Skype Meeting 4

Off topic discussion.

What date is most convenient for you to attend?

Saturday, November 22
Sunday, November 23
Saturday, November 29
Sunday, November 30
Saturday, December 6
Sunday, December 7
Total votes: 14

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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

We've gone to doing a chat-only Skype Meeting since my wi-fi kept crashing.

This shall forever be known as the Technical Difficulties Skype Meeting. :d oh:

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Postby EyeOdyssey » 9 years ago

That was fun, even despite the numerous technical errors.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

My apologies again to everyone. Skype and my wi-fi just didn't want to cooperate today. :d oh:

I do want to try doing another traditional Skype Meeting again, but I'm now considering doing "Impromptu" Skype Meetings and chat-only Skype Meetings.

Impromptu Skype Meetings would just happen out of the blue: I would suddenly post a thread saying that I'm doing a Skype Meeting and would ask if anyone would want to join in. No voting: we would just go straight to it.

Chat-only Skype Meetings should be self-explanatory.

In the end though, I only do these when you guys request for another one to be done. So if you want another Skype Meeting, let me know. I can't do them all the time, but I'll try to keep doing them as long as there's interest.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who attended. Despite the technical difficulties, it was fun.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby EyeOdyssey » 9 years ago

I'm posting the broken translations from the chat today for the general public. All these mishmashes of words are broken and hideously unrecognizable. Have fun folks!

Why Shalt I Sleep?:
"Hey, for the most part neither day nor night sees sleep with sleep.

When the school day is done for me, she is my sister and my brother, I started.

1 products.

The reason is because there is not much competition.

What do you think?"

What English Is Not:
"Corners Britain, at first it was said to the Assembly at the beginning of the languages of the West Germanic languages, a not insignificant time. [4] [W] The majority of men tame; it is sufficiently well after the UK, in front of the eastern United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand the earth might be something more to the right 60 The official in the language of the whale. This is the third language in the world, the Chinese from the Spanish after the Spanish. [6] The second way to slow down the east side of the letter, that the United Nations of the State, the regions of the European Union at the end the will is the un, so that in most bodies of the world."

I Hope RPG:
"I hope RPG

A role-playing games, it's easy I think.

Experimentum quo Elle RPG, but is light, it is assumed that they erat there life Gutis feeling when it seems to be Schwier - RPG at all costs, we believe. That is, we concretum that everyone expects.

It is, quod Crassius F and play what games omnes and the field to affordable posts digesta Pretium varius. In the heart of the Fomm It is the responsibility Anti Disputatio mori.

Sicut because I wanted to do something pluvias heart, a I to this game. A connection mbchte I Restitue. I Think I prove wants me to immediately view live - eye - not only by me.

The forecast is art does not matter if I project tons. It is amet, in order to be successful. It is not anced to genuit. It's very simple ludo. Good things forward means ahead erat, mori facts that that alii vero si quid normalis to the game play word, bay facies What's this? This game is a miracle in the game, able to show that we conditionibus reality. The RPG is assumed that the story of hope over. There is no Fantasy Ultima death ...."
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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

And so the November 2014 Skype Meeting has come to an end. The last call I did fortunately worked and didn't crash, probably because there was only 4 of us at the end. Overall, 9 people showed up throughout the day, though at different times.

Anyway, despite the technical difficulties, it was fun talking to you all! I'll consider doing an impromptu Skype Meeting in the near future as well as chat-only Skype Meetings. And, as always, there will be another traditional Skype Meeting so long as you guys want to continue doing this. :)

EDIT: Also, EyeOdyssey stole the show again. He's one zany guy for sure. :lol:

And he'll let you that he's the Numero Uno fan of Noh Uno.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby EyeOdyssey » 9 years ago

"Shiyonasan" wrote:EDIT: Also, EyeOdyssey stole the show again. He's one zany guy for sure. :lol:

And he'll let you that he's the Numero Uno fan of Noh Uno.

Heh heh. :) I have a tendency to do that sometimes, I love to be a comic.
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Postby Angel of the Stars » 9 years ago

One of you still owes me spaghetti. XD

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Postby Tetsuwan Atom » 9 years ago

That was sure nice in the end i went to bed at around 3:45 am not even that late for Saturday evenings but i certainly can't do that every week.
Didn't got much of the first hour i tried to make it work with my pc in the living room while still having someone over but the Mic just didn't work with the actual sound of the speakers.
When i went to my room to make it work the webcam was also on which wasn't my intend :p and then i still left for a bit to wrap things up.

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Postby Earthshine » 9 years ago

It sure was a lot of fun despite all the technical errors, and the fun with google translate was fun for everyone. Definitely looking forward to the next session.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 9 years ago

Since the end of yesterday's Skype Meeting, I've thought about what to do with the traditional, impromptu, and chat-only Skype Meetings since I brought up the latter two yesterday. Here is what I've decided to do with each of those:

Warning: Wall of text below. There is a "tl;dr" section at the bottom. I humbly ask that anyone interested in future Skype Meetings read this.

  • Traditional Skype Meetings will continue to stay as they are with a couple adjustments.

    Starting with yesterday's Skype Meeting, I wanted to do it where someone requests to do another Skype Meeting in a thread, one or two other will reply and agree that they'd like to do another Skype Meeting, and I'd ask if I should set up a new thread to vote on a date for the new Skype Meeting. If one person says yes, I'd set up the thread.

    That's not changing.

    What I am going to change is the period of time allowed between traditional Skype Meetings. With each consecutive Skype Meeting, the duration of time between each has gotten shorter and shorter. Here's the dates for when each of the four major Skype Meetings has happened so far (if there was another Skype Meeting with three or more people in them besides the four meetings listed here, correct me):

    1st Skype Meeting - August 7, 2011

    2nd Skype Meeting - April 28, 2013

    3rd Skype Meeting - March 22, 2014

    4th Skype Meeting - November 22, 2014

    As you can see, there was nearly a year and nine months between the 1st and 2nd, about eleven months between the 2nd and 3rd, and exactly eight months between the 3rd and 4th.

    I have a feeling that as time goes on, the duration between Skype Meetings will get shorter. To remedy this, I've decided to instate the rule that, as long as I'm hosting the Skype Meetings, traditional Skype Meetings must occur at least three months apart from each other. This allows time for people to come up with new topics to discuss by the time a new traditional Skype Meeting will occur. Plus, I think if we were to have two traditional Skype Meetings so close to each other, they would start to become stale and not as special. I think part of the charm between each traditional Skype Meeting is that they occur so infrequently.

    I think a good time for another traditional Skype Meeting will be when (or should I say if) the teaser for Astro Boy Reboot comes out. By then, five months will have passed and many things will have happened with Astro Boy news by then that we can discuss.

    I'm also going to instate a rule about background noise. Starting with the next traditional Skype Meeting, you must Skype from a quiet area or an area with very little noise. If you are unable to get rid of the background noise within 15 minutes, I will drop you from the call and give you a chance to eliminate the background noise before allowing you back into the Skype Meeting. If, when I allow you back in the call, you still have background noise coming from your end of the call, you will be banned from the rest of that Skype Meeting.

    For those people that caused background noise during this Skype Meeting, please know that I'm not angry at you. What I want to do is to have everybody's voice in the Skype Meeting be heard instead of whatever is occurring in the background of your call.

    If you can, wear headphones or a headset, specifically noise-cancelling headphones, if you have them. Otherwise, move to another area of your residence that you know will have as little background noise as possible.

    I humbly request that everyone who participates in the next Skype Meeting do this. It was pretty distracting to have a bunch of background noise occurring when I first brought everyone into the Skype Meeting.

    Also, please remember to call using voice-chat only. Do not use video chat. If Skype accidentally calls using video chat, I understand, but please switch immediately over to voice-chat. If I'm not mistaken, it actually costs money to do video chat with three or more people on Skype. I do not want to have to pay money to do these Skype Meetings.

    Other than the things listed here, traditional Skype Meetings will stay as they are. They will continue to be laid back, but with a few rules to make sure that no fighting occurs and only the participants in the Skype Meeting can be heard rather than whatever is happening in the background of your call. There will also continue to be a voting process to determine the best date for people to attend, which in turn allows enough time for several people to know that the Skype Meeting is happening so that they can attend.

  • Impromptu Skype Meetings I have decided to do a test run of in the near future. I will probably do that test run before the end of the year.

    For those that did not hear what impromptu Skype Meetings will be: they will be the same as traditional Skype Meetings, but without the voting process and waiting period until they occur. There's a couple catches though: the rules that apply to the traditional Skype Meetings will also apply for these impromptu Skype Meetings, and I get to decide the date for when they happen instead of you guys. If I happen to have a free day where not much is happening, and there is, say, something interesting that happened in the world of Astro Boy recently, then I might decide to do an impromptu Skype Meeting. Again, I think an interesting time to do one of these would be after the teaser for Astro Boy Reboot if we get a lot more information about it then.

    How they would work is that I will post a thread saying that an impromptu Skype Meeting is happening right now, and that anyone who is willing to attend can say that they would like to attend so long as I have their Skype name. Those impromptu Skype Meetings would then go on like traditional Skype Meetings would in which they would last for a few hours before I decide to end the call.

    These impromptu Skype Meetings would definitely be smaller than traditional Skype Meetings, and that would not be a bad thing. That means less of Skype crashing, which is always a good thing. I would be fine even if just one person said that they wanted to attend. The main reason I want to do these impromptu Skype Meetings is to see how it differs from the traditional Skype Meetings. Call it an experiment if you will.

    The test impromptu Skype Meeting will probably last two or three hours, while an actual one would last maybe an hour or two more.

  • I have decided not to do chat-only Skype Meetings. The main reason is that I feel like they would detract too much from the forum. They would also probably end up occurring more often than traditional or impromptu Skype Meetings which would become a hassle for me to do.

    During yesterday's Skype Meeting, I briefly decided to keep the Skype Meeting chat-only in fear that the Skype Meeting would crash again (I later figured out that I had to recall the remaining participants to get the call working again instead of recalling everyone that had participated that day, but that's beside the point). Those three individuals seemed to be like-minded in thinking that keeping the Skype Meeting chat-only wasn't nearly as great as having both voice-chat and text-chat. I agreed with them.

    The first exception in which I would do a chat-only Skype Meeting would be if Astro Boy Reboot gets streamed live like Little Astro Boy did. I think it would be interesting to live chat during the episode and get everyone's reaction when things happen during the episodes. We don't know if this will happen though, so the likelihood of this sort of thing happening is slim.

    Another exception in which chat-only Skype Meetings will happen will be if the voice-chat keeps crashing either through my Skype or my wi-fi. However, the bulk of this section refers to a traditional Skype Meeting in which voice-chat would be optimal rather than a Skype Meeting with exclusively chat-only and no voice-chat. In that regard, the "chat-only" Skype Meeting would apply to the fact that voice-chat could not be brought back, so the traditional Skype Meeting would turn into a chat-only Skype Meeting in this case.

So that's that. For the "too long; didn't read" people, hear are the basic points of my post:

Regarding traditional Skype Meetings:

  • I'm instating a new rule that, as long as I continue to host the Skype Meetings, there be at least a three month period between Skype Meetings.

    I'm also instating a new rule that you must Skype from a quiet area or an area with very little noise. Failure to comply with that rule within 15 minutes of joining the Skype Meeting will result in me dropping you from the call and giving you a warning to eliminate the background noise from your end of the call. If, after I allow you back into the Skype Meeting, there's still background noise after another 15 minutes, you will be banned from the rest of the Skype Meeting.

    To those that caused background noise in yesterday's Skype Meeting, I'm not angry at you. I only ask that, if you attend another traditional Skype Meeting in the future, that you follow the rule above.

    Wear headphones or a headset during the next traditional Skype Meeting. Noise-cancelling headphones are optimal if you do not have a headset.

    Remember to call using voice-chat. Do not call using video-chat. If you accidentally call using video-chat, immediately switch over to voice-chat.

    Other than the points listed here, the traditional Skype Meetings will remain the same.

Regarding impromptu Skype Meetings:

    I will do a test one by the end of the year. It will likely last 2 or 3 hours.

    Actual impromptu Skype Meetings will be like the Skype Meetings we've been doing, but without the voting process and waiting period. However, the same rules still apply to both.

    I will post a thread saying that I will be on Skype for the next few hours and that anyone willing to attend can attend. As a result, less people will likely attend, which means less Skype crashing, which makes a happy Shiyonasan (the part about Skype crashing, not the part about less people attending).

Regarding chat-only Skype Meetings:

    They will not happen. They would detract too much from the forum and they aren't as fun as the voice-chat Skype Meetings.

    The first exception will be if Astro Boy Reboot gets streamed live like Little Astro Boy did. We could live chat while the episode would air. The chances of this happening are slim though.

    The second exception will be if Skype or my wi-fi repeatedly crashes, in which case I would rely exclusively on chat and voice-chat would be off limits.

If you read this entire post, thank you so much. As long as I continue to host the Skype Meetings, I just want them to be as enjoyable for everyone as possible. That may mean instating a few rules, but those rules shouldn't encroach too much on the enjoyability of the Skype Meetings. My only intent is to allow forum members to discuss various topics through voice-chat without too much interruption. Hopefully I've done a good enough job of that with the last two Skype Meetings.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Mon Nov 24, 2014 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

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