Tetsuwan April Challenge

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

Whatever you are able to do I will be happy to see; and no worries about any due dates unless you want to challenge yourself.

I really like these challenges or monthly/daily/weekly prompts - they help me anyway get a little more focused on something as I can become distracted very easily.

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Postby Uran-chama » 8 years ago

I'm gonna try to remember to do this! I've always kind of wanted to one of the week long or month long challenges. I might get started on some today cuz I know I'll forget to do a few. This should be a fun challenge since I really haven't drawn must on the AB cast.

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Well, I now have something written for the first two days.
I am going to write some new material, or write some short stories based on ones already published here, or on FF.NET. I also have some things I started to write and never fleshed out that I can use for some short entries. Of course some of the characters will require a bit of thought. Mount-Blanc for one.
Last edited by Tetsuwan Penguin on Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)

I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Atlas, the untold origin

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

Well it's April 1st somewhere in the world right now. Here is my Atlas story, based on the final chapter of my "Prequel" story, and a Black Jack cross over I wrote based on it.

Atlas, The untold Origin

Dr. Black Jack opened the door to the house and stepped inside. He removed his cloak and hung it on a hook on a rack stand by the doorway. He removed his shoes and socks, and stepped into a pair of sandals which he kept by the door. Kūro then loosened his tie and plopped down into his favorite easy chair. He picked up his pipe from the bowl on the short table next to the chair, and he picked up the pouch of tobacco lying next to it. Black Jack carefully stuffed a small amount of the shag into the bowl of the pipe, and lit it using a wooden match. Holding the pipe in his left hand, he put the stem into his mouth and took a small drag, removing the pipe to exhale through his mouth.

Pinoko wandered into the living room where her guardian sat. She knew that Kūro usually only resorted to the pipe when he needed to unwind from a particularly troubling day, much like a famous fictional detective resorted to his when he needed to think deeply. She could see from the lines formed by his facial muscles that Sensei had had a long and difficult day's work.

“It usually helps to tell someone your troubles.” Pinoko blurted out. “What's troubling you?”

“Nothing.” Black Jack said.

“Then why are you schmoking?” Pinoko insisted. “You only do that when you need to unwind.”

“You know me too well.” Kūro sighed. “Why don't you get dinner ready, and I'll tell you all about it after we eat.”

“Dinner is almost ready, Can't you smell it?” Pinoko replied.

“Yes, of course.” Black Jack responded.

Pinoko walked back into the kitchen. She stood on the high stool that was propped up next to the stove and stirred a large pot of steaming curried beef. On a neighboring burner a pot of rice was almost done, she inserted a spoon and withdrew a small sample to taste, and nodded to herself. A tea kettle on the back burner started to whistle, Pinoko grabbed it with an oven mitt and carried it to the table, placing it on a bamboo mat. She then poured the boiling water into a tea pot that was already on the table and dropped several bags of green tea into the pot. Pinoko returned to the stove and shut down the burners. She spent the next few minutes spooning out the rice and curried beef onto two plates, giving Sensei the lion's share of the food. She carried both plates to the table and set them down carefully.

“SENSEI!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. “DINNER'S READY!”

Black Jack tapped the pipe against the bowl to knock the remaining tobacco ashes out and set the pipe back in its place. He lifted himself out of the chair using his arms, pressing his hands against the chair arms to lift himself up. He was tired. He entered the kitchen area and saw Pinoko already seated at the small table, steaming hot food sat waiting for them.

“Thank you, Pinoko.” he said as he sat down. Pinoko waited for Black Jack to pick up his chopsticks before she reached for hers. They ate silently, Pinoko pouring fresh tea for Black Jack when he emptied his cup.

Pinoko finished loading the dishwasher. It was now full, having yesterday's breakfast and dinner dishes as well as today's, as well as about a dozen parfait dishes. She added the detergent, closed the door, and pressed the start button. With the kitchen all cleaned up from dinner, she looked for Black Jack.

Kūro was in his office cleaning up. He noticed Pinoko out of the corner of his eye.
“Sit down, Pinoko”

“Are you going to tell Pinoko what's bothering you, Sensei?”

“Yes, if you insist.” He said. “I have to warn you the story might be a bit disturbing, and it involves the brother of a friend of yours.”

“Who?” Pinoko asked.

“Uran.” Kūro said. “I know you and her talk and text all the time on your phones. This involves Atomu. I've kept part of this story to myself for many years, but just today I became aware of its aftermath.” Black Jack paused for a moment as he tried to think of where to start. “You're sure you want to hear this now?”


“Very well ….”

Black Jack sat down behind his desk. He reached behind and opened the door to a small refrigerator he kept in his office and removed a small bottle of sake. He poured a small amount of the rice wine into a paper cup and took a sip. After placing the cup down on the desk he picked up a newspaper and held it up to Pinoko, pointing to a headline.

'Robot duel over Metro City destroys Tokugawa Center'Pinoko read. 'Astro Boy's attempt to control rampaging Atlas rains debris over city.' “Again?” she face palmed. “And what does that have to do with you?”

“Everything, I'm afraid,” Kuro sighed. “Atlas wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me.”

“But you're not a roboticist,” Pinoko said.

“Do you know how Atomu and Atlas were born?”, the Dr. asked.

“Uran told me her brother was made by a Dr. Tenma at the Ministry of Science.” Pinoko replied. “And I've heard that Atlas was also built by Tenma.”

“Yes, but do you know why Atomu was created, and do you realize that his A.I. is based on the memories and mind of a real boy?”

“No, Pinoko doesn't know that, or what that has to do with Atlas.”

“Dr. Tenma had a nine year old son named Tobio.” Kūro told her. “Tobio was fatally injured in a traffic accident while he was riding a hoverbike. At the time, I was still working with the Metro City General Hospital with a Dr. Tezuka who was a good friend of mine from medical school. I had already began experimenting with advanced new methods of healing, including the use of certain herbal drugs.”

“Didn't you lose your medical license because you used something like that on a patient against the law?” Pinoko interrupted.

“Not exactly against the law, but without approval from the hospital and the JMA.” Black Jack replied. “Please don't interrupt again, this story is going to be long enough.”


“Very well.” Kūro continued. “I was the low man on the totem pole at the hospital, so I often worked with paramedics on ambulance duty. I was doing so the day that Tobio had his accident, and I was first on the scene giving him medical attention. He was very badly injured with severe brain trauma. While Tobio lay in the ICU Dr. Tenma had brought in some apparatus to download whatever memories of Tobio that he could. He later incorporated that data in Atom's AI.”

“So Atomu remembers being Tobio?” Pinoko asked.

“I don't know. He probably has some of Tobio's mind buried deep down in his subconscious. I really don't know how robot brains actually work.”

Black Jack paused to take another sip of the sake. He emptied the cup, and poured himself some more from the bottle.
“Dr. Tezuka declared Tobio brain dead the next day. Tobio's heart continued beating, and he was still breathing with the aid of a respirator, it was his brain that had stopped functioning. There isn't much you can do to revive damaged brain tissue, once the brain starts to die, it cannot heal itself. However, I had been experimenting with a herbal drug that had shown some promise in reversing brain damage in higher primates, but had not yet been tested on humans. I decided to experiment on Tobio. I switched bodies in the morgue and had Tobio brought to the private clinic I had just started setting up. It was there that I began the experimental treatment using my new drug.”

“You mean Tobio's not buried in his grave?” Pinoko said with a shock on her face.

“Dr. Tenma had his son's remains cremated.” Black Jack answered. “So he never discovered the switch.”

“So you got away with it.”

“I told you not to interrupt, Pinoko.” Black Jack said. “Yes, I did. Anyway, the drug slowly started to work. I was able to remove the boy from the respirator, and his EEG readings returned to near normal. Tobio slowly came out of the coma he had been in for several months. It was only then that I realized the drug had a serious side effect. It enabled the damaged neurons in the brain to repair and replace themselves, but all synaptic connections had been erased. Tobio awoke with no memories of his life at all. I had to treat him like a new born babe, he had to learn everything he had ever known since birth all over again.”

“Acchonburike!” Pinoko cried out.

“By this time, Dr. Tenma had already built Atomu, and had gone insane,” Black Jack continued, “Dr. Ochanomizu had replaced him as the head of the Ministry of Science. It would be a few years before Tenma surfaced again. Meanwhile I had a problem on my hands, what to do with the boy who had no memory.”

“So what happened to Tobio?” Pinoko asked.

“That was several years ago,” Blackjack began. “It was in this very office there was a former patient of mine seated in a that large chair on the opposite side of this desk. Ieyasu Tokugawa was a strong man of small stature. Despite his lack of height, he was a giant in the business world, having created one of the largest industrial companies in the country. Ieyasu and his wife had tried to have a child for several years without any luck. They had consulted with me, asking to be tested for possible problems of sterility or infertility. I had diagnosed his poor wife with advanced terminal cancer and she died within a short time after that. Ieyasu Tokugawa returned to my office after I had called him with some news.

“I'm sorry for your loss,” I said, “and I know you wanted an heir to take on your family name. Have you considered adopting?”

Tokugawa scratched his chin, and gave my question some thought before he answered.
“Actually, until you just mentioned it, I hadn't.” Ieyasu said. “That's actually a very good idea, taking care of an adopted son would take my mind off of my grief. However, I don't understand why you called me here to suggest the idea unless you had something specific in mind.”

“Yes I do,” I admitted. “I told him that I had a nine year old boy patient recovering from a near fatal accident in my clinic right now and that he's going to need a new home and family. I explained that while I can't couldn't the boy's past could give him some basic background. I told him that the boy was declared legally brain dead following an accident. I explained that I was able to revive him with an experimental drug, but at the cost of total memory loss, that the boy was going to have to start his life anew, and form new memories and family ties. Knowing his father, I was certain that he wouldn't accept the boy back into his life under those conditions, and that it was probably better to let him believe that his son was actually dead.”

“Can I see him, doctor?” Tokugawa asked.

“Not at this time.” I explained, “His skull was fractured in the accident and he would require more reconstructive surgery, especially on his face. I was still going to have to perform a skin graft on his scalp, and repair his facial features. I offered that I could change his appearance at that time to have him favor Tokugawa as his own son. I was hopeful that I would be able to find a suitable skin donor so that his hair would grow in a dark red like his, instead of his previous brown.”

Tokugawa nodded in understanding, “Yes, I'd like that.”

“In that case,” I said, “I'll get in touch with you again after I've performed the final surgeries and the boy is able to receive visitors for the first time. I think it will be in a month or two.”

The doctor continued the story, “Several weeks later Tokugawa came to my clinic to meet his new son. The boy opened his eyes for the first time. His vision was still blurry, and he was still very groggy from the drugs that still had yet to wear off. His face was wrapped in several layers of bandages, but openings for his eyes, nose and mouth had been cut into the gauze. The reset of his body was either bandaged or encased in casts. It would be obvious to anybody that he had been in a near fatal accident. He had been through several surgeries, and had the bones in his arms and legs set to heal after they had been fractured. His face had been reconstructed. A feeding tube had been inserted through his nose leading directly into his stomach. Several IV lines were dripping fluids into his veins. He was now breathing on his own, but still had an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

I entered the room to find him finally coming out of his coma.” “Ah you're awake!” I doctor said. “You'll be glad to know that we can remove your bandages shortly. It seems that most of your injuries have healed. Do you understand me?”

He heard me speak, but the words didn't make any sense to him. His mind was still quite foggy and his thoughts came slowly. He probably didn't know what language he was thinking in. For that matter, what language do babies think in before they have learned any language? He had no memories of how he had gotten here or who he was. He knew of no family or friends. It was like he had literally just been born. His brain had been put back together by a powerful herbal drug that regenerated the dead and dying neurons. The new cells worked, his nervous system functioned as it did before the accident. However, none of the synaptic connections that had existed were saved. His mind was a blank. He was a nine year old infant.

I then examined him. I listened to his breathing though the stethoscope. I shined a penlight into the boy's eyes to watch for the reaction to the light, and I listened to his heartbeat, and looked over the EKG and EEG printouts. I was quite pleased with my work.

“Relax son.” I told him. “I'll be back in a while and then we will remove those bandages and make you more comfortable.”

I then injected a small syringe into a tap on one of the IV lines. The boy felt himself drifting back to sleep. This time it was a light sleep, and he actually dreamed. The REM cycles came and went for several hours until the sedative wore off.

A few hours later, the boy drifted out of his sleep. It took less time for his vision to clear, and his mind seemed a bit sharper. I noticed that he was looking at me sitting besides his bed, and at the other man sitting in a chair near the foot of the bed. I then picked up a scalpel and approached the boy.
“Relax son, I'm going to remove your bandages now,” I told him.

I carefully cut at the gauze and began to unwrap it from the boy's head. I then picked up a small rotary saw and cut through the casts on the boy's arms and legs. It took about fifteen minutes for me to remove the bandages and the plaster casts.

The other man at the foot of the bed got up and walked over to him.
“Daichi?” Ieyasu Tokugawa said. “I'm your father.”

The boy's eyes reflected confusion. He still didn't understand what he was hearing, and he didn't understand where he was or how it got there. As the calming effects of the drugs he was on began to wain, he started to feel a bit of panic.
Ieyasu pointed to him and repeated “Daichi”. He then pointed to himself and said “Ieyasu.”

The boy slowly mouthed the words. “D a i c h i” he said, pointing to himself. “I e y a s u” he voiced pointing to the Tokugawa.

“Yes! That's it. Your name is Daichi now. Daichi Tokugawa. We're family now.”

“T o k u g a w a?” the boy voiced slowly, trying to smile.

“Why don't you feed you son now?” the I suggested as I carefully removed the feeding tube from the boy's nose. Daichi squirmed as the tube was withdrawn. He sneezed up a little blood onto the bed sheets.

“Nothing to worry about, that's normal.” I assured them.

I handed Mr. Tokugawa a bowl of warm oatmeal with milk. Ieyasu Tokugawa filled a spoon from the bowl and lifted it toward the boy's mouth. Daichi opened his mouth and took the spoon in. The oatmeal must have felt good going down his throat, it was warm and soothing. After eating a few spoonfuls the boy took the spoon into his own hand and tried to eat by himself. While his brain didn't remember the impulses required to control his muscles to handle the spoon, the nerves in his hand and arm, along with the muscles did. This so called “muscle memory” feed back to his brain and he quickly mastered the technique. He ad slowly at first, filling the spoon and lifting it to find his mouth. The cereal tasted good, and it sparked something in his mind.

“Yes, very good son!” Tokugawa said. Father and son smiled at each other.

The boy finished the bowl of cereal. He felt a strange growling in his stomach and a sudden pressure in his throat. Suddenly a gas bubble deep within popped.
“BURP!” The boy brought a hand to his mouth and a twinge of embarrassment showed as a blush on his face.

Tokugawa laughed and smiled back at him.

“That's alright. It shows that you're healthy now!” he said.

I then spoke softly so that only Tokugawa could hear him.
“As I had hoped, the boy does have some residual memories for language and motor skills. You saw how quickly he learned how to spoon feed himself.”

“Yes, I did.” Tokugawa said. “Look Doctor, I'm very grateful to you. Adopting this boy will give me the heir that my wife, bless her soul, never could. My family name will live on, I can't thank you enough.”

“Actually, It is I who should thank you, Tokugawa-san.” I told him. “I had tried to save this boy's life only to discover that the miracle drug I used had a horrible side effect. It left me with a patient who would never be able to return to his former life, his mind being a totally blank slate. I had to find a suitable foster family for him, your needs matched up with his very nicely.”

Pinoko looked up at the doctor. “You mean Daichi was really Tobio?”

“Yes, he was,” Black Jack said. “In a second life he was the adopted son of Ieyasu Tokugawa. Unfortunately, Tokugawa-San was just as bad a father as Umataro Tenma was. His business came first, and he made many promises to the boy that he never kept. During the healing process Tobio's brain had rewired itself along different pathways, so the boy's personality was different in many ways from when he had been Tenma's son. Instead of the sweet innocent child, he'd become a rebellious teen. Without his father's guidance to keep him in check, he fell in with a rough gang crowd. One day, he and some of his gang took it upon themselves to hijack a Tokugawa moon shuttle for a joy ride. Needless to say, that didn't end well.”

“They crashed it, didn't they?” Pinoko guessed.

“They did,” Kuro nodded. “The boy survived the accident just long enough to allow Dr. Tenma to do the same thing for Tokugawa that he did for himself, to recover the boy's memories and incorporate them into the AI of a robotic replacement.”

“Atlas?” Pinoko asked.

“Indeed.” Black Jack sighed. “But by this time, Tenma was mostly insane. He built Atlas because he wanted to create a robot that would be the heart of a rebellion that would eventually place himself as ruler of the world, by proxy. His plan didn't work because he subconsciously placed a bit of Astro into Atlas as well. But the end result is the chaos that we see in the news on a regular basis. And it's all my fault! I should have left the poor boy succumb to his fate, instead I doomed him to die twice!”

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

Oh, I read this on Fanfiction.net before! It sure made me rethink a lot of things...(Clutches head)

I better start with the Atlas fanart today if possible. I just finished this Atom doodle that I'm very excited to post but I guess I'll save that for the 7th :)

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Postby Uran-chama » 8 years ago

Here's my contribution! I decided to do reboot Atlas since I wasn't sure which version of him I liked best so I thought doing the silhouette might be fun.


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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

"YJ_Doodle" wrote:Oh, I read this on Fanfiction.net before! It sure made me rethink a lot of things...(Clutches head)

That wasn't the exact same story that I had posted up on FF before, but a modified version of it based on a different Atlas story I started to write a while ago. The working title for that would have been "Atlas Shrugged" (a jab at Ayn Rand), but I never got anywhere with it.

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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Postby Earthshine » 8 years ago

Awesome start for Atlas's day (on April fool's no doubt too!) Glad to see contributions already!

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Postby YJ_Doodle » 8 years ago

I really didn't feel like drawing anything fancy, so have my lazy doodle of the 1980s Atlas that I just copied the colour scheme of everyone else's drawings(But turned out orange for some reason???)
We just need one more Atlas to complete the set XD
Atlas-Day-1.jpg (33.21 KiB) Viewed 2539 times
Last edited by YJ_Doodle on Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tawashi ... The Failure

Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago


The failure

My short story for Tawashi is based on exurbs from 'Prequel' an Astro story I wrote a few years back and posted on fanfiction.net
The action starts some time after Hoshie Tenma walked out on her husband, taking custody of their daughter Urania, and leaving Umatara alone with their son, Tobio. Dr. Tenma has hired detective Shunsaka Ban to locate his estranged wife, and his daughter. The amateur detective has located Hoshie and Urania, and armed with a court order to retrieve the missing child is about to attempt to secure her.

Shunsaku Ban decided that he'd have to take the gloves off and make use of a more direct approach. He had the legal papers that authorized him to take custody of Urania on behalf of Dr. Tenma, who had been granted legal custody of his daughter. About an hour before school was to let out for the day he entered the Principal's office and presented him with his credentials, and the legal papers.
“I have a court order to take custody of one Urania Tenma” he said.

The Principal brought up the school roster on his computer.
“We don't seem to have a student by that name.” He said.

Mustachio handed him a photograph. “She may be registered under another name.”

“Yes, that would be Urania Yangasawa.” He said. “The photo matches our records. I guess that if her mother is on the run she would have used a false name.” He looked over the legal papers again.
“This looks like it's all in order” the school official told him. “I'll escort you to the classroom and you may release her from class early.”

They arrived at Urania's classroom before Hoshie had made her appearance. The Principal introduced the detective to the child.
“Hello Urania.” Mustachio smiled. “I've come to take you home, to your father.”

Urania's face showed no emotion to the remark. She quietly gathered her things and stood up. Mustachio took her hand and led her toward the staircase.
“Your father and brother have missed you very much, child.” He said. “My car is parked at the end of the block. I'll take you to my house first and then we'll call Dr. Tenma and give him the good news.” The detective said in a pleasant voice. They left the building and started down the street to where Shunsaku Ban had parked his car.

Urania looked up at the detective and almost broke into a smile, but she suddenly took on a fearful look. He eyes focused beyond Mustachio, who almost got the warning in time. Before he could turn around he felt a powerful blow land on the top of his head. When he regained consciousness he was sitting on the side walk next to the curb with a splitting headache. There was a painful lump the size of a golf ball on the top of his head, and dried blood in his hair.

Hoshie dropped the fire extinguisher after clubbing the detective over the head with it. She had grabbed it from the hallway just before running out of the school building in hot pursuit of her daughter. She grabbed Urania by the hand and ran after a bus, barely getting on board before the doors closed and the transport left for its next stop.

Shunsaku Ban opened his eyes slowly. His head was throbbing in extreme pain and he saw stars before his eyes. When he touched the back of his head, his hand came back covered with blood.
“Damn Bitch!” he muttered under his breath.

“Don't move, I've called for an ambulance.”

Mustachio looked up to see a man wearing the uniform of a policeman assigned to the school, standing over him.
“Now you show up!” he muttered. He tried to get up, but the policeman insisted that he sit quietly and wait for the paramedics to show up. He heard the distant sound of a siren and gave in. In a few minutes two young doctors were suturing the gash in his scalp, and giving him a shot of antibiotics.

The elder of the two looked to be in her mid thirties. She wore thick framed glasses that complemented her complexion and auburn hair. The younger doctor appeared to be in his late twenties, though he looked older, as his face had massive scars from skin graft surgery. Half of his full head of hair had turned white, perhaps from the shock that he must have been though to have sustained such injuries.

“Can I get up now?” the detective demanded.

“You really should go to the hospital and get checked out.” The younger doctor insisted. “You very well may have sustained a concussion.”

“Nonsense!” Shunsaku Ban yelled. “My skull is harder than a rock. This ain't the first time someone clubbed me into dreamland. It's a risk that comes with the occupation.”

The two paramedics helped Mustachio to his feet. The younger one shined a flashlight into his eyes, one at a time. Satisfied with his reaction to the light, he released his grip on the man's shoulder.
“I don't see any indication of obvious trauma, but I still think you should have an extensive exam and be under observation overnight.” He said.

“Thanks.” Mustachio said. “I'll think about it.”

As the ambulance drove away, the detective hunted in his pockets for his cellphone. Having located it he hit the speed dial for Inspector Tawashi and waited for several rings until the police inspector answered his phone.

“What can I do for you Mr. Mustachio?” Tawashi asked.

“Maybe add armed and dangerous to the APB for Hoshie Tenma.” He moaned. “She just cold conked me with a stolen fire extinguisher. I don't know how long I was out cold, lying on the sidewalk in front of the elementary school.”

“She's beginning to sound like a tough little cookie, and maybe a bit of a nut job.” the police inspector said. “I can't promise you anything, but I will have her picture posted at all of the police stations in the district under my authority. Maybe we'll get lucky. I'm going to be out in the field on another case nearby. I'll keep my eyes open as well.”

“Thanks Tawashi.” Shunsaku Ban said. “I may owe you one.”

“You already owe me about twenty, but I'm not counting.” Tawashi said. “We go back a ways, the two of us. Don't worry about it, but be careful, you old coot!” He said, hanging up the phone.

Hoshie realized too late that she had boarded the wrong bus. Instead of taking her in the direction of her apartment, this one meandered through the neighborhood of her husband's house. Urania fidgeted against her mother's grip on her hand, while looking out the window of the crowded bus. She recognized the neighborhood and a wave of homesickness rolled over her. The bus rolled to a stop and a good part of the crowd pressed by Hoshie and Urania heading toward the doorway. Urania broke free from her mother's grip and ran toward the bus exit. Hoshie turned to catch her but there were several large people between them heading for the door. Urania got off the bus and looked around. She thought she recognized the way back to her father's house and started to run in that direction. Hoshie finally managed to get off the bus just as the doors started to close behind her. Urania already had about a two block lead on her mother. She looked over her shoulder to see Hoshie running after her, screaming for her to stop.

Inspector Tawashi's patrol car turned the corner and passed the bus stop. Up ahead he saw Hoshie running across the street as best as she could in her high heel shoes. He swung the car into a tight U turn, nearly crashing into a truck going the other way. Hoshie turned the corner and darted into a narrow street. The inspector turned his car to follow and was immediately stuck in the grid lock caused by parked trucks on both sides of the road. Tawashi abandoned his vehicle on the side of the street and took off on foot. He punched up the speed dial on his cellphone as he ran, to call for backup.

Urania was running between cars, weaving in and out trying to make it to the end of the block. She could hear her mother's footsteps getting closer. Not sure if she had gone the right way to reach her old house, she now found herself on the edge of a busy wide street. Running down the middle of the road was the double track main line of a commuter street rail line. The tracks were set into the roadway, dividing the street in the middle between the two directions of traffic. Hanging over the tracks were two electric wires that powered the trains. About a block away she could see the headlight of an approaching railway vehicle. Urania's brain tried to figure out if she had time to cross the street. She watched for oncoming cars and waited until it looked like she could dart out ahead of them. Hoshie had almost caught up and was yelling for her to stop. Urania broke into a run to cross the street, causing the driver of a red sports car to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting her. She started to cross the railroad tracks less than a hundred feet in front of an accelerating train.

Tawashi ran as fast as he could, panting hard as his lungs fought for air. He realized that he was clearly not in the kind of shape that he had been in when he first joined the police force. He could see Hoshie just ahead of him running across the busy street that he was approaching, Urania was only a few steps ahead of her.

Urania's left foot landed right in the middle of a track switch point. She had attempted to cross the street right where the railway tracks divided to allow one line to take an alternate route. Her shoe got stuck in the movable part of the track and she fell to the ground. The driver of the train saw her and quickly yanked on the air horn while applying the air brakes. He threw the throttle into full reverse and applied dynamic breaking. The four cars behind the operator cab lunged into submission and there was a loud squealing sound as the machine tried to throw away its inertia. Sparks flew from the train's brake shoes. Hoshie reached her daughter and saw the danger. She pulled at the girls leg, trying to free her foot from the shoe that was jammed tight into the track. Hoshie stared at the oncoming train in defiance as her maternal instincts would not let her abandon her child.

Tawashi watched in horror. He tried to run faster but his heart was beating so fast that he felt like it would burst. His chest was burning, his mouth was dry and his ears were ringing like church bells from the blood surging though his veins. Things seemed to happen in slow motion. By the time he reached the tracks, mother and child were gone. Tawashi stood there for a few seconds and then puked his guts up.

Shunsaku Ban drummed his fingers on the door frame to the junior inspector's office. Tawashi looked up from his paperwork, rotating his head some 100 degrees to look the amateur detective in the face. He motioned for Mustachio to enter.

Shunsaku Ban immediately saw the look of defeat and failure on the inspector's face. “She got away from you too?” he asked.

“Worse than that,” Tawashi sobbed. “If only I could have run faster! My addiction to junk food cost that poor child and her mother their lives!”

“What the hell happened?”, the sleuth asked.

“I caught sight of them getting off a bus and followed them in my squad car,” he voiced. “The woman must have caught sight of me out of the corner of her eye and took off. They ran though a back alley street too narrow for my vehicle and I had to pursue on foot, but they were faster and had too much of a lead on me. By the time I had her in plain sight again the kid had gotten her foot jammed into the points of the streetcar tracks. I couldn't reach them before they were hit by a train that couldn't stop in time. Now I have to fill out the death reports. Damn it, I'm going to go on a crash diet starting tomorrow!”

The detective removed his hat and held it in front of him. “I'm sorry inspector, I know you must feel like crap right now,” he sighed. “Of course, I'm going to have to break the bad news to my client.”

“No you won't,” the inspector said getting up to pat Mustachio on the shoulder. “That's my responsibility. As a public servant who's witnessed a fatal accident, I have to inform the next of kin.”

“We'll do it together then, inspector.” Mustachio said.

“Arigatō gozaimashita,” Tawashi replied, “That's very kind of you. Now, I owe you one.”

:tenma: I'm on Fanfiction.net as Tetsuwan Penguin. Please check out some of the other stories I've written! ;)


I can also be found on Deviant Art http://tetsuwanpenguin.deviantart.com/

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