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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

ABO Survivor I: http://www.astroboy-online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9233
ABO Survivor II: http://www.astroboy-online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9573


I said I'd wait six months, didn't I?

Well, I figured since there's been plenty of new members on the forum lately that we might as well head straight into Season 3. After all, six months is a long time. To make it exactly two months since the end of Season 2, I'll debut Season 3 on Monday.

Here's the cast for this season:


Since this season debuts on Tuesday, I'll give a couple days for any of the 16 contestants to back out of this if they wish. I have a few other members in mind who could be replacements if need be.

This is a VERY heavy image thread. However, most images will be in spoiler tags.

This simulation will have 15 parts to it, which are broken up into 12 episodes and a 3-part finale. All three parts of the finale should be posted on the same day in order to keep with the integrity of the show. I will post multiple episodes at a time, similar to how Season 1 was.

With that said, I hope everyone enjoys this season!

Also, I chose superhero-like nicknames this time around. Look forward to that. :D
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Thu May 12, 2016 7:11 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Postby CommanderEVE » 8 years ago

I have not played this before, how do you play?

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

"CommanderEVE" wrote:I have not played this before, how do you play?

It's a simulator that randomly pre-determines an outcome whenever you use it. You don't necessarily play it, but rather the simulator plays itself.

I'm not sure if you've ever seen the reality show Survivor, but ABO Survivor is based on that show. Normally in the simulator, the original cast members from Survivor are listed in each season, but you can edit in your own images, names, nicknames, tribe names, and tribe colors.

You can check out the simulator in the following link. There's the Survivor simulator of course, but there's some other simulators on there as well. I find that the Survivor one is the best one though:


You can also check out the previous two seasons of ABO Survivor to see how things work with these threads:

Season 1
Season 2

EDIT: After taking CommanderEVE's comment into consideration, I've decided to move the ABO Survivor threads to Fan Creations. When I started Season 1, I wasn't quite sure whether to place that thread in Fan Creations or Games & Role Play because of how the simulator plays itself like a game, but doesn't involve anyone actually playing the game. In retrospect, it seems more like a pseudo-fanfiction of sorts with alternate universe versions of ourselves participating in a Survivor competition. Plus, although I didn't create the simulator itself, I did edit in images, names, nicknames, tribe names, and tribe colors myself. That sounds to me more like a fan creation than gameplaying or roleplaying. As such, it seems more fitting to have the ABO Survivor threads in the Fan Creations sub-forum rather than the Games & Role Play sub-forum.

Also, I'm highly considering posting multiple episodes at a time similar to how I uploaded episodes in Season 1 instead of posting one episode a day. I admittedly don't like having to wait to post episodes, and I figure you guys will like it more that way.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Sun May 08, 2016 5:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Little Brown Fox » 8 years ago

What no I didn't agree to this. Opt out, opt out now...

(For future reference, could you please ask first? I'm not game for these kinds of things, and have no desire to participate with certain people, simulation or no.)

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

"Little Brown Fox" wrote:What no I didn't agree to this. Opt out, opt out now...

(For future reference, could you please ask first? I'm not game for these kinds of things, and have no desire to participate with certain people, simulation or no.)

I've taken you out. No worries. And yes, I'll ask you permission first in the future if you'd like to participate in things like this.

For everyone else, you can let me know if you'd like to opt out as well. I go into this knowing that not everyone will be interested in this sort of thing. It seems like everyone who was part of the previous seasons were fine with it, but if you do not feel okay with it this time around, I understand and will take you out.

Since Little Brown Fox has dropped out, I'll add in OrangeToonist as a replacement. I'll also delay the debut of this season until Tuesday.

EDIT: Alrighty folks, here's the updated cast. I've reshuffled everyone, so you may or may not be in the same tribe:

Last edited by Shiyonasan on Mon May 09, 2016 4:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Secretsivekept » 8 years ago

This should be interesting! I've never done anything like this before o.O When does it start exactly? (or has it started already?)

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

Episode 1

"It's time."

Two silhouetted figures stand in a dimly lit room in front of several computer screens spread on to a curved wall. Other technological devices, large and small, are seated around the room. Camera footage of contestants that were chosen and had accepted the invitation are shown on the computer screens; they ride a large ship to the location of this season's ABO Survivor competition.

"Jiffy, remember your alias for the reality game show competition in your own world. You must never let anyone know of your true identity."

"Understood," Jiffy Globestar knowingly replied. The dark-and-short-haired human-looking figure who stands five feet and ten inches turns away from the computer screens and heads to a teleportation device. Globestar is known in another reality for hosting a similar reality game show competition, but he goes by a well-known alias in that reality. He teleports away in a blinding, flashing light very quickly.

"Hopefully I built that robot with enough ability to keep a secret," the other silhouetted figure quietly said. "Oh well. I trust him enough. I think the bigger problem is that the other humans in that world wouldn't trust a sentient robot like him. Best to keep the truth hidden for his sake."

The silhouetted figure slowly removes a hood covering his head.

"As for my world, I think it's best if I tell the truth myself. I think it's time that the 'Enigmatic Host' walked into the sunset and his real identity be revealed."

The silhouetted figure turns around and walks to the teleportation device to go and greet the sixteen contestants in this season's competition. After waiting a few seconds, he quickly disappears in a blinding, flashing light. The computers manually turn themselves off, and the room is left dark and silent.


A view of the African continent is shown, followed shortly by the large ship with the contestants on it. Half have taken this journey before (a quarter more than once) and half have yet to experience this journey for themselves. What awaits them all, however, is a new wilderness with a familiar set of rules. Through challenges, alliances, votes, and strategy, only one of the contestants will be crowned the Sole Survivor of ABO Survivor III.

The contestants arrive on a shore of Africa, the location for ABO Survivor III. A man around the age of 40 wearing a dark suit awaits them.

"Welcome to Africa, and welcome to ABO Survivor III!"

The contestants greet the host. The eight returning contestants are welcomed back by the man in the dark suit.

"This will be your home for the next thirty-nine days. Go ahead and choose a bandana to determine which tribe you will be put in to."

The contestants reach into a small barrel to grab a bandana. The contestants check their bandanas. Half of the bandanas are orange, and half are yellow.

"Contestants with orange bandanas are part of the Atlas Tribe, and contestants with the yellow bandanas are part of the Livian Tribe."

The sixteen contestants separate themselves into the two tribes that they will start with.

1- Cast.jpg
1- Cast.jpg (49.31 KiB) Viewed 4871 times

"Got your tribes? Alright, go ahead and find your camps. Atlas Tribe goes down the left path, and Livian Tribe goes down the right path."

Just as they start to walk towards their camp, the host stops them for one last message.

"Some of you have known me as the Enigmatic Host in past seasons. Well, I'd like to shed that identity for this season of ABO Survivor and future seasons of this show.

My true name is Dr. Adam Versinius, but you guys can call me Adam.

Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, you can go to your respective camps."

The contestants greet Adam once more and do, in fact, head to their camps to prepare for the long competition ahead.


In both tribes, the contestants get to know each other and tell their own stories about their lives outside of ABO Survivor and what brought them into this competition. Having either been part of this competition before or having seen it on TV before, the contestants know to quickly set up camp with the supplies that they have and also to quickly form alliances.

The first alliances of the game are as follows:

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A full day passes, and on the next day, Adam summons everyone to a specific meeting spot, where the first immunity challenge will take place.

"Today, there is no reward challenge, but you will earn a reward for winning this immunity challenge. You must compete for immunity to ensure that your tribe does not go to tribal council, where one contestant will be voted out of the competition by his or her own tribe members.

Here are the rules for the first immunity challenge..."

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1c1.png (8.94 KiB) Viewed 4877 times

After a lively duel of tribes, the first tribe with immunity is...

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"Atlas Tribe wins the first immunity challenge!" exclaims Adam. The winning tribe takes their reward and as soon as nightfall arrives, they use one of their fifty matches to make a fire.

Two members of the Atlas Tribe also begin to form a tight friendship.

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1d.png (32.95 KiB) Viewed 4874 times

click for spoilerOver in the Livian Tribe, they brush off their first challenge loss and vow to win the next one.

In the process, five of the eight Livian Tribe members form a very strong alliance, vowing to stick together until the very end.

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1e.png (96.06 KiB) Viewed 4869 times

click for spoilerOne more day passes, and the Livian Tribe prepares for the first tribal council by discussing who should go first. Many good debates are held.

click for spoilerAs nightfall arrives, one contestant's journey must now come to an end. The Livian Tribe heads to tribal council, a semi-large room with an African hut look to it. The eight contestants find their seats.

"I hope you thought this vote over," explains Adam. "You need to be sure that whomever you vote out tonight will not end up having been a vital part of your tribe's success."

click for spoilerDiscussion of the previous three days takes place between Adam and the eight contestants of the Livian Tribe.

"Without further ado, it's time to cast your votes."

The eight contestants each head individually to a small room with a teleporter in front of them. Their votes will go to a pot held by Adam, who will read the votes out.

The contestants make their votes, then return to their seat.

"The contestant with the most votes will immediately be out of the competition. I'll read the votes."

click for spoilerAdam reads the votes to the Livian Tribe:

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1h.png (59.19 KiB) Viewed 4872 times

"Uran-chama, I'm sorry. Your tribe has spoken."

For the second season in a row, Uran-chama is voted out first. She leaves disheartened, but still wishes her seven remaining tribe members good luck.

Here are the votes:

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1i.png (159.17 KiB) Viewed 4868 times

1j.png (148.65 KiB) Viewed 4871 times

"Soon, you will see whether this decision helps or harms your tribe going forward," says Adam. "Grab your belongings and head back to your camp. Good night."

click for spoilerA large panoramic shot shows the Livian Tribe heading back to their camp. They leave tribal council with one less member, but with several more chances to win reward challenges and immunity challenges.

With fifteen contestants remaining, ABO Survivor III is just getting underway.


Stay tuned for more episodes today! Things are just getting started!

click for spoilerMy apologies to Uran-chama, who has gotten voted out first two seasons in a row. :(

"Secretsivekept" wrote:This should be interesting! I've never done anything like this before o.O When does it start exactly? (or has it started already?)

I was typing up Episode 1 when you made your post. :) As you can see, it's started now! :p
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Tue May 10, 2016 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

Episode 2

In the jungle...the mighty jungle...the two tribes sleep tonight...

...but a new day will soon be upon them.

Who's journey comes to an end this episode?

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The current alliances continue to be strong. LucyStorm's and Fauna's alliance is the only current alliance with some instability.

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Both tribes get a letter from Adam saying that the first reward challenge will happen later that day. Immunity will be up for grabs the next day.

Mentally preparing themselves for whatever may happen, the Atlas and Livian Tribes head toward the meeting spot written on the letter.


"How was your first night in the African wilderness?" asked Adam.

The contestants gave mixed responses, with some describing the excellent view of the stars in the night sky, to some complaining about the bugs and cold.

"Well, perhaps the reward for winning this challenge will help make the nights more bearable."

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After a grueling challenge...

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The Livian Tribe celebrates their first challenge victory and gladly accepts their reward. They spend the night of the fourth day a little more comfortably.

A day passes, and after some low-key tribe events occur, Adam summons both tribes to the next immunity challenge. There is no reward for this challenge other than not having to go to tribal council and not having to vote out one of their fellow tribe members.

"This immunity challenge may be hard you guys to stomach," warns Adam. "However, declining the challenge will automatically disqualify your tribe from winning this challenge. Good luck to everyone."

(Warning: if you have a weak stomach, do not read the next image.)

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After a bloody-good duel...

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...the Atlas Tribe wins immunity for a second time. Despite losing an excellent reward, they gain the biggest "reward" of all.

The tribes head back to their camps for another day.

In one tribe, one member is starting to get on the nerves of her other tribe members.

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In the other tribe, tensions are high between two members.

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2g.png (37.15 KiB) Viewed 4872 times

click for spoilerAdam summons the Livian Tribe to tribal council. Once again, they must vote out one of their members.

After some discussion, Adam tells the tribe that it's time to vote.

The eight contestants each head individually to a small room with a teleporter in front of them. Their votes go to a pot held by Adam, who will read the votes out.

"The contestant with the most votes will immediately be out of the competition. I'll read the votes."

click for spoiler
2h.jpg (31.56 KiB) Viewed 4871 times

2i.png (69.96 KiB) Viewed 4868 times

2j.png (50.86 KiB) Viewed 4872 times

"Fauna, I'm sorry. Your tribe has spoken."

Fauna, who came in fifth in ABO Survivor II and just barely missed the finale, is voted out second in ABO Survivor III.

She leaves quietly, like a bat in the night.

Here are the votes:

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2l.png (114.87 KiB) Viewed 4872 times

"Hopefully, this doesn't become a habit that we see each other often here. Better luck in the next few days, Livian Tribe. Good night," says Adam.

The Livian Tribe heads back to camp with uncertainty going forward as things seem to be getting out of hand early for them...


Stay tuned for more episodes! I'm thinking that I'll be able to get one or two more out today.

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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

Episode 3

In the African plain...you bless the rain...down in Africa...or something like that.

Anyway, another three days are about to happen for our contestants. Who's African safari comes to an end today?

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Alliances remain strong across the board. However, one alliance automatically dissolves due to last episode's elimination.

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3c.png (94.91 KiB) Viewed 4867 times

After receiving another letter from Adam, both tribes roll on to their next challenge.

"I hope you like rock and roll, as well as puns, because the name of this next challenge will be...earth-shattering."

The contestants stare blankly at Adam.

"...not a fan of Dad jokes? Alright alright, let's get on with the reward challenge."

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After a pretty rockin' challenge...

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...the Atlas Tribe wins a well-needed reward.

Both tribes head back to camp for another day and the rewarded tribe cleans themselves up overnight.

The next day, the next immunity challenge takes place.

"You do not need to leave your camps," Adam informs the contestants. "All you need to do is build a good distress signal and inform those choppers flying overhead that you need some help."

Both tribes gather the necessary supplies to make a good smoke signal...

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If they truly were in distress, this tribe would be set...

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The Atlas Tribe wins their third immunity. They relish in their good luck and hope to keep that streak alive.

The Livian Tribe, on the other hand, cannot believe their bad luck. Once again, they must head to tribal council tonight.

Back at camp, two tribe members in the Atlas Tribe get into a scuffle.

click for spoilerThe Livian Tribe remains quiet after another immunity loss. Each tribe member contemplates who to send home tonight. Most of them seem to be thinking alike...

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The next day, in tribal council, the votes have already been cast, and they are ready to be read.

"The contestant with the most votes will immediately be out of the competition. I'll read the votes," declares Adam.

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"LucyStorm, I'm sorry. Your tribe has spoken."

LucyStorm was the only member of the Livian Tribe no longer in an alliance. For the other five tribe members in an alliance, the choice seemed obvious.

She leaves quietly and wishes good luck to the other tribe members.

Here are the votes:

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3k.png (73.64 KiB) Viewed 4871 times

Adam compliments the tribe on keeping such a strong alliance, but warns them:

"Something's got to change. Otherwise, you're chances of winning this competition will be over. Keep your alliance like it is, and work together to try and win immunity."

The Livian Tribe understands and agrees, and then departs tribal council as they and Adam say their goodbyes for the night.

It's still early in the season, but so far, the competition seems to be very one-sided. Will things change next episode?


I guess you guys will find out the answer to that question soon! I think I'll post one more episode today, then updates will resume tomorrow.

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Postby Uran-chama » 8 years ago

Aw shucks, first one to get booted. :cry: I didn't even realize I was in the second ABO Survivor! Man I guess I have bad luck lol. Season 1 was the only one I did okay in.

Also I was surprised to see what nickname you picked out for me! :lol:
Last edited by Uran-chama on Wed May 11, 2016 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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