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my bully story

Postby crazyd2000 » 16 years ago

I guess I used to be in ben's position: easily angered, and with a lot to be teased about. Now I'm not teased as much anymore. My bullying story (this happened to me) will tell why. Disclaimer: to anyone involved that may read this, I am telling the truth and will not spare any feelings. that said, I will also do my best not to slander and exaggerate. here goes: living in minnesota, the missisippi river has been a part of everyones lives. In may of 2007, the 6th grade went on a missisippi river boat to go down the river and to a nature center, where we would then learn about the river and it's history. All went as planned for a while, until some people went into the navigation room. it was crowded, so in order to see, I stood up in a chair and leaned against a window. As it turned out, The window had some black tar, covering the seat of my pants in black gunk. Later, when the boat arrived in the park, I was eating luch with my friends. I have two groups of friends: ben bren and otto, and zach ben, ben (the one mentioned earlier) and Isaac. I was with the second group, then thought to tell ben from the first group something. I got up and left, and walked right by the place where all the popular kids were sitting. They were all (I mean all teasing and jabbing about the black stuff on my pants. I could stand it the first time I walked through, but the second time I got pretty pissed. I walked through, and I was almost out, when I heard one voice: "david, it looks like you messed your pants!" it was gavin. I didn't think gavin and I were friends, but I thought he wasn't as basd as the rest. I had enough. I went towards gavin and punched him. I wasnt controlling my self, so it was pretty weak. then something hit me on the side of my face. either he slapped me or someone threw their sandwich at me. then gavin punched me. hard. I walked away. I then stood an a five-foot tall ledge. I had no intention of jumping, and if I did, I would at worst, bruise my foot a little. everyone who was teasing before, started chanting Jump! Jump! over and over again. I left to the group of friends with the previously mentioned ben in it. They told me to tell a teacher. the teachers were informed although not by me. I was sure I would be suspended.
As it turned out, gavin got in trouble, not me. I tried to protest (I'm not a fan of self inflicted pain, but It wasn't fair to gavin)
since then, People have been bothering me less, and when they do I'm tougher than I was. I don't think that is a good thing. I earned that the wrong way

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Postby Jimmy-astro-fan » 16 years ago

Well, i am at the very Least Glad that you didn't React the way i Did when i was Punched in the Face. Granted you punched him, but it wasn't very hard.

To cut a long story short on my behalf... Some guy was Really, and i mean, REALLY pissing me off. He wouldn't shut up throwing very Pathetic "Your Mum" Jokes (This wasn't Upsetting... it was just plain Annoying.), he Smacked me.. well, in the "Middle Section" on the way to our Form Room... and then, after i said something to him, very angry this point, outside the Form Room, he hit me VERY hard across the face. The next thing i knew i had him by the Neck and wouldn't let go. It took about a quater of a 10th grade class AND a teacher to restrain me... I might write about that like i am proud of it, but i can assure you i am not. Like i previously mentioned, im at least glad that you didn't react as badly in a similer situation as to how i did.
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Postby Fauna » 16 years ago

I admit, I was involved in a bullying case. The kid's probably gonna turn out like this guy.

See, there was this weird little kid in our grade. He was kinda creepy, maybe a secret voyeur, and nobody (but two kids) liked him.
I got pulled into this big mess around 5th grade, after I attempted to befriend him. Apparently he got to like me much more than platonically (eek!) and I stopped talking to him out of fear. Well hey, I was only eleven, and he started growing a bloody mustache about the time. :eek:
The main crowd of boys liked to pick at him. One time, he was standing in the hall when Kayle, my friend, goose-stepped up the hall and shouted "WHATCHA DOIN' MITCHA DEE?" and smashed him into the wall. (The way he said it was funny, though) The kid never told on Kayle, which worried me a little.
In 7th grade, we wrote scary stories (mine was about a woman who accidentally went to a zombie church). The kid's, however, was about him being a Jedi and he killed his two friends (also Jedi) and the rest of the school. That got me worried he would go postal on all of us.
In 8th grade, he cracked like an egg. He reportedly flipped off a girl after he cut ahead of her in line, kicked Kayle in the face after school, and he attempted to grab me and slam me into a wall, had my friends Vanessa and Eric not come into the hall. It may have been payback for 6th grade, when I repeatedly poked him in the back and my friends and I sung "The Reflex" whenever he turned around. You know, I think he went to one boy's house and mooned him...
I don't know if he'll live on as The Lone Psycho. Everything about him is strange, so I'm certain he'll be in hell at high school. :(
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Postby stoogefreaky » 16 years ago

I everyone's story here.

You know, I was a bully once, heh heh. I'm not anymore, it was when I was in elementry school when I was one. I loved it, had friends and was popular. They say that what goes around comes around. I bullied but got bullied later on. I got picked on in middle school because I never talked. If I had never been picked on, I would of never knew what it felt like to be at the other side. Now I am really nice and understanding. I actually try to understand those who seem psycho to others. Nice to the point I will treat my enemies like I treat everyone else, which is in a friendly way. Depending on the surroundings of a person, he/she could in up as a bully. It's never their fault that they are mean or weird.

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Postby Astro Forever » 16 years ago

"stoogefreaky" wrote:It's never their fault that they are mean or weird.
The bullies, or the bullied?

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Postby tonigirl1000 » 16 years ago

Hi- Thanks everyone, for caring. Will never understand people who hurt others on purpose, i care and i know that you should treat other people very sweetly and nice. Truly sorry that people suffer, hugs and thanks, praying you all the very best, your friend, Toni.

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Postby CommanderEVE » 16 years ago

I get bullied allot, but then I stand up for myself I do allot more damage, Thats the bad thing.

I would tell you some of my stroys but I would need to put it over two posts it's that long.

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Postby crazyd2000 » 16 years ago

"Sparx" wrote:I get bullied allot, but then I stand up for myself I do allot more damage, Thats the bad thing.

I would tell you some of my stroys but I would need to put it over two posts it's that long.

I used to get bullied a lot, but now it's a non-factor

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Postby CommanderEVE » 16 years ago

I see, I always told myself that I’m better than them and found my strength with in. They kept calling me, weirdo, freak, emo, alien, ET and other stuff like that.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

So, looks like everyone's sharin' stories in here...
Should I post my own or do you wanna sit through it?
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