70 years later, remembering a critical moment.

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70 years later, remembering a critical moment.

Postby dannavy85 » 9 years ago

I've been reflecting on my time in Japan and what I've learned, especially with the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II coming up and what came after with the occupation. Between Europe and Japan, the European occupation was a complete disaster which led to another 50 years of Cold War division which Germany has still not completely recovered from.

Japan's however was a great success, something Americans never take pride in nor fully understand. So many things could have swung south between September 1945 and July 1946 leaving devastated Japan possibly split into Communist and Capitalist regimes. Harry Truman certainly didn't help matters.

If you watch the movie "Emperor" with Tommy Lee Jones it shows just how fortunate that General Douglas MacArthur was the right man, at the right place at the right moment in time. By saving Hirohito from the war crimes tribunal and handling the occupation with great skill...MacArthur saved Japan from the fate of China, Korea and Eastern Europe.

Had it not been for MacArthur saving Japan as a whole nation, I doubt we could have fought the Korean War to a stalemate from 1950 to 1954 as most of our materials came from Japanese factories as well as our closest fighter, bomber and naval bases. Japan has played a vital strategic role in preserving peace in the Pacific for over 50 years.

If I could speak of one moment where I am very proud of my country, its that we had General MacArthur when he was sorely needed.

"You guys have some serious Mommy issues."

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