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Postby Haruka-chan » 20 years ago

Argh you have to be kidding T_T Atom's dubbed voice is terrible T_T sure she is a good VA but it is totally not suited to him and the script gets hacked up and 'wised up' so badly :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Xenomage » 20 years ago

I agree Haruka, Astro is supposed to be young and cute (like a young boy, ya know), not some smarmy pre-teen who's voice is cracking. Mind you I enjoy watching the sub titled versions but I really dont care for the dubbed versions (because of the script changes and because alot of the voices, not only Astros, just dont seem to fit the characters).

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Postby groenewegendavid » 20 years ago

I have started taping. The Long Play allows for up to 9 episodes on each tape. There is only 26 episodes, which should fill up 3 tapes.
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Postby Danny » 20 years ago

Nope. I have to disagree with everyone, and I am rather unimpressed that you seem to be 'poo pooing' the dub for the things that make the show different to the previous astroboy series etc.

Now as with everyone on the board, I love astro as much as the next person. In fact, I am one of the small handful of people here who have loved him for 25+ years.

But I STILL love this new Astro (from first episode ONLY, remember) simply because it is a way we have not seen Astro before. I am Glad the series has taken a different and fresh approach.

The 80's episode is still there.. the 60's series is still there, the mangas are still there. most of this is all very simillar tho. This is the first 'new' astroboy in EVERY respect.

I cannot coment on the editing tho as I have not yet watched the fansubbs.. but you KNOW I will make a comment on it when I do :)

as for taping the show, the first episode went for 20mins. If EVERY episode goes for 20 minutes then that is 3 episodes per hour of tape.

VCR = 4 or 5 hours.
5 x 3 = 15
LP = 30 episodes per tape.

I am not taping them in LP as the quality reduction is not worth the extra capasity. However, if they re released on DVD I will buy them anyway. :D
three and a half years.. for what?

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

I'm with you on this Danny, the new dubbed series rocks. It's great in it's own right. I've been a fan since 1982 and I've seen the Japanese and English versions of all three series. Plus the mangas. This one is right up there with the best. After all the criticisms I've read about the new dub I was all ready to despise it, but I think they've done a really good job.

The one thing I found odd was his voice sounds a little older than his personality. But this series emphasises his growth and learning a little more, so I think it'll fit better in later episodes as he gets more mature.

BTW, the episode was around 29,999 or 30,000 PAL frames. Spot on 20 minutes!

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Postby Haruka-chan » 20 years ago

Danny, i love Atom to bits too.... and i fully accept both the 60's and 80's dubs. But this dub is just too far from the true Atom that i can't like it.

Nope. I have to disagree with everyone, and I am rather unimpressed that you seem to be 'poo pooing' the dub for the things that make the show different to the previous astroboy series etc.

The new series has PLENTY different from the other series and i love it for this. The reason i am putting down the dub of this series in particular is because it makes everything different from the original language version of this series! I would rather see Atom the way he is meant to be the way Tezuka, and now Tezuka Productions, intend him to be and keep close quality control over (obviously not too closely on Sony's dubbing of the series ¬_¬). I remember watching the promo that was created ages ago that had an English language version (with Japanese subtitles). I'm sure Tezuka Prod. were largely responsible for creating both promos and the voices/translation were 100000000000 times better than the $#@! we have to put up with.

I suggest you watch the subtitled first episode before passing complete judgement. It is a very new series and has a very new and different feel. But Atom is supposed to be timeless! Although there are little changes to him for this series he remains the characters he is and always should be.

If you want a hip, talking back teenager of an Astro that has a catch phrase "Let's Rock It!" than congratualtions you should love the dub to bits. But if i wanted to see such a thing i would read/write fanfiction and not support something that gets in the way of showing Atom's true beauty.

As for episode length you can't always predict the dub episode length because different amounts are cut from different episodes. The uncut episodes are all 24min or so and usually fit pretty snugly together in terms of differences in lengths. Also i agree with Danny. If you want to tape to keep don't use LP.... tapes degrade fast enough and LP gives crummy quality. Might as well spend a little more for more tapes and have tapes that last longer
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Postby Danny » 20 years ago

Originally posted by Haruka-chan@Apr 16 2004, 09:37 PM
[b]Nope. I have to disagree with everyone, and I am rather unimpressed that you seem to be 'poo pooing' the dub for the things that make the show different to the previous astroboy series etc.

The reason i am putting down the dub of this series in particular is because it makes everything different from the original language version of this series!

I suggest you watch the subtitled first episode before passing complete judgement. [/b]

ok guys, I watched the first fansubbed ep today. I now understand why people are kicking up a stink. Astro is still astro in the japaneese episodes.

Ok, now I am sorry but I still perfer the dub in a lot of ways. The criticism from people tho now makes a lot more sense to me.

there is one quick example as I as it is 2:30 in the morning and i am rather tired heh.

Astro flies up to the 'worker bees' and says originally hello. in the dub he says 'you missed one.' Now I prefer the dub for two reasons. The playful cheekyness of the comment amused me no end. I actually let out a rather hearty lol when he said it. Another reason why I preferred 'you missed one' to 'hello' is it actually fitted the animation better. Astro wasnt waving or nodding or anything suggesting 'hello' he was yelling and smiling. 'you missed one' had more personality and suited the scene better.

There was another scene later when astro was trying to get to the bots in the manhole. The dialogue changes here in the dub were also better suited to the pictures imo as well.

I prefer the oriinal theme song however. I do not dislike the dubed version, but when I heard the original I was "oh hey.. coooool".

I am dissappointed that the scene with astro meeting the people walking was removed. expecially since it later linked back to the same girl in the episode. I would not have missed it tho if I had not seen the original, so I am not going to get too p-o-ed about it. The second scene of the girl he meets doesnt 'work' as well withought the first meeting, but it DOES still work.

Also.. as to the voice. I can't help it, I like Millhouse playing Astro. I think its damn cool that Astro is portrayed as older and a little chekier in this one. it just seems a little more 'human' to me. I loved that astro was 'too pure to be true' up until this new dub, but I can already tell I am going to really enjoy this new character.
three and a half years.. for what?

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Postby DrFrag » 20 years ago

It's a pity there's no lyrics to the opening and closing music in the dub. This is one thing the 80s series had that was so rare - plus footage that wasn't recycled from episode content.

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