't too personal here, but does your mother smoke by any chance? That could be the cause of it. Or Lukemia. (But that's mostly deals with trowing up and loss of hair.) Also, it probably is Pulmonary Embolism. Try to find some really good doctors that could help. There was a few doctors around here that my mother used to have, but we don't have them as our doctors anymore. Sad cause they were really amazing. :( !
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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

I don't want to scare you, but it could be something as 'minor' as that fungal infection or it could even be cancer. I'm sorry to say that she needs a doctor that will take notice and give her the care she needs, she needs an Xray or some sort of imaging as soon as possible. Sickness that only gets worse instead of getting better is something that makes me very nervous. :(

I really would try and find a doctor that will see her and listen to her or a patient advocate that will fight for her. She needs tests done to find the root of the problem.

I'm sorry you and she are going through this :(

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Postby Alittleacorn » 10 years ago

"tailz" wrote:Man, that sounds serious. :( . Hope your mother gets well soon. Also, I hope this isn't too personal here, but does your mother smoke by any chance? That could be the cause of it. Or Lukemia. (But that's mostly deals with trowing up and loss of hair.) Also, it probably is Pulmonary Embolism. Try to find some really good doctors that could help. There was a few doctors around here that my mother used to have, but we don't have them as our doctors anymore. Sad cause they were really amazing. :( !

She doesn't smoke, but her family did a lot when she was little and she breathed a lot of it in. That's why she's always had problems with that lung from what I know...

"Earthshine" wrote:I don't want to scare you, but it could be something as 'minor' as that fungal infection or it could even be cancer. I'm sorry to say that she needs a doctor that will take notice and give her the care she needs, she needs an Xray or some sort of imaging as soon as possible. Sickness that only gets worse instead of getting better is something that makes me very nervous. :(

I really would try and find a doctor that will see her and listen to her or a patient advocate that will fight for her. She needs tests done to find the root of the problem.

I'm sorry you and she are going through this :(

I'll try, but she nevers want to hear it when I say about another doctor or going private when i kept on about before. She's keen to talk about everything she thinks it is and complaining about that idiot of a doctor, but not actually do anything else. I don't know why she keeps going to the stupid moron.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Well there's one reason why. She used to breathe in smoke and that's why her lungs are like that. Also, she has problems with her liver right?

Also, Alittleacorn, encourage her to see another doctor. Seeing the same old quack doctor gets you to nowhere. My brother has stomach problems and he used to see some doctors that did not help what so ever. Also, I don't know how they made it into the medical buisness since they knew nothing about medicine. Very frusturating.

Anyways, don't let her see that doctor anymore what ever it takes. Try and find one that will help and care for her. :) !
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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

She sounds similar to my mother, steadfastly refusing to seek real help or change physicians when she was in dire need until she had no choice in the matter; when she had to go to the hospital and they took an MRI of her abdomen where they found stage three renal cancer. For months she was going to the same person and getting the same story; she only had a bladder infection. She complained and complained but never really did anything else.

I really hope your mother makes the right choice; appeal to her as her child and that you are worried for her, that it truly may be cancer and you want to share with her many more birthdays and holidays and it would sadden you and your family to have those taken away. Of course, I'm not saying that it is terminal or cancer but it could be and that is the important thing; she needs to fight to find out what is wrong.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

This may be a little off topic here, but I've been having a sist (I think that's how you spell it.) on my right hand for the last 12 years or so, and I never got it removed. Anyways, this and diabetes runs in the family so that's the main reason why I got it. Is it some sort of blood clot in a way? Every summer my mother says that I'll get it removed, but I never do. This year, I may have to cancel the operation again because of summer school.
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Postby Earthshine » 10 years ago

That would be a cyst. It is typically a build up of fluid, air, pus or even collagen and other liquid material. They are typically harmless but it's something to monitor. If it starts to hurt, impede mobility or change in bulk in any way it is best to talk to a doctor immediately. Sometimes they can be dealt with in one visit by simply having your doctor stick a syringe in it and sucking the material out. Sometimes surgery is needed.

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Postby tailz » 10 years ago

Cyst! There you go! I forgot how to spell it. :blush: Hm, the last time it hurt was when I hit it when I was about 7 at school. I cried soo much. (haha.) Though, it used to hurt when I write, but not anymore. My mother said I need to have surgery on it. Got the news from our doctors. Never heard of sticking a syringe in it to suck material out of it. (Sounds gross.) I never had surgery done before ever. Actually, I'm the only one in the family who never had surgery yet. I wonder if it hurts?... I'm probably just going to be knocked from the anesthetic anyways. :lol:
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Postby jeffbert » 10 years ago

I am sorry to learn of your mother's condition, Donguri-chan. You say that the physicians criticize your mother for being overweight? It may have nothing to do with her mucus problem, but, depending on how much overweight she is (if she even is overweight), that itself may cause serious health problems, or, so I have heard. Depression also can have serious repercussions. Belief can even kill. The placebo-effect works both ways; it can make sugar pills seem to have real pharmacological effects, both as cures and killers. :ninja:

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