Live Action Astro Boy Movie (Official Upcoming Film)

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Postby fafner » 8 years ago

"Tetsuwan Penguin" wrote:I'm a little vague on the difference between an Opera and a Musical. I assume an Opera has ONLY song with NO spoken dialog. Also most Opera's (from an American's POV) are in some foreign language, usually Italian, or German, since most of the classical composers were from countries speaking those tongues.

Operas can have non-song dialogs, although it is not very frequent. There is a technical term for that (I forgot which). Don Giovanni by Mozart has some.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

Big news for today, part one:

According to this article (from what I can understand from the poor online Japanese translation sites), the rights to the live-action movie are now owned by Warner Brothers and Animal Logic. The film should be released sometime after 2019:

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Postby CommanderEVE » 8 years ago

Looks like the film is going to be big, maybe even bigger then the 2009 film. This is going to draw a lot of attention if it is going to be done like the Avengers films.

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Postby F-Man » 8 years ago

Worth noting that the Warner Bros. part isn't new. We already knew it was from their New Line subsidiary. Great to hear a date nonetheless. At least this one is really moving forward unlike Pluto.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 8 years ago

As mentioned by YJ_Doodle in the Astro Boy Reboot thread, the movie should come out in 2019 as opposed to after 2019:


^That article says that the live-action movie is (paraphrasing here) intended for people over 11 years old. Could this mean that the film may get a PG-13 rating in America? Also, it says that they're currently working on the script, casting, and fundraising.
Last edited by Shiyonasan on Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby The Boeing Kid » 8 years ago

They should hire George Lucas as the director

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Postby cybotron » 7 years ago

New Line cinema to produce live action astroboy movie

this should be real good.
New Line*is in negotiations to come on board a live-action “Astro Boy” movie, and it’s tapped “San Andreas” writers Andre Fabrizio and Jeremy Passmore to pen*the script.

The development comes a year after Animal Logic (“The Lego Movie”) and Tezuka Prods. announced that they were*developing the project.

A*$65 million CGI-animated “Astro Boy” was released in 2009 by Imagi Animation Studios, based on the mangas and anime series by Osamu Tezuka and voiced by Freddie Highmore. The film grossed $40 million worldwide

Here is a datafeed on New Line from wiki

Here is as much data and Hollywood info as I can get for now.
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Postby Shiyonasan » 7 years ago

Major development regarding Animal Logic and the live action Astro Boy movie:

Jason Lust, who is supposed to be one of the executive producers for the live action Astro Boy movie, has sued Animal Logic's CEO, Zareh Nalbandian, "for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud (among other causes of action) based on what Lust claims were misrepresentations and false promises relating the formation of a partnership to produce children’s entertainment." Nalbandian is supposed to be a producer for the film.

What this means for the live action Astro Boy is either one of two things: a delay for the movie past it's tentative 2019 release date, or the possibility of the movie being cancelled. It all depends on how this case plays out.

Source: Forbes

Forbes wrote:Producer Claims Fraud In Connection With Children's Entertainment Partnership

In a complaint filed on Halloween, former Jim Henson Company executive Jason Lust sued Animal Logic Entertainment and its Chief Executive Officer Zareh Nalbandian for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud (among other causes of action) based on what Lust claims were misrepresentations and false promises relating the formation of a partnership to produce children’s entertainment. Lust alleges that Animal Logic and Nalbandian sought to capitalize on his entertainment industry contacts and on the intellectual property Lust controlled by falsely promising to form a partnership, when they allegedly had no intent of actually doing so. According to the complaint, Lust used his connections and resources to set up various motion pictures including “Peter Rabbit” and “Betty Boop” for Animal Logic at major studios and that, once the lucrative studio deals were in place, Animal Logic disavowed its promises. Lust claims that he was supposed to be a “Priority Producer” on the projects he set up and that he has yet to receive a penny for his work on any of the projects. In addition to damages, Lust’s complaint seeks declaratory relief regarding his intellectual property rights in projects he pitched to studios on behalf of Animal Logic (including “Monkeys,” “Betty Boop,” “The Life and Adventures of Santa Clause,” “Spy v. Spy,” “Astro Boy” and “Fortunately The Milk.”)

Lust’s complaint attaches a “short form” agreement that Lust claims was supposed to be superseded by a “long form” contract confirming the terms of the alleged producing partnership. Contrary to Lust’s partnership claims, the short form says that the agreement is “at will,” and could be terminated on four months’ notice. It also contains language suggesting that Lust’s involvement was as an independent contractor, not partner.

Cases that attempt to recover in tort by turning what is essentially a breach of contract case into a fraud case are generally difficult to win. The words of a signed written contract – such as Lust has with Animal Logic – are hard to overcome with claims of fraud. For example, Lust’s claim that he was defrauded into signing over his intellectual property rights with respect to “Peter Rabbit” is likely to be an uphill battle given the clause in the short form agreement stating that the copyright and all intellectual property related to Lust’s producing services would be assigned to Animal Logic. Since Lust promised to assign his intellectual property rights in the written contract, it’s will be hard to convince a judge (or a savvy jury) that he was conned into doing so.

Lawyers often plead fraud claims in companion with contract claims because fraud carries the prospect of punitive damages (contract claims don’t) and can greatly increase the potential value of the case if it can be proved. Lust’s complaint claims that various e-mails between the parties and other documents support his fraud claims. None of these documents are attached to the complaint. What these documents actually say is likely to be highly significant to the ultimate outcome of the case and to the fraud claim. People can be careless in writing e-mails and often say things that they would never put in a letter or other more formal communication. If Lust has e-mails that smack of fraud or contain damaging statements against Animal Logic he may be able to prevail on his fraud claim notwithstanding contrary language in the written agreement. Lust’s contract claim for unpaid producer fees should be more straightforward and easier to win (depending on the actual facts) because the written agreement provides that he is entitled to producer fees in certain circumstances.

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Postby Tetsuwan Penguin » 7 years ago

I never saw the image that was on that site before. It was from the 2009 movie premiere anyway.


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Re: Live Action Astro Boy Film

Postby Shiyonasan » 4 years ago

After nearly 3 years of no announcements about this film, Animal Logic has listed the live action Astro Boy movie on their website: ... astro-boy/

A teaser image is shown on the website with the following description:


Animal Logic wrote:Animal Logic Entertainment has partnered with Japan’s Tezuka Productions to develop a live action, science fiction superhero feature film based on the iconic comic book franchise Astro Boy. Astro Boy, known in Japan as ‘Mighty Atom’, first appeared as a Japanese manga series from 1951 to 1968 written and illustrated by manga pioneer Osamu Tezuka.

In a futuristic world where humans fear a growing robot population, the most sophisticated AI ever created must become a hero to human and robot alike, and stand against those fighting to drive them apart.

New Line Cinema will distribute the film with Animal Logic and Ranger 7 Films producing the film. Jeremy Passmore and Andre Fabrizio are writers for the film, with Zareh Nalbandian, Jonathan Hludzinski, and Felicity Staunton producing the film through Animal Logic. Jason Lust, who was previously listed as executive producer for the film and sued Animal Logic in 2016 (details in this link), is no longer associated with the film.

A Nikkei Style article from 2016 reported that the film would be released "after 3 years", meaning after 2019.

The film is also listed on Ranger 7 Films website.

Nothing else is known about the film at this time.

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