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Postby Rejoyce » 8 years ago

One thing that really helped me with math (and chemistry) was Khan Academy. They have videos online that explain a ton of different math concepts. They'll go through examples and I think I remember there were practice quizzes, too. You don't need an account. Seeing my teacher after class helped too, even though I got the same lesson as in class. One-on-one help is much better than sitting in a classroom, since you can ask questions every step of the way. Another option is tutoring, you could pay a professional but I find that smart classmates work better. I find that, in general, textbooks are really bad at explaining math and it's a better idea to get help from a person. And understanding why the math works, not just memorizing a procedure is really helpful. That way, if they tweak a problem for a test, you know what to do to the normal procedure to get the right answer. But that doesn't work with essays. Ugh. I really hate writing, it's so subjective and I could write the same quality work for different teachers and I'd get different grades.

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Postby Astro Forever » 8 years ago

I have a love-hate relationship with maths. I really enjoy statistics! :D On the other hand, I've never felt comfortable with linear algebra. It's weird because I used to think of mathematics as one single topic. Therefore it came as a surprise when I realized there were classes I felt much more at ease in than others.

I can do with derivative but am not so passionate with it that I'd want to take the very advanced classes. I must say I didn't really enjoy it until I had a teacher who slowly explained where everything was coming from (I guess from the trigonometric circle). I suppose it had been explained to me before but not yet knowing where it would lead me, I just kind of blindly applied the formula, which in turn made everything become more abstract. When I'm in the mood to think of it as a game, then I can find some enjoyment in mastering it. I guess it's like in everything: intrinsic motivation is so much more powerful than extrinsic motivation.

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Postby jeffbert » 8 years ago

In Maryland, the teachers need to know more about how to teach, than about the subject to be taught. I looked at the university's course catalog, & examined many fields of study, long before I even hoped to go beyond community college. I was surprised at how many credits were not about the subject to be taught. Psychology for the target students' age group, child, adolescent, etc., + many other classes. `

I took some 93 credits in cc, & had professors who taught well, and others who knew the subjects well, also a few who did both. Female professors generally are more patient, though they teach without any humor, & the lectures are dry, & some, even boring. Male professors often have humor in their lectures, but are not as patient. I had math under both, though it has been too long for me to recall any details.

Oh, I remember technical math, one class was cold, as the building's heat was out. I turned on the overhead projector & directed the cooling fan at myself. Did not help much. :D

This was in the auto mechanics building, had to literally fight with an able-bodied so-called 'handicapped' woman for the only crippled parking space. She showed no sign of disability whatsoever, while I was and am visibly crippled. ;) Some people have no shame. Granted, I do not know that she was not somehow 'handicapped,' but this was the auto mechanics building, & it would be rather a stretch to assume she was also just taking math.

When I 1st began attending that CC, one needed not only the State-issued tag or permit to avoid being ticketed for occupying a reserved space, but also a bumper sticker from the security office. I thought that was unreasonable at the time, but after the ADA was enacted, changed my mind, as kids driving parents cars began shamelessly parking where they ought not, seeing those tags were not issued for their benefit. Though there are far more reserved spaces now than before the ADA, there are many who abuse them. :cry:

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

My fiance's little sister is handicapped but her disability does not manifest itself in ways that are easily perceivable to others that are unaware; as such she is accused of taking advantage of her handicap placard (or is outright accused that it ISN'T her placard) when it is. Just last week she got a rather salty note left on her car, death threat included!

She has a disability that causes her extreme fatigue, pain and the potential to collapse which could kill her (she has a connective tissue disease, small bumps and scrapes to us to her can seriously harm her, it took her 2 years just to recover from having a tooth pulled).

So YES it is really really REALLY annoying when caretakers take advantage of their patient's placard, but at the same time how can you tell that they are NOT disabled? (I guess there are red flags, but still you can never be sure).

I am glad there are more spaces though so it is not as huge of an issue when someone parks there when they really shouldn't, but it's still a pretty nasty thing to do. It's nastier to accuse someone of "not being handicapped" when they ARE and do NEED that space.

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Postby cybotron » 8 years ago

yes.... I was confined to a wheelchair for 6 months and could neither walk or drive my car. I had a hard time getting out of that thing.But rehab got me out ofit. I can walk now.
[sigpic][/sigpic]Safe :ninja:

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Postby jeffbert » 8 years ago

I ought to know that, but, damn, there sure are a lot of them! As I said, it mushroomed after the ADA; thus, my suspicion that anyone who walks normally, & parks there, is a usurper. I had confronted a few some years ago, but found it not the least bit satisfying, rather those who were guilty attacked verbally, very few apologized. I am not one who wants to offend others, but it just becomes too much to bear! So, after one of them beheaded me, I decided it was better to keep silent.

Worse than that, there was a reserved parking space, extras wide, & all, in the rear lot of the college. it even had a cut-out (through the lawn) with sidewalk going through it, crosswalk, etc., so the wheelchair or whatever could roll directly across the street to the buildings. Then, they made it the dean's reserved space!

Worse yet, where I had worked, there were low-life guys who used the 'handicapped' stall for reading the sports pages. How convenient, that there was a railing there so they could hang the newspaper on it. They walked right past 3 other stalls, etc. Crimes against cripplity! :D

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Postby TetsuwanToby » 8 years ago

I know this may sound kinda silly but Nickalodeon needs to go back to the way it used to be. Anyone remember the actual good shows from the 90s? You know like Hey Arnold, Angry Beavers, Rugrats, Catdog, and so on. It seems every time Nickolodeon has a good show they cancel it! Invader Zim for example was amazing! But Nickalodeon simply cancelled it because the rating where low. Even Angry Beavers and Hey Arnold was cancelled after a short run compared the length of shows run today. Come on Nickalodeon! Bring my childhood back!

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

:d oh: I know how you feel, I really miss older shows from Cartoon Network, but alas... the times are a changin'.

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Postby Fanficlover99 » 8 years ago

sometimes, i see images with great visuals, and then i see this...
yeah, that 2d picture that's very small, contains nothing but a 2D paper and 2D Hills, also known as DEAD LINKS.
sometimes, you see one with a cat, like this
this dead link thing needs to end right now :mad: i hate it!!!
Last edited by Fanficlover99 on Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

Are you experiencing this on ABO or just in general? :eek: It can be pretty annoying but there's not much that can be done other than using an image hosting site that is more stable or using the wayback machine to retrieve images that no longer exist on their pages.

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