Caption the Fan Art Game

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Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

Okay i guess its been long enough to go on with yours Insane (ps if it was drawn be Tezuka then its not FAN art ) by creator I ment drawer of the fan art

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Postby Novacain » 13 years ago

Let's just use this image since I-Am-Atom's-Sister already submitted something. The next winner can use their own fan art after that.


Astro: "Stupid fire, why are you trying to stick your nose in my mouth? Whatta I look like, kleenex?!"

Uran: "That's what you get for being lazy, Astro. Dad told us to rake and bag the leaves, not set them on fire!"

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Postby atoms_gf » 13 years ago

uran: EWWWW! look at how dirty its teeth are!!
atom: um, uran, i didn't think fires had teeth also, AAAGGHH. STOP TRYING TO TICKLE MY FOOT! IM TRYING TO MAKE THE FIRE GO AWAY!

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

aarr I am the ghost of Halloween past coming to show you how many times Astro's dressed up as himself

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Postby Anime Girl » 13 years ago


URAN: Yikes! Astro did you put the campfire out last time we went camping?

ASTRO: I was supposed to put it out? I thought you were gonna do it.

You're not a joke, you fit right in!
So shake it off, and give a grin. Don't be afraid to stand your ground! Crazy, noisy BIZARRE Town!

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Postby I-Am-Atom's-Sister » 13 years ago


Heehee :lol: I almost lost it when I read that.
Clothed Astro = cute little robot kid;
Naked Astro= Big damn hero.

I :heart: :astro:

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Postby atoms_gf » 13 years ago

"atoms_gf" wrote:Image
uran: EWWWW! look at how dirty its teeth are!!
atom: um, uran, i didn't think fires had teeth also, AAAGGHH. STOP TRYING TO TICKLE MY FOOT! IM TRYING TO MAKE THE FIRE GO AWAY!

EDIT: Image
uran: EWWWW! look at how dirty its teeth are!!
atom: um, uran, i didn't think fires have teeth also, AAAGGHH. STOP TRYING TO TICKLE MY FOOT! IM TRYING TO MAKE THE FIRE GO AWAY!
uran: You were the one who lit it in the first place!!
atom: stop talking and gimmie your broom stick!!
uran: no! i need to to spank you!
atom: oh good greif, im soooo scared; now gimmie the broom!

@i-am-atoms-sister- lol. yeah. i lost it too. thats why i added onto it :lol: >.>

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

Lol Urans trying to spank Astro :w00t: rofl

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Postby Novacain » 13 years ago

"Gotta Love ASTRO BOY" wrote:Lol Urans trying to spank Astro :w00t: rofl

Sorry, there will be no animated gif on that one!

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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

Lol :lol: yah that would be alittle weird :lol:

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