Artist Help out

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Gotta Love ASTRO BOY
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Artist Help out

Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

Okay so I was thinking, maybe we need a space where artist can get their artwork critiqued. Only put your artwork here though if you want people to commit on it. When you commit tell the artist what they did well and what they could improve. Also it would be more helpful if you tell them how they could improve it. Artist, when you post your art say what you were trying to get at, why you made it, and what you are having trouble with. Oh and if you don't like someones art style don't just stay "I don't like it" say why and maybe how they could improve it. Try to keep from being more rude than nessessary. Aslo you don't have to be an artist yourself to help out the artist who is being critiqued. And if you do place your art here be ready to have it critiqued for that is what you asked. (I appologize now for all of my spelling errors :lol: ) One at a time, when someone discides to pull there art out the next person may go. If anyone would like to be brave and go first go ahead.

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Postby Satus » 13 years ago

That sounds like a fun idea. :D I like giving and recieving critics.

I guess I'll go first since no one seems to have.
Okies, it is fan art of the 2003 cartoon + its comicbook adaption version. I made it because I really like that scene. But, the lines bother me and I don't know why. It might be a posture or anatomy related problem, but I can't fix it since I don't know what exactly the problem is with it.

Am I doing this post right?

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the 鉄腕アトム fan
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Postby the 鉄腕アトム fan » 13 years ago

The lines?
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Postby Satus » 13 years ago

Lines = pretty much the whole drawing as it is seen here, eheh... Bad habit of being vague.

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the 鉄腕アトム fan
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Postby the 鉄腕アトム fan » 13 years ago

I think it looks fine, but Astro's face looks abit strange. :)
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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

@Satus; As AB03 said Astro's face does look a bit strange. Maybe if you made his mouth a bit smaller like in the 03 series it would be better? Also Astros head may be a bit small in conparison to his body (normally his head is huge), but I might be wrong there I'm only looking at it on a phone. Otherwise I love the way Tenmas coat is flying up behind him and how Astros legs are placed. :D

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Postby Satus » 13 years ago

Oh. Is this mouth better? Astro tends to have multiple heights in different versions of things, so I didn't worry about that too much... But now I am wondering if the head is too big.


And thanks.

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the 鉄腕アトム fan
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Postby the 鉄腕アトム fan » 13 years ago

that looks fine :p ,
Go Go Go Assstttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooo Boooooooooooooooooy :astro:

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Postby Satus » 13 years ago

Maybe it would be easier to find if both their bodies were fully shown? So uh, here are the sketches and the line art seperated.


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Postby Gotta Love ASTRO BOY » 13 years ago

@Satus; :w00t: Astro looks ten times better now that the mouth is smaller! Wow what a little change with such fabulous results! Good job Satus :D

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