Osamu Moet Moso (Astro Boy artwork)

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Osamu Moet Moso (Astro Boy artwork)

Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

It was brought to my attention by CommanderEVE that there was an Osamu Tezuka art book entitled "Osamu Moet Moso: Concept Book" that has some neat Tezuka artwork drawn by other artists. The original artwork was shown off at a 2010 Akihabara convention.

Images of it are rare on the internet, so I've tried to scrounge up whatever Astro Boy images that I could find from it. F-Man posted a few of these images on his Tumblr.

If anyone can find larger and/or clearer versions of these images, feel free to post them in this thread.

A forewarning to everyone that some of the content in this thread is a tad bit risque.

Here's an excerpt from one website that reported on the event back in 2010:

Patrick W. Galbraith wrote:September 18, 2010: the Tokyo Anime Center in Akihabara is hosting a preevent for a new exhibition on Tezuka Osamu. I walk in expecting to see a tribute to the father of modern manga and anime, a man deified as a "god," but find instead Osamu Moet Moso (Osamu moetto mosso). The exhibition claims as its mission "to extract and embody Akiba-like elements contained in Tezuka Osamu's works." This seems to mean extracting "moe elements," or those elements that trigger an affective response in fans, from Tezuka's characters and aligning them with popular manga, anime, and games in Akihabara, a hotspot of otaku consumption and culture. click for spoilerAmong those contributing illustrations to the exhibition are Itō Noizi, Kei and Yoshizaki Mine, known for their bishōjo (cute girl) characters. In line with contemporary and local tastes-and despite the involvement of Tezuka Productions, a company entrusted with preserving the creator's legacy-many of the characters on display look more erotic than wholesome. I stop in front of a rendition of Astro Boy, noting that his red boots have been elongated to look almost like "knee socks."

Here is the cover for Osamu Moet Moso: Concept Book 2.0:


Here is the cover for Osamu Moet Moso: Concept Book 3.0:

click for spoilerImage

And here's some Astro Boy art from those books...

Artwork by Mine Yoshizaki:





CommanderEVE said she'd like a closer look at the Jetter Mars pic in this image:

click for spoilerImage

Artwork by Akemi Takada:


Artwork by POP:

click for spoilerImage



And some additional artwork that may look familiar:

click for spoilerImage

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 8 years ago

That looks like a cross between Tobio and Atom. Interesting rendition, you can see the turbine vanes in his leg jet engines.

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Postby Secretsivekept » 8 years ago

I love theeeeeessssseeeeeeeeeeee

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Postby CommanderEVE » 8 years ago

Thank you for posting this Shiyonasan! The artwork inspires me to draw Astro! :w00t:

The Astro in the dark getup and red eyes seems to have an extra spike to his 'hair', I wonder why. It might be a reference to something. Like how I think I know the reference to the Astro with the green hair, but cannot think of what it could be, as of right now. I also wonder, what is being constructed in the cover of the second book? I am guessing that they are all Astro, after being duplicated to build some kind of Robot City, maybe inspired by the 2003 series?
Last edited by CommanderEVE on Mon May 02, 2016 11:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

"CommanderEVE" wrote:Thank you for posting this Shiyonasan! The artwork inspires me to draw Astro! :w00t:

You're welcome! :)

I also feel, that the Astro with the green hair is a reference to something I know, but cannot think of right now.

I actually just noticed that; it's an homage to Triton from Tezuka's manga, Triton of the Sea.

I have a feeling that the dark blue suit with red highlights is an homage to something as well, but I'm not quite sure.

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Last edited by Shiyonasan on Mon May 02, 2016 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Dragonrider1227 » 8 years ago

:O I want this book!

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Postby CommanderEVE » 8 years ago

I have had a little look for the books and Amazon seems to be the best best. Although, they seem to be rare, I also found the first book on Ebay. There is also a card set, which is interesting.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Osamu+Moet+Moso

Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OSAMU-TEZUKA-2010-Exhibition-ART-BOOK-Akemi-Takada-RANGE-MURATA-Manga-DOUJINSHI-/191566324509?hash=item2c9a3e231d:g:F38AAOSw7aBVE32q

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

"CommanderEVE" wrote:There is also a card set, which is interesting.

Yup. There was a postcard set sold at the convention back in 2010. Interestingly, it looks like Jetter Mars was part of the postcard set, but not the transparent file set:


The postcard set may have been the only way to get the art of Mars, which is why that art may be so rare to find.

EDIT: I just found this trading card with another variation on the Mine Yoshizaki art. It's an homage to the "Return of Atom" story from the manga:



Last edited by Shiyonasan on Wed May 04, 2016 12:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 8 years ago

Yay, you found it! Also, there was a set of cards? And transparent files?? Dang...

That trading card image reveals an interesting detail: knees!
Last edited by Little Brown Fox on Wed May 04, 2016 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby CommanderEVE » 8 years ago

The dial on Astro's head seems to make him look older, more mature.

Also, as for the Jetter Mars image. I cropped the Mars drawing to create a single image, then ran a Google image search with that image and found nothing. :(

Also, I found this:


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