Lack of empathy

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Postby tonigirl1000 » 16 years ago

Hi- Thanks everyone, pray everyone the very best and hope the bullies grow up. Thanks Daichi for your friendship, you are very sweet

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Postby fafner » 16 years ago

"tonigirl1000" wrote:Hi- Thanks everyone, pray everyone the very best and hope the bullies grow up. Thanks Daichi for your friendship, you are very sweet

I hope you mean grow up mentally ;) I wouldn't like to face a physically grown up bully who is still mentally immature :p
The real sign that someone has become a fanatic is that he completely loses his sense of humor about some important facet of his life. When humor goes, it means he's lost his perspective.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

I figure I might as well share since everybody else is.

Bullies and the like... I've had to deal with them my whole life.
As a kid, every bully around seemed to hone in on me. I tried telling teachers, parents, the like, but it never really seemed to work for me.

My most painful experience came when I was in around 5th grade or so, when one particular brat named Damien Thomas, the ringleader who particularly hated me, took an empty garbage can from the yard and went around behind the building. He climbed the fire escape to the second floor and waited there.
Around this time, I was cleaning up nearby, blissfully unawares, minding my own frickin' business, when I hear a shout from above, followed by a sudden, horrible pain in my head.
It didn't land open-side down like in a cartoon, it impacted horizontally, hitting me in the head and leaving me with a nasty bruise. The thing fell for almost a full story, what do you expect? If it had been made of metal, I might've been in serious trouble.
Now, angry and in pain, I was led inside by a teacher, and followed by the horrible, mocking laughter not only of Damien, but of several other kids including one in particular I had considered to be a friend.

This is just one instance, but, I've had to deal with them always.
As I grew older I learned that the only real way I could deal with them was to take them head-on. I know everyone says it's wrong and you shouldn't do it and whatnot, but in these circumstances I had no other choice.
I eventually fought and beat out every one of they who had tormented me, Damien and his close buddies included, which set me free for pretty much the rest of elementary school.

Of course, growing older brings about new problems and new kinds of bullies.
I haven't had to beat anybody up in a while, though. ...Not that I haven't wanted to, of course. X-/
Last edited by Daichi on Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby tonigirl1000 » 16 years ago

Hi- Thanks everyone, yes fafner i meant mentally or well as physically. Truly sorry you had trouble like that Daichi, glad you are here and a friend, Toni.

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Postby fafner » 16 years ago

"Daichi" wrote:My most painful experience came when I was in around 5th grade or so, when one particular brat named [...], the ringleader who particularly hated me, ...

I would say that you shouldn't put names on a public forum, even someone you don't like, but that's not my business ;)

This is just one instance, but, I've had to deal with them always.
As I grew older I learned that the only real way I could deal with them was to take them head-on. I know everyone says it's wrong and you shouldn't do it and whatnot, but in these circumstances I had no other choice.
I eventually fought and beat out every one of they who had tormented me, Damien and his close buddies included, which set me free for pretty much the rest of elementary school.

Well, it's a way as valid as anyone, but obviously you have to be physically strong :D The problem is that violence often call for more violence, so you were lucky that it didn't happen (or maybe you were strong enough to quiet them down).
I remember having tried this myself, but with not as much success as you: it only brought more laughters upon me :(
The real sign that someone has become a fanatic is that he completely loses his sense of humor about some important facet of his life. When humor goes, it means he's lost his perspective.

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Postby Daichi » 16 years ago

"fafner" wrote:I would say that you shouldn't put names on a public forum, even someone you don't like, but that's not my business ;)

Well you don't know where I lived at that time, nor could you locate this guy even if you did, as he has long since moved away from the area in which this took place, as have I.
My name is Britt Dark, and I sign that on all of my artwork, which is available on the internet. But just knowing my name won't help you to find me, especially when you don't know what state I live in. Who knows, there could be tons of Britt Darks in America... Even if it is a really rare name. ^^;
So, I don't think it really matters. I'd edit the last name out to make you feel better, but the edit button vanished. Oh well.

Well, it's a way as valid as anyone, but obviously you have to be physically strong :D The problem is that violence often call for more violence, so you were lucky that it didn't happen (or maybe you were strong enough to quiet them down).
I remember having tried this myself, but with not as much success as you: it only brought more laughters upon me :(

Sorry that happened to you.
I am very strong for my size and I beat them easily, and plus I don't think they even expected that I would ever retaliate. (You could say that I snapped under all the torment that came from them.) Different bullies operate differently and should be dealt with accordingly.
Minor violence just turned out to be the way to deal with these particular butt-holes.
Last edited by Daichi on Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CommanderEVE » 16 years ago

Ohh, I so dislike bullys, :mad: .

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Postby cybotron » 16 years ago

"Sparx" wrote:Ohh, I so dislike bullys, :mad: .

Ohhhh Tell me about it...

Bullies and lunch money thieves... :lol:
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Postby tonigirl1000 » 16 years ago

Hi- Thanks everyone,glad i can come here to post, thanks Britt for being a friend. Praying all of you the very best, your friend, Toni

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Postby cybotron » 16 years ago

Ahhhh... :lol:
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